Sample Viva Questions

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1. Define logic gates.

2. Differentiate positive logic and negative logic.
3. Explain the term universal gate.
4. Name the gates that are used as universal gates. Explain.
5. State Demorgans theorem.
6. Define propagation delay.
7. What is meant by duality in Boolean algebra?
8. Show that the dual of the exclusive OR is equal to its complement.
9. Show that a positive logic NAND gate is a negative logic NOR gate.
10. Which type of logic gate is faster?
11. Define LSI, SSI and MSI. Give some examples.
12. What is a tri-state gate?
13. What is the function of multiplexers selection input?
14. List the applications of multiplexers.
15. How does an encoder differ from a decoder?
16. What is meant by magnitude comparator?
17. What is the purpose of cascading inputs of IC 7485?
18. How does a priority encoder differ from an ordinary encoder?
19. State the difference between combinational logic and sequential logic.
20. Define latch and flip-flop.
21. What is the advantage of JK flip-flop over SR flip-flop?
22. What is meant by edge triggering?
23. What is meant by level triggering?
24. Give the difference between positive edge triggering and negative edge triggering.
25. List the applications of flip-flop.
26. What is a ripple counter?
27. State the difference between asynchronous counter and synchronous counter.
28. What is a modulus counter?
29. Define shift register.
30. Why are registers considered to be basic memory devices?
31. Define synchronous counter.

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