Psychiatry OSCE Histories
Psychiatry OSCE Histories
Psychiatry OSCE Histories
Can you tell me about whats been going on recently?
When did you first notice any changes and how has it developed?
Do you have any idea what could have triggered this?
Has anything like this happened before?
How has it affected your life jobs, friends, family, spare time
So there are a few things that can happen along with low mood, have you been:
Have you or any of your family had any mental illness in the past?
What medications did you take? What happened?
Are you on any medications right now? What about over the counter? Any allergies?
Do you work at the moment? Who is at home?
Are you a smoker? Do you drink alcohol? How much a week? Do you find it helps with
how youre feeling?
Have you ever taken any drugs?
Do you have any ideas what has caused this? Is there anything in particular you are
worried about? What is the main thing you want from today?
What do you think about everything thats been going on? Do you think you might be
When was the last time you felt well physically and mentally?
When was the last time you felt well physically and mentally?
ROS depression, personality, substance, anxiety, somatisation, cognitive,