Earth Science Name:Sharmet Thomas Class: Earth Science

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Name:Sharmet Thomas
Class: Earth Science


1. What are the height, length and depth of the wave below?
1 = 20

Length-5.5 inches: 110 Ft
Height-.6 inches: 12 Ft
Depth-.5 inches: 10 ft

2. Describe where the tombolo is located.
The tombolo is the part below that connects the two landforms. It is
a bar that extends from one landform, connecting it to an island or
other landform. Please see the arrow below.

3. How did the needle like peninsula on the north side of this island
The turbulent rivers and wind has eroded the land. The sediments
are swept northward in times of flooding and are deposited at the tip
of the South Island.

4. Look at the distribution of riparian vegetation and the shape of the
delta island in this image:
How will these features change if the regions drought worsens? How
will they look if more water is allowed to flow into the system?
If the drought continues, the delta will continue to erode as the rivers
dry up. If more water were allowed to flow into the system, the
habitats would be revived, preventing further erosion and allowing
for rivers and streams to continue to exist.

5. Observe the river in this image of Madagascar
What is an estuary? An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of
brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and
with a free connection to the open sea.
Where is the estuary in this image?
The estuary in this image is copper portion in the middle of the
Describe the shape of the river channel as it approaches the coast.
The shape of the river channel as it approaches the coast is vein
like or stringy.
What makes the river red? Sediment carried by flooding

6. Describe how the reef formed in this image:
The reef was formed by volcanic activity.

7. Describe how the marine terraces in this image formed. Note that
north is to the left in this image.
These were formed by wave and tidal activity of the ocean.

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