2015 Research Project
2015 Research Project
2015 Research Project
Choose a historical or contemporary photographer with a substantial and distinguished body of work.
See me for approval! You may not research the same photographer as any of your classmates. All
images in your presentation must be school appropriate. Start browsing here:
(See http://atleearts.weebly.com/research-links an approved list of photographers)
There will be three parts to this research project: a written portion, slide presentation, and shooting
assignment. You will have class time to work on the research, but anything not completed during that
time must be done at home. You will need to take at least two rolls of film for this assignment. Shoot
in the same STYLE as your photographer, matching both their subject matter and compositional
techniques (you are not trying to copy images exactly, but capturing the same essence of their work.
Ten points will be deducted for each class your paper, presentation, or film is turned in late.
1. Written Portion:
You must create a Google Doc inside the folder you shared with me. Your writing should consist of
650-100 words, double-spaced and Arial 12pt font. This works out to be 2 -3 pages, so DONT
PANIC! You must site at least THREE sources included on your last slide in the presentation.
Dont limit yourself to just internet sources. See me for photography books or search the library and
book stores. Points will be deducted for grammatical errors and poorly written sentence structure.
DONT PLAIGERIZE (this will result in no credit for the written portion).
Part 1: Artist Background. Start with a brief history of your artist. Tell where they grew up,
attended school, etc. Try to find as much information as possible about who/what their
influences were, and how their work progressed. (75-100 words).
Part 2: Portfolio Critique. You will need to choose 5 different examples from the artists
portfolio. Start your critique of each image with a detailed description of exactly what you see
in the photograph. Include any observations about how the photograph was taken such as
depth of field, subject distance, point of view, framing, leading lines, and rule of thirds. Then
analyze individual design elements (line, shape, form, space, value, texture) and principles
(balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm). The last thing you will need to do is provide an
interpretation of the meaning behind each work. (500-800 words).
Part 3: Synopsis. Explain the overall similarities you observe in your artists shooting style
including subject matter, compositional techniques, and message. (75-100 words).
2. Powerpoint Presentation:
You must create Google Slides inside the folder you shared with me. You will present a 5-8 minute
presentation on your photographer, which includes 10 slides. You must adhere to this time period!
Your presentation should be professional and well prepared. You may choose to reference
abbreviated note cards or a printed outline. YOU MAY NOT READ YOUR PAPER OR READ OFF
Slide 1-3: Artist Background. Include information about the artist on the first few slides, but
use bullet points and KEEP IT BRIEF. Too much information will be hard to follow. You may
include any corresponding images, but do not overwhelm the viewer with too much on one
slide. (3 slides).
Slide 4-8: Body of Work. This should consist of approximately 5 images of their work.
Remember you will need to describe analyze, and interpret each image. You will have
approximately one minute to talk about each one. Make sure you save high resolution images
to bring them into PowerPoint so they are not too blurry. Please only put ONE IMAGE PER
SLIDE. Include titles and dates if they are available for each image. Do not include lengthy
text, as you will not be permitted to read directly from the slide. (5 slides).
Slide 9: Synopsis. This slide is important for you to demonstrate your understanding of your
photographers style. This will determine exactly how you will be shooting. (1 slide).
Slide 10: Works Cited. Include the links to any websites visited for information.(1 slide).
Total _____100
Total _____100