Skeletal System Lesson
Skeletal System Lesson
Skeletal System Lesson
Shannon Pennington
Our Skeletal System
4th grade
PSMT Name:
Lesson Plan Topic:
Estimated Time:
School Site:
Brett Sansevero
The skeletal system
55 min
1. State Standard(s): (4)4.3 Explain that the human body is composed of systems of structures
that work together so the body can grow.
2. Teaching Model(s): Co-teaching model, one lead teacher/ One support teacher
3. Objective(s):
Students will identify the major bones of the body. (DOK-1, Bloom-knowledge)
Students will state the major functions of the skeletal system. (DOK-1, Bloomknowledge)
Students will understand the relationships between the skeletal system and other body
systems (DOK-2, Bloom Comprehension)
4. Materials and Technology Resources:
11 x 17 paper,
23 q-tips for each student
bone labels
paper craniums clip-art
Dem Bones song and copies of the lyrics
labeled skeleton diagram
5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement: (5 minutes) Play the song, Dem Bones, by Hip Science. Give
each student a copy of the lyrics. Say: Were going to see by the end of lesson if this
song gives us accurate information.
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (40 minutes)
Part One (15 minutes)- Teacher will ask students questions regarding the skeletal
system. Students will take notes in a provided mini-book. After students have answered a
question, the teacher will write down the correct answers in a copy of the mini-book
which is projected with an ELMO.