Lignite: Characteristics
Lignite: Characteristics
Lignite: Characteristics
Because of its low energy density and typically high moisture content, brown coal is inefficient to
transport and is not traded extensively on the world market compared with higher coal grades. It
is often burned in power stations near the mines, such as in Australia's Latrobe
Valley and Luminant's Monticello plant in Texas. Primarily because of latent high moisture
content and low energy density of brown coal, carbon dioxide emissions from traditional browncoal-fired plants are generally much higher per megawatt generated than for comparable blackcoal plants, with the world's highest-emitting plant being Hazelwood Power Station, Victoria.
The operation of traditional brown-coal plants, particularly in combination with strip mining, can
be politically contentious due to environmental concerns. [5][6]
Reaction with quaternary amine forms a product called amine-treated lignite (ATL), which is used
in drilling mud to reduce fluid loss during drilling.
gradient and tectonic setting, and increasing pressure. This causes compaction of the material
and loss of some of the water and volatile matter (primarily methane and carbon dioxide). This
process, called coalification, concentrates the carbon content, and thus the heat content, of the
material. Deeper burial and the passage of time result in further expulsion of moisture and
volatile matter, eventually transforming the material into higher rank coals such as bituminous
and anthracite coal.[7]
Lignite deposits are typically younger than higher-ranked coals, with the majority of them having
formed during the Tertiary period.
The Latrobe Valley in the state of Victoria, Australia, contains estimated reserves of some 65
billion tonnes of brown coal.[8] The deposit is equivalent to 25% of known world reserves. The
coal seams are up to 100 metres thick, with multiple coal seams often giving virtually continuous
brown coal thickness of up to 230 metres. Seams are covered by very little overburden (10 to 20
Lignite can be separated into two types. The first is xyloid lignite or fossil wood and the second
form is the compact lignite or perfect lignite.
Although xyloid lignite may sometimes have the tenacity and the appearance of ordinary wood, it
can be seen that the combustible woody tissue has experienced a great modification. It is
reducible to a fine powder by trituration, and if submitted to the action of a weak solution
of potash, it yields a considerable quantity of humic acid.[9]
Macam-macam Batubara
Jenis-jenis Batubara
batubara antrasit
Peringkat dibawah bitumen adalah subbitumen, batubara dengan kandungan karbon 3545 persen dan nilai panas antara 8.300 hingga 13.000 BTU per pon. Meskipun nilai
panasnya lebih rendah, batubara ini umumnya memiliki kandungan belerang yang lebih
rendah daripada jenis lainnya, yang membuatnya disukai untuk dipakai karena hasil
pembakarannya yang lebih bersih.
Lignit (Batu bara muda)
Lignit merupakan batubara geologis muda yang memiliki kandungan karbon terendah,
25-35 persen, dan nilai panas berkisar antara 4.000 dan 8.300 BTU per pon. Kadangkadang disebut brown coal, jenis ini umumnya digunakan untuk pembangkit tenaga