Grade 1 Food Lessons
Grade 1 Food Lessons
Grade 1 Food Lessons
Core Vocabulary
exercising, v. Participating in activity that uses physical effort, carried out
especially to sustain or improve health and fitness
Example: The children are exercising on the playground.
Variation(s): exercise, exercises, exercised
healthy, adj. Strong and well
Example: To stay healthy, Mimi gets plenty of sleep every night.
Variation(s): none
nutritious, adj. Full of vitamins and nutrients to keep you healthy
Example: Every day, Luke ate a nutritious lunch with fruits and
Variation(s): none
At a Glance
Brainstorming Links
Comprehension Questions
10 minutes
Brainstorming Links
Tell students that the name of todays read-aloud is Five Keys to
Health. Explain that the term key here refers to habits that support
healthy living. Remind them that a healthy body is one that is
strong and well. Then ask them what they have already learned
about staying healthy. Tell them to try to think of five different
ways to stay healthy and record their responses on a piece of
chart paper, a chalkboard, or a whiteboard. Remember to repeat
and expand upon each response using richer and more complex
vocabulary, including, if possible, any read-aloud vocabulary.
15 minutes
1.) EAT WELL. Your body needs lots of energy to keep it going.
You need energy to work and play. You need energy to grow.
Energy comes from food. Food is the fuel your body runs on,
just like a car runs on gas. But some foods are much better for
you than others. The best foods to keep you going and growing
are nutritious foods. They have lots of nutrients, such as protein
and vitamins that help keep you well. Nutritious foods include
fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, brown rice, nuts, fish, and
Show image 8A-3: Junk food 2
2 Look at this picture and tell me
how these foods are different
from the ones you saw in the last
3.) SLEEP. After you have spent a day at work and play, you feel
tired. That is a sign that you need to recharge your body. How can
you do this? By going to sleep! Sleep rests your body and helps
clear your mind for the next day. If you dont get enough sleep,
you may feel grouchy, and your brain wont work as well. Children
need between ten and twelve hours of sleep every night. That
means that if you have to get up at seven oclock in the morning
to get ready for school, you should be in bed sometime between
seven and nine oclock at night. A well-rested body will stay
healthier, too. 3
4.) KEEP CLEAN. Washing with soap and water will get rid of
germs that could make you sick. So jump into that bubble bath or
shower, and scrub. Dont forget to wash your hair with shampoo,
too. You will look, smell, and feel good!
Show image 8A-9: Child washing hands
Wash your hands often during the daybefore you eat, after you go
to the bathroom, and whenever they look dirty. When your fingernails
look dirty, you should scrub underneath them with a brush. Washing
your hands often is a great way to wash germs down the drain.
Show image 8A-10: Child brushing teeth
4 Brush here means to clean your
teeth. The word brush also is the
word used to refer to the thing you
use to brush your teeth (a tooth
brush) or to paint a picture (a paint
And dont forget to brush, brush, brush your teeth at least twice
a day. 4 Use dental floss in between your teeth. This washes away
the germs that cause cavities. Then you will have a bright, clean
smile that says, I take good care of my body!
5.) HAVE CHECKUPS. Germs are all around us. They are on
plants and animals, in food and in water. Most of the time germs
dont harm us, but what if you wake up one morning with a
headache, a fever, and a sore throat? Uh-oh! Some germs have
made you sick! Since your body has natural ways to fight most
germs, you will probably feel better in a few days. 5 If not, you
should go to see a doctor like me who can give you medicine to
help you get well.
Even when youre feeling terrific, it is important to have regular
checkups with a pediatrician at least once a year. Your doctor will
make sure you are healthy and growing. He or she will also help
keep you from getting diseases by giving you vaccinations or other
medicines. I always look forward to seeing how much my patients
have grown when they come in for their wellness checkups after
each birthday.
There you have it: Dr. Welbodys five fun and easy ways to take
care of your body. I hope youll try them all. And now, before I go,
lets give a healthy body cheer!
YES, YES, YES to veggies,
To fruit and chicken, too!
NO to too much candy
Cause its not good for you!
YES, YES, YES to washing,
To exercise and rest!
Cause strong and healthy bodies
Are bodies at their BEST! YES!
15 minutes
10 minutes
Literal Did Dr. Welbodys five keys to health match the ones you
named before hearing the read-aloud? (Answers may vary.) See
if you can list all of Dr. Welbodys five keys to health. (eat well,
exercise, sleep, keep clean, and have checkups)
Inferential What are some things that you can do to help keep
your body clean? (wash hands often with soap and water,
bathe regularly, keep fingernails clean, brush teeth)
Inferential What are some ways that you exercise your body?
(Answers may vary.)
[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students,
as necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
I am going to ask a question. I will give you a minute to think about
the question, and then I will ask you to turn to your neighbor and
discuss the question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share
what you discussed with your partner.
Think of a nutritious food that you have eaten today. Try to use
the word nutritious when you tell about it. [Ask two or three
students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase the students
responses: One nutritious food that I ate today . . .]
5 minutes
20 minutes
[Show Poster 5M: Brush.] How was the word brush used in
the sentence you just heard? [Have students hold up one,
two, three, or four fingers to indicate which image on the
poster shows this meaning.]
Brush can also mean other things. Brush can mean a place
that has a lot of bushes and small trees. [Have students hold
up one, two, three, or four fingers to indicate which image on
the poster shows this meaning.]
In the read-aloud you heard, The best foods that give you
energy are nutritious foods that have lots of nutrients.
Talk with your partner using the word nutritious and what
you have learned about the word nutritious from the chart.
Remember to use complete sentences.
Lesson Objectives
Core Content Objectives
Students will:
Explain the importance of a balanced diet
Explain that the food pyramid is one way to depict a balanced
Identify the component food groups in a balanced diet
Core Vocabulary
balanced diet, n. A diet that includes a variety of foods from each of the
six food groupsgrains, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat and beans, and
Example: Jeannettes father made sure she had a balanced diet by
serving a variety of foods throughout the day.
Variation(s): balanced diets
nutrients, n. The parts of food that provide nourishment for the body to stay
Example: Nutrients include minerals, vitamins, and water.
Variation(s): nutrient
pyramid, n. A shape with triangular sides
Example: At the beach the children built a pyramid in the sand.
Variation(s): pyramids
At a Glance
What Have We Already Learned?
chart paper
chart paper, chalkboard, or
Comprehension Questions
MyPlate Magic
10 minutes
Eat Well
Keep Clean
Have Checkups
Brainstorming Links
Tell students that todays read-aloud is called The Pyramid
Pantry. Write the word pyramid on a piece of chart paper, a
chalkboard, or a whiteboard, and tell them that they are going to
brainstorm things that come to mind when they hear the word
pyramid. Instruct students to brainstorm all the words, concepts,
phrases, etc., they can think of connected to the word pyramid. If
students mention the Egyptian pyramids, you might want to say
that they will learn more about them in the Early World Civilizations
15 minutes
My pyramid menu is one way to help you figure all this out. The
foods are divided into groups. Each group has a different-colored
stripe on the pyramid: 4
Orange: for grains, like bread and cereal
Green: for vegetables, like carrots and green beans
Red: for fruits, like apples and oranges
Blue: for milk and milk products
Purple: for meat and beans
Some stripes are wider than others. You should choose most of
your foods from the groups with wider stripes, because you need
more of these foods to stay healthy. Each stripe gets narrower as
it goes up the pyramid. Thats because every food group has some
foods that are better for you than others.
Look at the picture and tell me what foods you think belong to
the next group on the food pyramid. 7 Thats rightits vegetables!
Vegetables come in a rainbow of colorsred, orange, yellow,
green, blue, purple, and white. Did you know that the color of a
vegetable tells what it can do for your body? For example, dark
green veggies like broccoli and spinach help build strong teeth
and bones. Orange vegetables like carrots help you see well.
Fried vegetables like onion rings and French fries are less healthy
for your body because they are cooked in oil and fat. So, just
remember to choose a rainbow of vegetables, raw or cooked (but
hardly ever fried), and your body will get the nutrients it needs.
Show image 9A-6: Fruit
Raise your hand if you like to eat fruit. Fruits are delicious and
come in beautiful colors. Does anyone see one of your favorite
fruits in the picture? 8 Just like vegetables, it is important to
choose a rainbow of fruits to get all the nutrients your body needs.
The best fruits to choose are fresh fruits like the ones you see in
the picturepineapples, oranges, bananas, grapes, pears and
blueberries. Dried fruits and canned fruits, jams and jellies, and
fruit pies are all good too; just dont eat too many of them. Can
anyone guess why? 9 Thats rightbecause they often contain
Look at this picture and tell me what you see. 10 This is the
milk group. But, as you can see, it includes other things as well
products made from milk, like cheese and yogurt. These things
provide your body with calcium and protein things it needs to
make strong teeth and bones and help you grow. 11 Its best to
choose low-fat milk and milk foods, like skim milk, low-fat cheese,
and low-fat yogurt. Eat fewer fatty or sweet foods like American
cheese, frozen yogurt, ice cream, and milk shakes.
The last group is meat and beans. Beef, pork, chicken, fish,
and turkey all belong to this group. But look at the picture. Do you
see anything that doesnt seem to belong? Yes, eggs and beans.
So, why are they there? They contain protein, just like meat.
These different foods all work in the same way to help your body
grow and move because they all contain protein. Its best to eat
the meats grilled or roasted instead of fried in fatty cooking oil or
butter. That means you should choose smaller amounts of fried
chicken, chicken nuggets, hamburgers, and fish sticks.
Show image 9A-9: Food pyramid
15 minutes
10 minutes
Literal What is the name of the food group that includes rice,
bread, and cereal? (grains) Can you name some other things that
are in the grains group? (popcorn, rice cakes, oatmeal, crackers,
Evaluative Can you name some foods that are in the fruits
group? (Answers may vary.)
Evaluative What? Pair Share: Asking questions after a readaloud is one way to see how much everyone has learned.
Think of a question you can ask your neighbor about the readaloud that starts with the word what. For example, you could
ask, What food group do cherries and oranges belong to?
Turn to your neighbor and ask your what question. Listen to
your neighbors response. Then your neighbor will ask a new
what question, and you will get a chance to respond. I will call
on several of you to share your questions with the class.
5 minutes
Can you name some foods that could be part of a balanced diet?
Try to use the words balanced diet when you tell about it. [Ask
two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase the
students responses:
is/are part of a balanced diet.]
Above and Beyond: For those students who are ready to do so,
have them write sentences describing their meals. For example,
My favorite foods for breakfast are bacon, eggs, toast with butter
and jam, and a glass of orange juice.
Have students share their pictures and writing with the class,
discussing whether their choices reflect balanced diets.
20 minutes