2016 Application
2016 Application
2016 Application
Exhibitor Information
(limited availability)
(advanced order only) $_______________
Mail Application and payment (checks payable to CSHS Music Boosters) to:
CSHS Music Boosters Spring Craft Show, PO BOX 1066, Orland Park, IL 60462
ALL items for sale MUST be your original work. If any items are purchased for resale, see next
You may be asked to submit pictures your craft. Items not listed on your application may not be
displayed/sold at your booth.
ALL or SOME items for sale have been purchased for resale and are not handmade.
If your items for sale are both purchased and handmade, you are considered a vendor unless you
choose not to display the purchased items.
Only one specific product vendor is allowed (i.e Mary Kay) on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Palos Park Fire Department sets specifications for the show and will inspect the show floor throughout the
weekend. The Fire Marshall requires crafters/Vendors to use heavy duty 3 prong grounded extension cords only
no household extension cords will be permitted NO EXCEPTIONS. Anyone violating the fire codes will be asked to
leave and your fees will be forfeited.
I agree to honor the terms and conditions on the CSHS Music Booster Vendor Agreement for the 2016 Spring Craft
Show. I agree that in the event I am found to be in violation of the terms of the Application & Vendor Agreement, I
will immediately break down by table and leave the school campus without refund of payments made. I understand
that I am responsible for any damage that I may cause. I agree to release, indemnify, and hold harmless Carl
Sandburg Music Boosters, their volunteers, Carl Sandburg High School and Consolidated District 230 from any loss
due to fire, theft, breakage, injury or other cause for myself, my product, or any persons brought at my request or
for my purpose to the Craft Show.
Additionally, I agree to respect my fellow crafters, vendors , school staff and Craft Show volunteers throughout the
Craft Show weekend and resolve any disputes or misunderstandings in a professional manner.
Name (Please Print): _______________________________________________________