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Tech teacher receives great honor

Reagan Cabaniss, Senior

Hoi Geswender has been chosen by

her fellow colleagues to be the high
schools Teacher of the Year.
I am so honored to be chosen as
CHS Teacher of The Year. I love my
colleagues and my students in Clinton
High School. I love the Clinton community, said Geswender
According to Geswender, at the age
of 16, and as a Vietnamese refugee in
1975, the dream of becoming a teacher
was destroyed by the English language
My family had to escape Vietnam
due to my fathers employment with
the American Government for over 25
years. Education was always priority
with my parents. When we arrived at
Guams refugee camp, not knowing
what the future would be, my parents
gave me up for adoption to a Philippine family with the condition that I
must finish high school and college.
The family gave me back to my parents after one day because I would not
stop crying, said Geswender

Whenever she and her family first

settled in Clinton, she started working at Kluvers Furniture Store, and
graduated from Clinton High School
in 1978.
After finishing high school, she
married her husband Kurt, and finished her college degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in
1982. Then in 1989, she went back to
SWOSU to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher, and earned her education career degree and her masters
degree in 2007.
Geswender has taught business
and information technology for 15
years. She also helps out with Student
Council and Business Professionals
of America. Outside of school, she is
qualified to help with Business and
Finance with Kluvers and World Finance Company, and Insurance Agent
for Farmers Insurance Company.
As a classroom teacher, my greatest contributions and accomplishments
are directly related to the success of
my students. My constant self-eval-

uation, continued personal learning,

and school and community involvement provide me with the tools needed to maximize my students potential. Each evening I examine my day,
and each morning I start fresh with an
open-mind. This effort to self-evaluate
on a daily basis means that my students will benefit from new ideas and
from fresh approaches to old ones. In
considering the needs of students and
classes, I make use of all available resources, said Geswender.
She has been married to Kurt for
the last 38 years and has two daughters: Colby and Stacy.
Geswender enjoys spending time
with her grandkids and family. Her
hobbies include cooking, learning
computer skills, and traveling with her
brother and five sisters. She also enjoys school and community involvements with her Student Council members.
Her students and Student Council
members enjoy her bubbly attitude in
and out of her classroom.

Hoi Geswender

Mrs. Geswender has a very caring heart with an awesome personality, and she loves to help her students,
said Carly Youngberg, jr.
Geswender loves to watch her students get excited with computer skills
that they have learned in her classes
and are committed to make their future career from it.
I love to watch them hesitate to
learn new computer programs at first,
then a few weeks later, stand next to
me and say I really like this program.
its pretty cool,said Geswender.

Santas Ugly Christmas Sweaters

This week the Tornado Talks staff hosted their

second annual Ugly Chrsitmas Sweater Contest. Elly
Martin, sr., took a first place prize for her tree
skirt and her santa toilet cover decoration. Hadley
Krewall, fr., took second place. Cyle Heard,sr.,
placed third. Conor Wyer, so., also took second
place honors. Mr. Ron Smith recieved third, and
Mrs. Donna Taylor took first place honors. Contests


Page 2.................Opinions
Page 4 & 5................Sports
Page 6 & 7............. Feature

were judged during both lunches. Winners took home

Hutchs gift cards complimentory of Tornado Talks
staff. They were judged off of creativity and ugliness. Tornado Talks editor, Jessie Cornell, sr., said,
This is such a fun contest to judge because of how
much thought people put into making their outfits
ugly. I hope this becomes a school tradition and continues to happen after I graduate.

Story and art design by Jessie Cornell



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