Purdue Owl
Purdue Owl
Purdue Owl
Contributors:Allen Brizee.
This handout provides information on visual rsum design.
Rsum Design
This handout offers advice for making informed design choices in creating a rsum.
We also have a sample rsum that uses these design principles available in the media
section above.
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Purdue OWL
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Purdue OWL
Purdue University
W. Lafayette, IN
B.A Professional Writing
To create columns of text, you can use the table function in Microsoft Word to create
vertical and horizontal placements for your information.
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Purdue OWL
for descriptions.
The key to using fonts in your rsum is to be consistent. For example, if you decide
to use a sans-serif font for a main heading, do so for all your headings, and use the
same sans-serif font each time. Generally, you should use no more than two fonts in
your rsum. Remember that you want to keep the reader reading; you do not want to
create too many "tricks" for the reader's eye.
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Purdue OWL
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