Finding My Brother: Luke 15:1-10
Finding My Brother: Luke 15:1-10
Finding My Brother: Luke 15:1-10
Luke 15:1-10
It was one of the most highly anticipated moved of all time! Upon hearing that it was already
out, me and my family decided to watch it together. I was assigned to take care of all the younger
ones in my family, including my brother who happened to be deaf. As one big family, we all
went inside the movie theater which happened to be jampacked, with people standing along the
As the movie was about to start, I suddenly noticed my deaf brother missing. Panicked raised
through my veins. Trying to stay in control of the situation, I asked my cousins to stay put and
went out looking for my brother, shouting his name. I was forcing my way through the crowd,
frantically looking for trace of him. I was almost in terror until I saw my brother alone sitting in a
corner, with a popcorn on his hand and a smile on his face. He was happily enjoying the screen.
I exhaled a sigh of relief. It was comforting to find him, safe and sound. It was in this incident
that I remembered Jesus roles as our Good Shepherd, who left the other ninety-nine to find his
beloved one. I know that the joy I was feeling is nothing compared Heavens tumultuous
rejoicing over receiving a saved sinner. I thank the Lord for his personal love for me, that I have
great value in His eyes. In times of sin and desolation, let us never forget that we have God who
goes out of His way to find us, to meet us where we are, and bring us home.