The other side of pill: A study on the effects of pills on the Human body
Sampang, Jesel P. Calimlim, Argel John Corpuz, Gary Labordo, John Warlie Toreja, Paul Bryan
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Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature Chapter 3: Methodology Conceptual Frame work Research Design Instruments
Chapter 4: Findings Survey Results Presentation with Interpretation Data Analysis and Discussion 16 21 23 24 26
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Chapter I
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Background of the Study Did you know that an estimated 150 million women worldwide take birth control pills?But of many women drugs are not can aware have an of the serious on their health body. implications these that effect
Millions of experiments had been used that birth control pills have indeed a very serious side effect on the human body. Since effective the for 1960, when birth control pills were first a introduced, half -truth.
millions of women worldwide have taken them, believes they were safe and contraception. Unfortunately, thats only Birth control pills are indeed very effective at contraception. But the downside is theyre extremely hazardous. To name a few effects of the pills that had been studied and confirmed are: migraine headaches, breast cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. This study will discuss further of the effects of birth control pills and will inform the public of these new findings.
Significance of the study The significance of this study is that, among other factors, using contraceptives is one of the influential aspects in ones physical health. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations regarding the proper use of this contraceptive in general to the Filipino women. affect the health of the Filipinas. Relatively, it gives an insight on how contraceptives which in this case, pills, could
Statement of the problem This study aims to identify and discuss the effects of using pills as a contraceptive on the female human body.
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Objectives: 1. To define contraception. 2. To gather information about personal experiences of pill users; main goal is 3. To be able to identify the other effects of pill as a contraceptive to the human body 4. To suggest possible solutions to implement. 5. To help the reader to recognize the problems occurring on the surroundings. Scope and Limitation This research is focused on the effects of contraceptives to the female body. The researchers have chosen only 20 Filipino women as respondents given their economic status and educational attainment. The researchers are going to conduct the research based on descriptive and analytic approach. the
Research Hypothesis The researchers predict that using contraceptives will show negative effects to female human body. Effects that sometimes is unusual or unpredictable. It might depend on the person who is using it because no
individual reacts on something exactly the same as the other. The effects will be further identified.
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Definition of Terms
Birth control is an umbrella term for several techniques and methods used to prevent fertilization or to interrupt pregnancy at various stages. Contraception is the prevention of the fusion of gametes during or after sexual activity. The term contraception is a contraction of contra, which means against, and the word conception, meaning fertilization. Contraception can occur both naturally and via artificial means in humans and in animals. Hazardous poses substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment. Side Effects are or problems that occur when in treatment addition goes to beyond the the
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Chapter II
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Review of Related Literature The researchers aim to discuss the effects of using pills as a
contraceptive on the female human body whether good or bad with the aid of enumerating point of views and opinions of different people regarding this subject matter. Basic knowledge about pills is that it helps control pregnancy; birth control pills employ several mechanisms. First, the synthetic hormones may convince a womans body that she is pregnant. This can stop the ovaries from releasing an egg. The Pill also makes it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg, because the hormones thicken the cervical mucus. Normally, on the days of each month when a woman is fertile, her cervical mucus has microscopic channels in it that make it easier for the sperm to travel to the egg. The birth control pills are medicines that make women not to ovulate, to fertilize egg cell, and to avoid pregnancy But according to E. Carr Everbach, It is one of the greatest technologies for women made in the 20th century and 80% of women use pills greater than 73% using condoms due to survey. In a study conducted by Stephanie Sanders, an associate Director of Kinsey Institute found out that birth control pill can have significant adverse effects on sexuality and mood in some women, increasing the likelihood of early discontinuation. "It is clear in our results that the women who stopped or changed to another pill had more sexual, emotional and physical side effects than the women who continued with their oral contraceptive," Sanders said. According to The Journal of Sexual Medicine Oral contraceptives have been the preferred method of birth control because of their ease of use and high rate of effectiveness. However, in some women oral contraceptives have ironically been associated with women's sexual health problems and
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testosterone hormonal problems. Now there are data that oral contraceptive pills may have lasting adverse effects on the hormone testosterone. Pills resemble moustache on some who are taking it. Women on the pill often experience a darkening of skin tone any place where melanin exists on the body, says Steven R. Goldstein. He pointed out that variations of the sunstache can pop up in other places. It is commonly believed that birth control pills (oral
contraceptives) cause women to gain weight. Many women stop taking birth control pills because they blame them for their weight gain. Other women will not take birth control pills in the first place due to fear of possible weight gain.
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Chapter III
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Methodology This research was conducted in order to determine the effects of pills as a contraceptive on the human body aside from birth control In order to answer this researchs goal; the researcher opted to obtain the view to of make Filipino up the Data women about using pills in line with this a topic. survey then Specifically, a total of 20 respondents from Manila were randomly selected sample. gathered Selected from participants research form of answered instrument published questionnaire. made use of this in were
computed for interpretation. Along with primary data, the researcher also secondary resources the articles, literatures and an interview to some experts regarding the said topic to support the survey results. To mention they are registered nurses working on Rizal Medical Centre regarding the said topic to support the survey results.
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Sociodemographi c Characteristic Age
Health Condition
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Research Design The purpose of this study is to know the effect of contraceptive in women health. It is focused on the contraceptive that women use. The researchers ideal respondents are women who are using contraceptive pills. women who are at least 28-45 of age. Particularly, there are 20 Filipinas that are chosen to be respondents in the study, Respondents answered a survey form comprising questions about their experiences while they are taking pills. The researchers are going to conduct the research based on descriptive and analytic approach.
Instrument This is the sample survey form that is use to serve as one of the researchers instrument on gathering data.
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Dear Respondents, We are students from FEU-East Asia College currently conducting a study on the effects of pills as contraceptives to the female body. In line with this, we would like you to become one of our respondents. Rest assured that all information you will share will be kept confidential and will be used solely for the purpose of the study. Thank you. Sincerely, The Researchers. AGE: _____________ Put a check beside your answer for each question: 1. What is your monthly income? ____ P10000 to P15000 ____ P16000 to P20000 ____P21000 and above
7. While taking the pills, did you experience dizziness? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not Sure
2. Based on your experience, do you find birth control 8. While taking the pills, did you experience breast pills effective? tenderness? ____ Yes ____ Yes ____ No ____ No ____ Not Sure ____ Not Sure 3. Do you use it regularly? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not Sure 4. How long are you taking pills? ____ 1 to 3 years ____ 4 to 8 years ____ 9 years and above 9. While taking the pills, did you experience nausea? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not Sure
10. While taking the pills, did you experience mood swings? ____ Yes ____ No ____ Not Sure 5. While taking the pills, did you experience headaches? ____ Yes 11. Based on your experience, would you recommend ____ No using pills to other women? ____ Not Sure ____ Yes ____ No 6. While taking the pills, did you experience spotting? ____ Not Sure ____ Yes ____ No Why? (optional) ____ Not Sure
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Chapter IV
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Overview This chapter will show the results based from the survey. This includes data presentation and interpretation, and the results analysis. Survey Results Presentation
P10,000 to P15,000 15
P16,000 to P20,000 5
Base on this result, respondents who are using pills earns the lowest salary which is 10,00 to 15000 no respondent earns 21,000 and above. 2. Based on your experience, do you find birth control pills effective? are the ones who use pills the most than those of the respondents who earns 16000-20,000 and theres
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regularly and 10% use it irregularly. 4. How long are you taking pills?
1 to 3 years 4 to 8 years 9 years and above
Based on the results 58 % of the respondents from 4-8 years of them is 10 % who uses pill from 9 years and above.
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Results showed that most of the respondents have experienced headaches. 6. While taking the pills, did you experience spotting?
Results showed that most of the respondents have experienced spotting while taking pills
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Results showed that most of the respondents have experienced dizziness while they are taking pills. 8. While taking the pills, did you experience breast tenderness?
17 3 0
10 0 Yes No
Not Sure
Based on the results, most of the respondents have experienced breast tenderness while they are taking pills.
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10 5 0 Yes No Not Sure Result: 15
Based on the results, most of the respondents have experienced nausea while they are taking pills.
Based on the results, most of the respondents had mood swings while they are taking pills.
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other women?
0 0 20
10 Not Sure No
15 Yes
Based on the results, 100 % of the respondents would recommend using pills to other women.
Data Analysis Based on the results our respondents have mentioned that they feel some deal common effect of with as they take a it. The most popular is that headache it begins by popping with pills to migraine or a simple tension-type headache and also in discomfort to their self which was nausea. Next to it is mood change based to their biological and environmental factor also breast tenderness based to them they found out that last weight changes as they taking pill their weight gain loss properly. birth is control relieves their breast tenderness, for some women it is worse and
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Chapter V
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Conclusion: Birth control pills are medicines that make women not to ovulate, to fertilize egg cell, and to avoid pregnancy this is based on medical study and as all we know it is proven effective. will Earlier the researchers effects to hypothesized that using contraceptives show negative
female human body. Effects that sometimes is unusual or unpredictable. That could depend on the person who is using it because no individual reacts on something exactly the same as the other. The researchers were able to validate their hypothesis in accordance with the results the researchers have analyzed. Results such as nausea or vomiting, headaches, dizziness, mood swings are experienced by the users while they are taking pills. One significant thing to mention is that the researchers found out that people who commonly use pills are in the middle and low class social status. Therefore, the researchers conclude that birth control pills are
really proven effective and helpful in the way of living of the Filipina women. Hence, pills could cause effects that women would not wish to experience.
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References Bardelli, Rebecca(2011), Taking Birth Control Pills Can Hinder Muscle Gain in Females.
Landau, Elizabeth(2011), Panel: Yaz label should be rewritten Advisers say birth control pills may cause blood clots. CNN. URL.
Jaslow , Ryan(2011). Should nuns take birth control pills? what stude says" . URL Lopatoo, Elizabeth (2011) "Gynecolegists unfazed by Birth Control clot concerns - businessweek URL.
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Appendix A
Interview Script
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1. Are birth control pills really effective in every woman? Explain further. No. its effectiveness will only be achieved if the pill is taken religiously regarding its dosage as per doctors advice. 2. How can you be sure that the pills are safe for women taking it? Most women experience has no side effects experienced. However possible side effects may still occur such as irregular periods, headaches, nausea, mood changes, enlarged breasts, weight changes, which all affects women differently. 3. Are birth control pills better than other methods of avoiding pregnancy? Yes, it is 99% effective if the pills are taken in its perfect use (taking pill at the same time, everyday). However its typical use (dont take it perfectly), it will be 92% effective thus compliance is a crucial factor. 4. What would be the role of pills on the RH Bill? Pills have been included as part of the National Drug Formulary and in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of national and local hospitals and government health units. It shall be distributed to local health units for disseminations to communities. 5. Would you recommend most of your patients to use birth control pills? Why or Why not? Yes, because taking pills has been an effective means for birth control at the same time explaining the risks and side-effects of long-term use. 6. Who are the people/women who cannot take birth control pills? Those with history of blood clots or genetic problems with clotting, migraine headaches with aura or neurological symptoms, heart diseases, high 26 | P a g e
blood pressure, surgery, any other condition that prevents you from getting up/walking.
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Appendix B
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