Educ 595 Portfolio
Educ 595 Portfolio
Educ 595 Portfolio
Kori Neff
Fall 2015
Table of Contents
Assessment Portfolio
Table of Contents
Philosophy of Education
Improvement Suggestions
Philosophy of Education
IIa. Include your beliefs about children, teaching, and learning.)
Children deserve the right to obtain an education that may be used as a means of social change.
In order for education to become a tool to self betterment, education needs to be considered of
significant importance. Holding a place of importance in a childs life is done when: they feel
safe, physically and emotionally in their environment, interested in what is being taught by being
challenged and not discouraged.
Validating children as significant and relevant happens when teaching content with a connection
to the lives they lead. Culturally relevant material helps children not feel alienated by the
educational system as it is something to further their existing knowledge of the world. The idea
of a school and a classroom representing a community is as important as the need for children to
have a loving family at home as school becomes a secondary home.
Learning something requires the correct mixture of comfort and displeasure. Students must be in
an environment that is physically and emotionally conductive to learning. Oppositely children
must face learning challenges and feel the displeasure of not knowing and having to work for the
knowledge. It is the responsibility of the teacher to not only make the classroom a safe
environment, but to also learn about the students so they may challenged accordingly. Students
should be taught from a young age to take responsibility for their learning. A student lead
classroom not only allows the students to take a more proactive role in learning, but also allows
the students to connect to content that is more relevant to them. In student led learning the
teacher plays the role of support rather then encyclopedia.
My schooling consisted of traditional methods where group work was frowned upon and
collaboration was thought of as cheating. In being an educator I am constantly working against
my natural educational tendencies. I strive to have a classroom that is student led where my role
as teacher is to facilitate and support student learning. My goals are contrary to the methods in
which I was educated, change becomes a struggle in this sense.
Teaching does not often occur as one thinks that it might. The role that a teacher is required to
play is often comprised of many separate, but important roles. An educator; general and special,
foreign language teacher, adult role model, physiologist, nutritionist, social skills educator, and
many other roles. As a teacher the roles must be balanced and used in order to and after learning
about and understanding a class. In creating a classroom that gains independence and
responsibility for their learning, the role of the teacher shifts from a seemingly all knowing
distributor of knowledge to one of an educational support. The teacher becomes a tool for the
students to access in their educational quest.
(II b. Provide a segue from your philosophy of education to the next section of your portfolio)
Improvement Suggestions