Social Studies - Australia Christmas

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Grade: One Subject: Social Studies

Date: December 7, 2015

Goals/Key questions
Goals: Questions: How is Christmas celebrated in other countries? What is
Christmas like in Australia?
Students will learn about Australia at Christmas time.
Objective (connected to PofS):
GLO: 1.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how
changes over time have affected their families and influenced how their families
and communities are today.
SLO: 1.2.1 Appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their families
and communities to the present: acknowledge and respect symbols of heritage
and traditions in their family and communities
1.2.2 Analyze how their families and communities in the present are influenced
by events or people of the past by exploring and reflecting upon: What are some
examples of traditions, celebrations, and stories that started in the past and
continued today in their families and communities.
Science: GLO: 17:Construct objects and models of objects, using a variety of
different materials

Pre lesson Considerations

Lesson overview of main ideas to be learned and prelearning required:
Students know that Christmas is celebrated differently around the world.
Materials needed/preset up required/logistical considerations needed
(seating arrangement):
Map Oxford Atlas
6 White Boomers Song (YouTube)
12 Days of Aussie Christmas (YouTube)
Moon Sand
Candy Canes
Candy Cane holders


Time est:

What is the teacher doing?

What are the


Will have students sit at the smartboard rug.

Will explain that in Australia their Christmas is
quite different than ours. Will show students
where Australia is on the map. Will explain that
when we have our winter, they are actually
having their summer because of the position of
the Earth. So they celebrate Christmas
differently then us. What does our Christmas
look like (winter, cold, snow, pine trees,
skating, sledding). What do you think their
Christmas might look like? Will explain that
some people actually spend their Christmas
surfing, playing at the beach, building

Students will
listen and answer

snowmen out of sand. Because they celebrate

Christmas differently many of their Christmas
songs are also different than ours. We are
going to listen/watch some christmas songs for
an Australian Christmas. Songs are also ways
to learn about different parts of the world.
Activity 1
Time est:


Activity 2
Time Est:


Will watch the two Aussie Christmas song

videos. Will ask students what they noticed.
What was different than our Christmas songs?
What did you find interesting? Will explain that
they have different animals than us that are
symbols of Christmas for them. Will explain
that we will be doing some of the things kids in
Australia might do for christmas.

Students will
answer questions

Will split the class into two. One group will go

to the moon sand station (square table) where
they will try to make a sand snowman. And the
other group will go to the rectangle table
where they will make their candy cane holders.

Students will go
to the station as

Students will go to the moon sand station or

the candy cane holder station and will then

Students will
work on their
stations and then
switch when

Will have students clean up and come to the

reading rug. Will review what they learned.

Students will
come to the
reading rug and
review what has
been learned.

Assessment: Observation & Conversation: Will observe to see if students are

participating and discussing the topic. Will see if they can recognize what makes
Australia unique during Christmas.
Accommodations/Modifications: Will work with students one on one and will
discuss what happens during Christmas for some families in Australia
Extension and extra time activity: Students will write in their journals something
they learned.

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