Rudolph Kindness

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Some key takeaways from the story are that bullying can make its targets feel excluded and alone, and celebrating differences is important.

The story of Rudolph conveys that bullying can isolate its targets and make them feel like outsiders, but their differences may end up helping others in the end.

Hermey expresses interest in becoming a dentist, but the other elves do not approve of this non-traditional career path for a male elf.

Classroom Guidance Lesson Plan

Sunset Ridge Elementary

Mindy Willard
Third-Fifth Grades
Date: December 2012
Lesson Topic: Rudolph and Bullying
Obj: To identify what bullying behavior looks like
Obj: To identify the roles of the bully, the
bystander, and the targets.
Obj: To identify ways bystanders can make a
bullying situation better.

ASCA Standards
PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and


Activity II Discussion
a. From birth Rudolph is told that he doesnt
fit in and has to hide his true self. Even
his family is not accepting of him. How do
you think Rudolph felt at this point in the
movie? How would you feel if your parents
did not accept something about you?
b. The boss elf yells at Hermey because he
says he wants to be a dentist. How does
Hermey feel in that scene? What do you
think Hermey should be when he grows
up? What are his interests now that can
help him make that decision? Name some
careers that are non-traditional for
males/females. How might it feel to enter
into a career that is non-traditional for
your gender?

PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and

inappropriate behaviors.
PS:B1.4 Develop effective coping skills for dealing
with problems
PS:C1.3 Learn about the differences between
appropriate and inappropriate physical contact

Materials- Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer video

(lesson plan adapted from,
Letter Head to Rudolph

Anticipatory Set:
1. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
2. Who knows Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?
a. Lets sing it!
3. What is this story about?
a. Guide discussion to bullying
4. Define Misfit
Activity I Watch Video (48min)
a. Stop movie and ask questions if possible
b. Watch entire movie, ask questions at end.

Have children take note of the bullying

behaviors they saw in the movie.

What types of bullying did you see from

the other reindeer during the reindeer
games? Who was the only reindeer to
befriend Rudolph (Clarece). Did the adults
help Rudolph? What types of bullying did
you see in this scene? (name calling,
isolation, exclusion) If you were one of
those reindeer what would you have said
or done in this situation?

d. Rudolph, Hermey and Yukon Cornelius are

friends to the misfit toys. How do thy
help the misfit toys? (in the end of the
story they help them find homes helping
others who are excluded).

How did the very things that Rudolph and

Hermey get made fun of help everyone in
the end?


Why is it important to celebrate our


Activity III- Write a letter to Rudolph

a. Write a letter to Rudolph explaining how
you feel about what happened to him and what you
would have done if you were there during the
Reindeer Games.

Dear Rudolph,


Name: __________________________

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and


In the box below, tally the number of times you see someone being kind in this video.

1. Rudolphs family is not accepting of him. How do you think Rudolph feels at the
beginning when his parents are disappointed with his red nose?

2. How would you feel if your parents didnt accept something about you?

3. Hermey the Elf doesnt want to make toys, what does he want to do instead?

4. What kind of a career do you want to have in the future? Why?

5. How is Hermey treated by the other elves?

6. During the Reindeer Games, Rudolph is bullied by the other reindeer. What types of
things do they do to him?

7. What would you have done if you were there?

8. Who is the only reindeer to befriend or show kindness to Rudolph? What did she do
that was kind? How did that make Rudolph feel?
9. Who is someone that is kind to you? What do they do that is kind?
Who is someone that you are kind to? In what ways do you show kindness to
that person?

Rudolph chose to run away because of the bullying. What could he have
done differently to handle the problem?

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