Report Revised
Report Revised
Report Revised
Aide Delgado
English 219-042
Professor Erin Lebacqz
December 23, 2015
As a New Mexico Native I have seen this issue go on for years. With a rising
increase of deaths in the state because of car accident fatalities, we can see that
New Mexico has among the worst drivers in the country. As a conductor myself in
the state I am a living witness that we drive with some of the worst drivers. One of
the leading cause of deaths in the country for teens is texting and driving. To add
this issue to our drivers here in NM is a disaster. As a young adult I know this is an
issue that cost precious lives over something so insignificant. Although it is illegal
to text and drive in New Mexico, I dont think the law or our community is doing
enough to prevent this. This action is a careless act for the people on the road in
Compared to the rest of the states, you would assume that our policies would
improve our statistics and facts but they seem to be getting worst throughout the
years. So the question lies in where are we going wrong? The enforcement of these
policies are not being enforced the way they should. As a driver in NM I have
found myself driving on a 65mph freeway and the car next to me is on the phone or
texting. If you look at the chart above you can see that NM is not banded from
Hand-held phone use ban for all drivers. All drivers should always be hand free
on the road. Our lives depend on the accuracy and efficiency of other drivers.
We conducted our research in several ways. 1) We ourselves went into deep observation of what
the causes and effects of texting and driving 2) we investigated some the role of texting in
driving 3) we collected data and compared it to other states. We as an organization each went
with a young teen that we knew personally and drove with the 5-10 times. We each found that A
teen will pick up there phone almost every time sometime while on the road or behind the wheel.
We also found that the mental state that they think they have good concentration, and good
reflexes. These roles played into the situation for why they think texting and driving is ok. Next
we wanted to investigate what role did texting and driving take when it came to deaths, crashes,
and driving. We found that most people are impaired by this situation. People are more likely to
drive incautiously when using their phone device. Distracted driving is adding the the causes of
these factors on the road. Lastly we collected data that proved that there is a problem specifically
in NM. On the New Mexico state government website for transportation we found an enormous
section dedicated to DWI. However we found close to nothing on texting and driving. They
issued the importance of how it was dangerous to drink and drive and it is true but for there to be
no education on texting and driving really concerns me. We also collected data by interviewing
some young teens around the community about their drivers Ed courses. Although most of them
said they did have a texting and driving section, they said that is the only time they have some
across that topic in a course. So what about adults who havent gone to drivers Ed in years and
forget their fundamentals. I know it happens to everyone where they begin to get comfortable in
the road and start speeding and doing all these other things. This is why more texting and driving
should be brought upon for more awareness.
The results lead me to think we need more education, awareness, and enforcement on texting
and driving. The results have shown in our state as bad driving. The results of this methodology
in distracted driving are the lack of importance. We have taken lives for granted over a text
message. The results is the loss of respect on the road, the respect for others lives. We often do
this so occasionally that we forget, distracted driving is a crime. The results are plain and simple,
deaths and fatalities. We should not injure someone for life nor take their life because of the lack
of education we have on distracted driving. Moving aside from this even those who seem to
know about the dangers of this seems to think its ok to text and drive. The results have shown
that people are aware of the risks and dangers of this habit but continue to do so. I think it goes
back to our foundation of skills and education. We must think before them, we must think before
people even drive. We must teach them the consequences of distracted driving. The results have
shown the lack of interest for this matter. People seem to not care enough to change.
For a normal human being, I think taking someones life away is a good enough of a reason not
to do something. The lack of interest and demand in distracted driving is what intends to be the
problem. People think oh it wont happen to me till its too late. People should care because its a
danger to yourself and others on the road. Think of this, yourself driving home after work and
your mom texts you where are you? Would replying on my way home account for some high
school senior life on her way to her graduation ceremony? I think typing those four letters would
haunt me for the rest of my life. To know I had taken away a bright future out of the selfishness
of my carelessness. Whats most important here is saving lives.
Furthermore we have seen the problem, the causes, and the potential
solution. We as state must make a step to better our laws, policies, and
enforcement on texting and driving. Deaths are being the end result of
this issue. We must make an effort to reduce this careless act and
promote better driving. As simple as this may seem its something as
easy as doing it. According to New Mexico remains
one of the dozen or so states with no restrictions on texting while
driving. With the exception of novice drivers, there is no state-wide
Reference Sheet
(Jennifer K. Ibrahim, PhD, MPH, Evan D. Anderson, JD, Scott C. Burris, JD, Alexander
C. Wagenaar, PhD, State Laws Restricting Driver Use of Mobile Communications
Devices Distracted-Driving Provisions, 19922010, June 2011)
(J.D. Catherine Chase , U.S. State and Federal Laws Targeting Distracted
Driving, March 2014)
(Neil M. Issar, The link between texting and motor vehicle collision frequency
in the orthopaedic trauma population, June 2013)