Ism Brochure

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The main purpose of this survey brochure is to

educate the public on Nursing, the NICU, and
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Hopefully, as
a community, we can raise awareness on these
topics to prevent misconceptions that lead to
illnesses in babies. I would also like to present
the information I gathered to break stigmas
society has created.

This survey proved that as a society,
our knowledge about babies, the
NICU, and Nursing is extremely
limited as I had predicted. My first
hypothesis was correct, my second
hypothesis was also correct, but my
third hypothesis was incorrect. To
improve on this, I would like to spread
what I have learned through the ISM
program to teach others in my
community vital knowledge to raise
universal awareness on these topics.


I predict that more than half of the

participants of my survey have not heard
of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy.


I predict that the majority of the

participants of my survey believe that
there is a stigma about nurses being


I predict that the majority of the general

population believes NICUs have many
more bad outcomes in children, causing
death than good outcomes.

Opinions of Society

Date of publication
Produced By
Jessica Tipton


1. Have you heard of Hypoxic Ischemic


While creating my Nursing Survey, I focused on

participants without a medical background, and
where primarily adults. Because this survey was
to determine societys opinions, I also included
high school students as another variable. I had in
total 25 responses representing a population.

2. Do you think there is a stigma against

male nurses?

1. Yes- 16%
No- 84%

3. Do you believe that the NICU primarily

had bad outcomes?
4. Do you know someone who has
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy?
5. Describe your NICU experience. If you
have not had a NICU experience,
please write "N/A"


6. What is your view on nurses?

This survey was accessible through an online

survey generator, Survey Monkey, and could be
found using the URL:

7. How long, do you believe is a safe

amount of time for women to have a
baby while in labor?
8. What is your opinion on breast milk?

2. Yes- 72%
No- 28%
3. Yes- 12.5%
No- 87.5%
4. Yes- 8%
No- 92%
5. 20 of 25 participants never had a NICU
6. Positive- 96%
Negative- 4%

9. Do you know what a cooling blanket


7. 11 of 25 participants were incorrect on

how long labor should last.

10. Do you believe there is a stigma against

mental illnesses and physical

8. 3 of 25 participants had a negative

opinion on breast milk.
9. 54.17% of participants believed they
knew what a cooling blanket is.
10. Yes- 95.45%
No- 4.55%

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