Module 3 Regular Expressions
Module 3 Regular Expressions
Module 3 Regular Expressions
Searching for required patterns and extracting only the lines/words matching the pattern is a very
common task in solving problems programmatically. We have done such tasks earlier using string
slicing and string methods like split(), find() etc. As the task of searching and extracting is very
common, Python provides a powerful library called regular expressions to handle these tasks
elegantly. Though they have quite complicated syntax, they provide efficient way of searching the
The regular expressions are themselves little programs to search and parse strings. To use them in our
program, the library/module re must be imported. There is a search() function in this module, which
is used to find particular substring within a string. Consider the following example –
import re
fhand = open('myfile.txt') for line in
line = line.rstrip()
if'how', line): print(line)
By referring to file myfile.txt that has been discussed in previous Chapters, the output would be –
In the above program, the search() function is used to search the lines containing a word
One can observe that the above program is not much different from a program that uses find()
function of strings. But, regular expressions make use of special characters with specific meaning. In
the following example, we make use of caret (^) symbol, which indicates beginning of the line.
import re
hand = open('myfile.txt') for line in
line = line.rstrip()
if'^how', line): print(line)
Here, we have searched for a line which starts with a string how. Again, this program will not makes
use of regular expression fully. Because, the above program would have been
written using a string function startswith(). Hence, in the next section, we will understand the true
usage of regular expressions.
Character Meaning
^ (caret) Matches beginning of the line
$ Matches end of the line
. (dot) Matches any single character except newline. Using option m, then
newline also can be matched
[…] Matches any single character in brackets
[^…] Matches any single character NOT in brackets
re* Matches 0 or more occurrences of preceding expression.
re+ Matches 1 or more occurrence of preceding expression.
re? Matches 0 or 1 occurrence of preceding expression.
re{ n} Matches exactly n number of occurrences of preceding expression.
re{ n,} Matches n or more occurrences of preceding expression.
re{ n, m} Matches at least n and at most m occurrences of preceding expression.
a| b Matches either a or b.
(re) Groups regular expressions and remembers matched text.
\d Matches digits. Equivalent to [0-9].
\D Matches non-digits.
\w Matches word characters.
\W Matches non-word characters.
\s Matches whitespace. Equivalent to [\t\n\r\f].
\S Matches non-whitespace.
\A Matches beginning of string.
\Z Matches end of string. If a newline exists, it matches just before
\z Matches end of string.
\b Matches the empty string, but only at the start or end of a word.
\B Matches the empty string, but not at the start or end of a word.
() When parentheses are added to a regular expression, they are ignored for the
purpose of matching, but allow you to extract a particular subset of the matched
string rather than the whole string when using
Most commonly used metacharacter is dot, which matches any character. Consider the following
example, where the regular expression is for searching lines which starts with I and has any two
characters (any character represented by two dots) and then has a character m.
import re
fhand = open('myfile.txt') for line in
line = line.rstrip()
if'^I..m', line): print(line)
Note that, the regular expression ^I..m not only matches ‘I am’, but it can match ‘Isdm’, ‘I*3m’ and so
on. That is, between Iand m, there can be any two characters.
In the previous program, we knew that there are exactly two characters between I and m. Hence, we
could able to give two dots. But, when we don’t know the exact number of characters between two
characters (or strings), we can make use of dot and + symbols together. Consider the below given
program –
import re
hand = open('myfile.txt') for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
if'^h.+u', line): print(line)
Observe the regular expression ^h.+u here. It indicates that, the string should be starting with h and
ending with u and there may by any number of (dot and +) characters in- between.
Few examples:
To understand the behavior of few basic meta characters, we will see some examples. The file used
for these examples is mbox-short.txt which can be downloaded from –
Pattern to extract lines starting with the word From (or from) and ending with edu:
import re
fhand = open('mbox-short.txt') for line in fhand:
line = line.rstrip() pattern =
‘^[Ff]rom.*edu$’ if,
Here the pattern given for regular expression indicates that the line should start with either From
or from. Then there may be 0 or more characters, and later the line should end with edu.
Using Not :
pattern = ‘^[^a-z0-9]+’
Here, the first ^ indicates we want something to match in the beginning of a line. Then, the ^
inside square-brackets indicate do not match any single character within bracket. Hence, the
whole meaning would be – line must be started with anything other than a lower-case alphabets
and digits. In other words, the line should not be started with lowercase alphabet and digits.
Here, the line should start with capital letters, followed by 0 or more characters, but must end with
any digit.
import re
s = 'A message from [email protected] to [email protected] about meeting @2PM'
lst = re.findall('\S+@\S+', s) print(lst)
Here, the pattern indicates at least one non-white space characters (\S) before @ and at least one non-
white space after @. Hence, it will not match with @2pm, because of a white- space before @.
Now, we can write a complete program to extract all email-ids from the file.
import re
fhand = open('mbox-short.txt') for line in fhand:
line = line.rstrip()
x = re.findall('\S+@\S+', line) if len(x) > 0:
Here, the condition len(x) > 0 is checked because, we want to print only the line which contain an
email-ID. If any line do not find the match for a pattern given, the findall() function will return an
empty list. The length of empty list will be zero, and hence we would like to print the lines only with
length greater than 0.
['[email protected]'] ['<[email protected]>']
['<[email protected]>']
['<[email protected]>;'] ['<[email protected]>;']
['<[email protected]>;'] ['apache@localhost)']
Note that, apart from just email-ID’s, the output contains additional characters (<, >, ; etc) attached to
the extracted pattern. To remove all that, refine the pattern. That is, we want email-ID to be started
with any alphabets or digits, and ending with only alphabets. Hence, the statement would be –
x = re.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9]\S*@\S*[a-zA-Z]', line)
X-DSPAM-Confidence: 0.8475
X-DSPAM-Probability: 0.0000
The line should start with X-, followed by 0 or more characters. Then, we need a colon and white-
space. They are written as it is. Then there must be a number containing one or more digits with or
without a decimal point. Note that, we want dot as a part of our pattern string, but not as meta
character here. The pattern for regular expression would be –
^X-.*: [0-9.]+
Assume that, we want only the numbers (representing confidence, probability etc) in the above output.
We can use split() function on extracted string. But, it is better to refine regular expression. To do so,
we need the help of parentheses.
When we add parentheses to a regular expression, they are ignored when matching the string. But
when we are using findall(), parentheses indicate that while we want the whole expression to match,
we only are interested in extracting a portion of the substring that matches the regular expression.
import re
hand = open('mbox-short.txt') for line in hand:
line = line.rstrip()
x = re.findall('^X-\S*: ([0-9.]+)', line) if len(x) > 0:
Because of the parentheses enclosing the pattern above, it will match the pattern starting with X- and
extracts only digit portion. Now, the output would be –
Another example of similar form: The file mbox-short.txt contains lines like –
We may be interested in extracting only the revision numbers mentioned at the end of these lines.
Then, we can write the statement –
x = re.findall('^Details:.*rev=([0-9.]+)', line)
The regex here indicates that the line must start with Details:, and has something with rev= and then
digits. As we want only those digits, we will put parenthesis for that portion of expression. Note that,
the expression [0-9] is greedy, because, it can display very large number. It keeps grabbing digits
until it finds any other character than the digit. The output of above regular expression is a set of
revision numbers as given below –
Consider another example – we may be interested in knowing time of a day of each email. The file
mbox-short.txt has lines like –
From [email protected] Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008
Here, we would like to extract only the hour 09. That is, we would like only two digits representing
hour. Hence, we need to modify our expression as –
x = re.findall('^From .* ([0-9][0-9]):', line)
Here, [0-9][0-9] indicates that a digit should appear only two times. The alternative way of writing this
would be -
The number 2 within flower-brackets indicates that the preceding match should appear exactly two
times. Hence [0-9]{2} indicates there can be exactly two digits. Now, the output would be –
Escape Character
As we have discussed till now, the character like dot, plus, question mark, asterisk, dollar etc. are
meta characters in regular expressions. Sometimes, we need these characters themselves as a part of
matching string. Then, we need to escape them using a back- slash. For example,
import re
x = 'We just received $10.00 for cookies.' y = re.findall('\$[0-
Here, we want to extract only the price $10.00. As, $ symbol is a metacharacter, we need to use \
before it. So that, now $ is treated as a part of matching string, but not as metacharacter.