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Pierre Orosz - SOF - March 1996
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Article paru dans "Soldier of Fortune" de mars 1996 avec l'interview de Pierre Orosz (un proche de Martial Lekeu).
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Pierre Orosz - SOF - March 1996
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Article paru dans "Soldier of Fortune" de mars 1996 avec l'interview de Pierre Orosz (un proche de Martial Lekeu).
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Article paru dans "Soldier of Fortune" de mars 1996 avec l'interview de Pierre Orosz (un proche de Martial Lekeu).
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Pierre Orosz - SOF - March 1996
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Article paru dans "Soldier of Fortune" de mars 1996 avec l'interview de Pierre Orosz (un proche de Martial Lekeu).
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Legendary mercenary ss De el de Foe ie tg fot) ck at Ting te! nica ‘Cia Del wa a Smee Seta nd anon af Coa te ne Toe 8 en cide tse ene oes Symon ih ng a Tit ingens ea ed sateen cmt ef Afi hercat tbe ol Mtge ‘ctor Dns scrote cop asin Sa Tamme Dj Conse stool decey to ists ot pace sa ey 10 ce ong ten gi, a preteen, ty od ‘yen coe = bie by tumor sa, Pas tke ey wa ‘SoA emer mee i te od weed Ded nd Pepin ele a prt tan es ng eGo Sinn Cn a, Sesor) ssn we ee ta ta aded of epee te cena gy oe Pe SS he Swat ney ‘poses mt ne Ss SFSpeng oa eh es Bo tet Bo Dm pte is 1 fa te pe che oceans on Dovble-Crsted, ye Mee “We were faked; we were com promise” expla one of Denis ey men onthe Comores open, ingen ineview wit SOF. txyone trom [French Prsideal) (hia down was ino. Sl spoting be vera f bis Comoran tam, Licvcnsat Plere Oro, msi foots, Bel. flan arly veteran and seasoned ‘peave ininteratonl exeatve Belgian Merc Claims French Betrayal Protection and scot, spp can td by combined lot of spines Soke as recounted bow he came plicans an ele rly foc, to now Denar also, how the Sep» was neuter that ison} tener 195 mission othe Comarce i Geneva May 1995" Oro bet was allowed tossed nd ten gu gan. "Bot w: knew of each ote fom, Sy monaure of te rene at re ta osptra ia Comsre lanes 2 x4 etn we ln the Snes two As yu might know, in 193 or aay 198, Dena i conference bth Univesity of Centra Prd] We [im Anerct scary and po {etfs Pe cated ih tizaize he conference dnd ime ajo vemre with Dent in Franc, aswel sweat» speci ‘peas Branch within aw company. ‘Oro i bh he conference and the company’s SpecOps pn aed Iisa Hs cont wih Denar However remained sng Began mere ont, "Dena x Dlabed tht he would ave contact forme. fags aol on Ans 17 [1985 gas poe eal sing me were sl intrested Tagan sid esr an from tha unt on "Asal of fc” Oro a mite, "when Denard recited te, ia as may question 1 ‘mgt be stupid but Tm got hat sta Wess, Agus 23, a 1200 hours Pld: 1 nwt was an operation 1a Only Alor west termina [ow int aS any quests became ie Pate Began ea. 1 "the foe was 17,500 ‘to 25000 French france, (about $3450" $5210) Perth vith 5000 Fre bons to be pd ‘pon completion ofthe base fes vated accor: ing teach man's cape Diles and” mission Operation Kesler le On our ays nes, on 2 ‘August, Denard again ‘contacted Oro, this time with ne tata ode-aned the seston wind tht bate the Comoros) He gave tnd place as Denar sph ural outs e Esra beedquus ear soe renehopate eb‘went there, he gave men plane eke canged terminals to Ory Sith and then met wth es sy ni wert el with ‘cate Canary ben "When ‘Ora an is wo Fach companies eved in Teer off Sheraton ny immedily Uke yp with te Imaiing members of the to 3 French mer, toy Sood the spin of thet sal anspt ‘Sp The captain wos tetera of Comoros this ing his ip wa 8 onerted eter ee hp r- Samed the MS lo, Porc inBege, Novaya odd th sate lepions, four Za a ett ee ons of ood ad mare {into of weapon, amano “Moa of the guys were rected 1 scary pont” Ors coat ‘bd sbecaee the oficial mon was 1 digitale espeton Samo of hem wer aves wag in searty and executive proseton in Fane’ Mt of them were aso forme Peach ay parapets He ‘pine that te enh nets wets secoming us, or wa he just eecking if swe were thereon lime Oro wo fered aloud. One Inonth and 18,000 ship and its merce fay crew ave in Going tn Lightly roe sd Dead with a arsenal of Ruger Mini tas, pump shotguns ad ‘ARS all ci fan weapons — and ‘0 nde arms ‘or ney weapce “Ee yore ha Bs ‘weapoo," the Bel The offices had genie, Not us T _Atrnchprop arkeman natin xcrty vas asued 250 Serwieh ane onaber a8 ris cpt fhe vena walkie fd that i ven th walkie sake Frequency was pale. We al Bad f amuno, Eauores ns canousaunpenpe aon ‘woodland amo DUS. No Kevlar, bot weapons all had Red-Dot reed two wage ‘ia the asacation of paaroper, and ‘hough nespapee a seeking seerty ese for Swiss ogy. The fist 140 weak were gue on rar" he real "We did nothing ex st cept allan oar fond week we ba 2 eet pry and ‘Then, the pan uy Islands, and we're LI Prelent" “en evan. | Goin Haein: teiow South Aen, |] ** ass eat ives bese twice |] —— st tow altitude by |} Spiegiar Dakota sinpine || ES RE _ {ail "Ws he there teary he dopa ar iE ‘ven ok is om para soot We als cared CS 2s ba never wed ‘Ne were vey light on ma sie” One reaton the ‘ghly, ross aid, was tecttae. Denard knew Mat Comoros Defense forse (CDE) arsenal wat uffed with eee pur faced AKT, MPSSDs, Us, RPO-Ts and other expos Tem deren tac over beeo under hs ‘mand koa deans Ao ey ah amb fod. gonstngers being seat is soppy. “his operation was sees he lastuctions were tery leat" Orose sid "We tad ery, very pe cll istacons aot 6 ‘hoo sles we were shot {0st Thore was tobe io Toning of the bak there wa60 anything inAis, we ae solders. We flow or sere We sere hited for & military We were’ going thee to make mass No bode," he Belgian Said “Tha was very lear, ad nas ‘wht we cd At the military camp Se eid soot ones. At the Pest ney, we di shoo ack beau we ‘With inelience provided Denard and is meres by a supposedly expe "need team of recon specials — fctunlly-a chunky, midle-aged French blonde, ner eesly nonce: Seip iliead and thei two "oy fend" — the 34 soldiers of forte anrded the Zine t 130 00 25, Sepember for what they uodesioad ‘wou bea aning ona sot, eae Uvely fa bene Wee. ‘A Rough Landing ‘The beach, pat way betwee ‘mecapitat Moon andthe Abas Aiport, ted out to be snob ele couse of rocks and bad ‘Gren Some weapon snd gat ‘ree ost tothe oan tha gh, Orose recalled, Additionally, Denar, who sil safer rom 8 leg wovod recived dig ape ows operon, bad to be ea "edt te eatvan of Ai ea veliles—aSuahidu4, ein an, std to Hight teks — ang tem on The Tox, Camoran soles were slecping I ‘Se thelr bark. It wa fo bo. ‘They were all sleping ouside and thet weapons wee pt on rile ‘ide wih oeks on thom The tes pede stared so. lt wth that Red Dt ain de ‘ees, Oro sai and they did't ‘move They were like sheep. We were lipistd teease we a the ae wed have guatga.” ‘Mean, members of Alpha and Bravo teams withthe ep of sal ‘0p of turncoat CDF slr, su Founte the pon ad erated Cap tla Combo Aft the man pied by Denatd ou he governaent Ane elections nue hele Across the compound, a ts Alpa aad Bavo wese rounding up the femal ‘command Domiaigue Milano Comoran regent Gres eyo {also Koon Commander wiberMs He Bronnng machine un Marge), had the men broken Into four tess: Al Bevo, Char ‘and Dein Apts, Bravo and Dela ‘achhadeigh men, hha eam {aung 10 ees Dia team was Dears sq and along with tet Alp aur jb ‘ras tvatiack Kandace. lg the CDF,” Orosr expiines "Chale team Was to go othe pres eney, tke up poston wile we were tacking Kanan and once Kanan ‘eas ken, walt for Alpha aad Bravo te renfrce thet entering the com pnd. Dela tet took ip potion the main crowrode gla tothe lise camp. "The Belgian mere recounted tow te andthe ater IS nenber of Al hand Bravo team tok Kanda ing Comore soir, Yo! tam” was busy entering the army's ase- ‘tal and securing communications ‘avipment. Within minutes, the ‘per greatest tre ~ the defense force — wat noviralized. Chic residency 1 id tke lng fo he rer ing CDF solders wo figure on what was golag on, Oro vealed, and "hin sx bury we had 450 the 415 soldiers on ou se,” the Bel fan mer boats More Bloodshed Avoided ‘White Ap and evo teams had sae cakewalk of tet misson, ‘rusexpected hc in Chari Team's plans almost tthe entre mission in Jeopardy Them was ig shootout ithe presiteney” Ors sad, "be ‘nase wile Chie Tea was wa ing, seine! sped them in the bres. Bul there's one thing you mast ow" hea, “These were TO Dariulr gays wihia Charlie tam ‘at were forer members of the DOSEs the French CLA} ante {st squd" They made cotact wih Capen Ruby, he Freeh national in ‘hag ofthe Comoran Pesieatl ‘Gia aad inal former DOSE ‘ntenoist sad rember, and a ‘anges peace! akeover "Thar two guys from Challe ‘Team served under Copan RUby” the Belgian eines, "ed hy knee hit ede word "Stans? 8, they ‘went hs vl an called his ode The snd Mee thmtlves: He ‘pened the doar, and immediately ‘led a casei He knew we wee ‘eng Ths vi” Once the pesiescy was taken, President Diohar wa considered 2 etna sone Ors emp ‘zed. ws yj to gard hin ‘Wetook hin ands witeto Kanda and explained hm the skuaon He wast misanted or inerogted He wns signed to residence fr bi cen protection. You could say that 173 percent of te Comers ated at ‘iled. Many of the solic ac been pad oats. We pro Continue on page 75CST Continved from poge 57 ad we et fre is wie, We even allowed his dsupher to ting it fod every dy. When the Fach a "ved the president gue me Peel Tnnguage Koren a git, “etal as not it Another — lager Sretgh iter took pace ot Radio Comoro, whee te mets bal Jets and KPC fe sapped then. expected reslsance Within days, Detar aed his en ha ded as and began the sacond pe ofthe peration: ining ad oping the ‘dense force and making eo ne tal as pose forthe popation. alm Before The Storm ut as sees ashe Operation Kastor ad bes, ie second phe was only calm before the Storm ewig Inthe upper chlo ofthe French goverment. For Death signs wet ominods Iwas cle despite previous agreements and ‘roms camp within te French foveromeat — the sate men at sve Denard the po-ahead forthe tion — were sing to mare pom rfl voles eer to see Den pt bc in peso or taken ou ogee ena’ etemies now cated his fate Operation Aaa te Fro rniitary mission to ae and ne {tz Denad, ae now anderen. vas atte ml amp au ing President Djohis) wen the Foch aived" Oro rc "We ‘ld bear them coming beste of thet Puma etcopats wih 20 ‘tons hig te beach were some ‘of our teams were, Once they ae ‘ached, Denard was bn snost dee nut withthe Pench nepointers tnd arranged for acest fi: He ten Ordered slong wih he Comoran Defense Fons sir Soy tou, ‘0 regroup st Kanda The Belgian sak tat tere was no way any ofthe meresain ese going to tangle withthe French ratoopers coming for them ‘erent there to mile win” Orose i speciy wih an foe lis, or the reach guys twas df nly fees" be contin The {098 coming for ue were gays fom ther old units So hey wet gag to shot them ‘The French tops who took cin Massod Ayoob's Sotto tel BML are caros hancock: | Wate pe Frostcal end To Hand Combat Fert Police Oticer RED CELL peas 1-800-852-4445 "Sed Check or Money Order ta: aa REARS Vics cesceiute pe Nite tiene nitro year by Omega Group \aramerorne i Plghing Firearms [Engr ers esr eet deve _on—| nents iv small arms Swine ology and firearms ate employment tadtiog, (hs Eifed by Sotdter af jer Fortune's Teennical Eator sre | Peer eal Shae eamWolof the iad and arsed hi tnd the west fens en forthe ‘ot like a bunch of bandits, There eas some Kind of mie respec” the Began said Mostly from the resch mriepraropers. Wi fe (COS {Cammandomen des Operations Specter” SpecOpr command), ven the cae Tey: wae Wein 1 mores baat the Beglnng Ne were garde by Pench pa lrooper, which was very good ‘Ora cntincd We wet iva ‘one Conon: wer gout They filed ring denon. We were Stipscareedy however, ut port ing set bck o Frac Denard Realizes Betrayal The Belgian mere sad etl as remember, quite vividly, Dead's Took of suis upon letexng Us bad oo ca Colonel ws the very fist to se de” Oro ead Twas the det he imade wih ie French. Was he sure? Tse him ake 0 10 yeas inom days He wa ose tht oth 252 ek the Colonel had gone over to the Dresieney to debit some. of the ren, and staring October 150m ihe men woul een To Europe tract woul be finished But es ot sone mena ro of te, Lad “Colon you shoul know the answer” And to ows ty, he Tange.” "Tit should prove how sree vay, Oso expned, "He wat 50 ‘re he bad serance fom Pats He Tint telephone, Denard od been betrayed sent 1 iy when Inexpeleced and se Scie pie got ic io ok mee op. : Forget all those theories that Denard was bankroll by South A Heats of some other group,” Oras: sid "That no te, Iwas race, How else do you epi ht om the ‘very sae day there was a Algerian ‘errat bombing ofthe Paris met, Denard wi ble to seal one lon of ‘weapons and explosives [forthe ‘Comores peraon actos the French oder (Hold where the boat vwas—an noone nes? Cote al” That’soe thing.” headed. "Do tere reece could be ough ito 2 ship without anyone noticing? Do you tink you cou rave in a same stipe that was oa bout in 1978 Deni ft Comers eee ihe sane spe acting det No Regrets Like sof Denar’ men, the Bel un said Be as no get and would fo again if the Colonel were in ed to dy, which eke the pres font oft Which is fact The reid if, nd they the French) Saas put Djckar tuck ito power He’ wae pt into place by (formerFrench President] Mitterand and (Chia wd want him. He [Djs] ‘eas he biggest eo the land hes row in ts existe," Orose sd, ely wonder ny he [Dena allowed # numberof Key mise tate place” he wondered aloud Dela Team, thee othe Cao ‘wat ppd abe geading the Cossonds pear the mliy comp String the sta paseo he ope tion Only 00 treters fom, their point, the commandant ofthe Comoran Defense Face Wis tang A meting, guarded by four en We Si thing Two llometers from thet,” he nd we cid ating. We det do Si Why dit we take the PMP Why did't we seem the (Pench ermassy premises? That shouldn't have happened. ‘That shld hav een efit thing we dl | ea ven me a ile #1 wold hing a. Wy a wed Became wed he one od it wea ay to sacrifice Deer Denard Dena it hd eco Mi X, who wou ave cae” 5 Soldier Of Fortune PAA eta Commemorative Knife RRs eel Pees ELT ay i ares creas oye tel Paula Saat roo hee (viens PUR fe s125 ae EOS © Fes rte the Soldier Of Fortune meres Poe eey Pores ey poesia POC ene teens hos EAE = —_ The partioslar position chosen wal depend on he tactal ta Contineed tom page 19 ton For exanpe outdoor wher engagement detences are grster hosting ight a worthy consis. snd where weapon retention nat Staton’ Resecoveredin ie past aprtlon te taghfesy euzso few years by Jel Cooper dunng lovaleg) poston Is fevered AS his esearch on the Scout Rite dstences Geitease ot the Ika oncep the ghost og aight is'a hood" of cont om @ epeco thinommed aperture tha almest__ area Increases, ne Lon Rady Is fades out th sua fold a the abeter sac nthe Low Heady fperator mounts the weapen and tho but of here aoa nth teoks through it towara the front shouder and the muzele de Sight. i's very quick and loses pressed ist enaugh tobe able to ratting Inthe way of accuracy bee to edversatys bands. and poten ational he ghost wasting. The Low Ready allows fing’ sight allows the bineeuar the quickest eacbon time Ute of the yes fo focato targets "High or Low Ready postions land index the weapons font sight are preared nen wobhove at 6 thom vith the dominant eye contact is mminent, bu they can while conning to sean the far~ fet bemainianed tan exeeod got area with the suppor eye. time period whout excess fa {es bath eyes ae kept open) gue When contiual cary tho Depencing on the degree ot fad ie rquied wih constant urgency the wospon wil ly Be dopree of resanes, the Rhode Caren eady postion” Rasy San Read) nil do.” This ready feslon means ena shoot not poston ie emt tho Fig Eng onthe shoulder, tid to the Ready excep ht the mazes back pack inside a rife case or cated ow to tho support sie. Sy cherfoom allows cary.” Rhoden Rene a0 the ow Limited Quantities ‘All Numoered SOF Knife - PO. Box 698 * Boulder, C2» 8osoe Std
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