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Narrow It Down
Narrow It Down
Narrow It Down
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Narrow It Down

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About this ebook

When author David J. Bates left the active duty military at age twenty-two in 1998, he had no idea what he was going to do with the rest of his life. A fortuitous meeting on the interstate led him to Dallas, Texas, where he was tasked to establish a Leadership Cadet Corps at the middle-school level to boost student performance.

In Narrow It Down, Bates details the insight he gained during the establishment and facilitating of that program using his experience gained during his military service. Through the eyes of an educator, this combination of educational guide and memoir discusses the lessons he learned in this educational setting and touches on specific priorities that enable educators to focus on whats important in the classroom and in life.

Bates shares ideas that could create a better educational systemone that encourages pro-active thinking to solve problems.

Praise for Narrow It Down

Narrow It Down is a book about making a difference in the things you can control and focuses on raising the bar when it comes to the educational system. Programs like Coach Bates can significantly help in keeping young North Texansthe future of our great state and nationin school, and I applaud him on his efforts to build this program.
Congressman Pete Sessions
PublisherAbbott Press
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Narrow It Down

David J. Bates

David J. Bates is a Leadership Cadet Corps instructor in Dallas, Texas. He opened the Marsh Military Museum and has led the Marsh Leadership Cadet Corps to the national championship among middle schools for three of the past six years.

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    Narrow It Down - David J. Bates







    David J. Bates

    Narrow It Down

    Copyright © 2012 David J. Bates

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    ISBN: 978-1-4582-0693-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4582-0692-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012921787

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    Chapter 1.     In The Beginning

    Chapter 2.     No Excuses

    Chapter 3.     Above And Beyond

    Chapter 4.     Rotc Defined

    Chapter 5.     The Patriot

    Chapter 6.     Where Are The Men?

    Chapter 7.     The Corps

    Chapter 8.     Stephanie’s Testimony

    Chapter 9.     Sense Of Entitlement

    Chapter 10.   Motivation Starts Early

    Chapter 11.   The Forefront

    Chapter 12.   Narrow It Down

    Chapter 13.   Meeting Elena

    Chapter 14.   Parent Classes

    Chapter 15.   We Are All Connected

    Chapter 16.   Come Together

    Chapter 17.   Making And Saving Money For Schools

    Chapter 18.   The Museum


    Generally speaking, education reaches into many facets of our lives. It is not finished when we are done with college. My experiences within the teaching field have yielded tremendous results in a short period of time. I wrote this book to tell of my philosophies in education, gathered through the success of my school’s Leadership Cadet Corps program. Such philosophies can be applied to all aspects of life. It gives an account of how a myriad of ideas can be achieved through a no excuses self-commitment and a realization that we are all connected. By offering a new set of ideas for the educational system, we are giving our children the key to the American dream.


    Elena Bates and Laney Bates

    The Bates and Luna Families

    The Barth Family

    Bill and Betty Coker

    Stephanie Escobar

    Dolores Hoffman, Contributor

    Colleen Lowry

    Kyle Richardson

    U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions

    Major Morris Shepherd

    Carlotta Thomas

    The Vazquez Family

    Bob Womer


    Corporal David Bates heard the door open to his office at the Thomas C. Marsh Middle School Leadership Cadet Corps building in Dallas, Texas. When he looked up, Mrs. Coker stood in the doorway. She was all of four feet nine inches tall and holding a cookie tin in one hand and a cane in the other. As a neighbor of the school, she would always bring the students and teachers homemade cookies at the start of the school year, as well as donations for their program.

    May I come in, Mr. Bates? she asked.

    Of course, Mrs. Coker, David said, pulling up a chair for her.

    I realize I didn’t call first, but I assumed you would be here, she said, hanging the cane on the edge of the chair.

    I’m always available for you. What brings you by today?

    Mrs. Coker handed him the tin of cookies.

    I wanted to drop this by. Good luck with the new school year; my husband and I love what you’re doing with the kids. They always look so neat and polished. She smiled. And here is something from us.

    It was a three-hundred-dollar check.

    Thank you so much. We appreciate you and your husband. How is he?

    Well, his cancer has come back, but he starts his treatments on Tuesday. He feels good, and that’s all that matters.

    Please give my regards, and tell him anything he needs, please let me know. My students and I will see that he gets it, David said, helping her up.

    As she went to leave, she inquired about the glass case with two old World War II covers behind his desk. David explained it was the start of a museum that he intended to build.

    I wish you much luck, she said.

    Thank you, Mrs. Coker; I’ll have one of my students help you out.

    The next morning, David and his fifty cadets made cards out of construction paper that said, Thank you very much for the donation and the cookies. We are thinking of your husband. God Bless.

    A week

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