Along the Way
About this ebook
Along the Way is the inspiring true story of Trudy Cathy White from her childhood to adulthood, her years in Brazil as a missionary, and the many lessons she’s learned “along the way.”
Through a series of devotionals, Trudy invites the reader to grow in their own Christian faith and in their personal relationship with Jesus. Her sweet spirit shines through the pages of this heartwarming (and often funny) book. Ultimately, Trudy’s challenge to readers is to spend a few minutes each day preparing one’s mind, heart, and hands for what God has in store. He is with us in the journey, and longs to pour out untold blessings as we travel together … along the way.
Trudy Cathy White
Trudy Cathy White is a native Georgian and the only daughter of Jeannette M. and S. Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, Inc. An ambassador for the family business, Trudy has held various roles within Chick-fil-A including that of restaurant Operator at just 19 years old. Trudy and her husband, John, served as missionaries in Brazil and co-founded Lifeshape and Impact 360 Institute. A developer and encourager at heart, White served as the Director of WinShape Camps for Girls from 2003-2017. She is a speaker, author, dedicated wife, mother of four, and grandmother of fifteen. Every day she is fueled by her passion to be intentional with her influence. In everything Trudy does, she is led by her commitment to obey God’s leadership, nurture family relationships, and promote godly character in the next generation. More information on Trudy’s life and family can be found at
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Along the Way - Trudy Cathy White
Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.
—Psalm 25:4
Have you ever thought about how many ways there are to be lost? You can be lost in terms of location. Finding yourself lost in an unfamiliar area of a city or inside an enormous building is not fun. You can also be lost when trying to learn something new or when listening to someone tell a story. This kind of lostness deals with a lack of understanding, and you might say, I’m completely lost when it comes to calculus,
or You totally lost me on that one.
I’ve even heard it said that you can be lost for words—though I’ve never experienced that situation personally! One way all of us are lost, though, is spiritually. Without Jesus Christ in your life, your spirit—which is made to live forever—will be lost to an eternity in hell.
In 1962, at the age of seven, I understood that God loved me. I learned from the Bible that God loved me so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. Jesus died to pay the penalty for the sins I committed against Him.
My parents, along with my pastor and Sunday School teachers, also taught me that God wants everyone to go to heaven when he or she dies. The only way to heaven is to accept God’s gift of love, His Son, Jesus. Jesus died in my place. I didn’t have to think too long to realize that what I had heard about God was the truth, and I wanted to accept His love.
One afternoon after school, my pastor, Brother Brown, came by our house to talk. With my parents by my side, I prayed and asked Jesus to take control of my life. I admitted that I needed His forgiveness—I had already developed a bad habit of lying—and I very much wanted to go to heaven one day. At such a young age, I could not have realized how much this single decision would radically change the course of my life forever, but I knew I was no longer lost.
Years later, in 1973, that assurance was tested in Paris, France. It was my first time to visit Paris and while wandering around the city alone, I suddenly realized I didn’t know the way back to my hotel. I was lost. My emotions ran wild, and I felt everything from loneliness and confusion to downright hopelessness. Dusk fell and as darkness slowly enveloped the city, I looked around with the understanding that no one could help me. I thought, I’ll never find my way back. I was totally out of solutions, ideas, energy, and hope. With no idea where to turn or what to do, I sat down on a bench at the crossroads of the city’s major arteries.
I was convinced that bench was a safe place for me, as it was the only place that looked even remotely familiar. Then I cried out in my heart to God, If I’m ever going to find my way back, You will have to show me the way. I’m not going to look any longer. With that, God gave me the greatest gift ever—the assurance of His presence, right there on a bench in the middle of Paris! Because I knew He was with me, my loneliness diminished. Because I knew He was in control, my despair vanished and because I knew He loved me, my confusion began to lift. Almost the instant I acknowledged my complete dependence upon Him, I heard one of my traveling companions call out from across the street, Trudy! What are you doing over there?
Have you heard God calling you? You probably haven’t heard an audible voice like I did when I heard my friend calling, but He is calling you just the same. God wants you to know you don’t have to be lost any longer. So if you’re sitting on one of life’s benches, weary from the ups and down of everyday life, lonely, confused, and wrapped in darkness, listen for His voice. He can show you the way home.
Perhaps you have known the joy of the Lord for a long time. Are you lighting the way for others to respond to His voice? As followers of Jesus, we are responsible for sharing God’s love with all who still are lost.
In 1984, my husband, John, and I, along with our two children at the time, Joy and little John-John, moved to Brazil as missionaries. Only two weeks after we moved, I was driving home with my young children when the car unexpectedly stopped. With tears in her eyes and fear on her face, Joy said, But Mommy, we can’t even speak Portuguese!
That much I already knew without her reminding me. God used that situation to help me comfort Joy and John-John as I shared with them that God would protect us and give us wisdom about what to do. Soon after, a missionary colleague helped us get the car running. What had seemed so terrifying to my children was handled without much trouble at all.
But can you imagine if I had just ignored their distress and had gone about the business of trying to find a solution to my problem? Imagine if I had simply moved on without addressing those tears and the fear growing in my children’s hearts. What kind of mother would I have been to act so callously? It wasn’t enough for me in that moment to know for myself that we would be okay; I had to stop and reassure my terrified children as well.
What kind of Christian ignores the cries of the lost all around him? What kind of Christian goes about her daily life without addressing the most urgent need of those around her—the need for a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ? The next time God leads you to share with a lost person, what will you do?
Describe a time when you lost something important to you, a time when you felt lost while someone was explaining a new concept to you or a time when you were lost in a city or building. Imagine for a moment being lost forever. If what Jesus said was true, what do you have to lose by following Him?
For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken,
says the LORD, who has mercy on you.
—Isaiah 54:10
Seeing is believing.
We hear that so often that we take it for granted. However, how often do we choose to believe something we’ve never seen with our own eyes? More often than you’d think, I imagine. For example, I haven’t seen where or how my bank keeps my money, but I trust it’s there every time I make a purchase. I’ve never seen my liver, but I live each day with the knowledge that it must be there, working away. Imagine how silly I would look if I claimed, Liver? What liver? I’ve never seen my liver, so I must not have one!
Sadly, though, many people dismiss the idea of God the way I might dismiss my liver. However, while I might not see God or even sense His closeness at times, I can always be certain that He’s there, working away.
When I was a girl, I had a meaningful experience that taught me about the presence of God in my life. Every year, from age eight to seventeen, I spent part of my summer at Camp Crestridge for Girls in the mountains of North Carolina. During each session, about one hundred girls gathered to stay in the