Notes The Men Who Built America
Notes The Men Who Built America
Notes The Men Who Built America
JP Morgan
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt buys a ferry boat at age sixteen on a loan. He gained a reputation as a
cutthroat business man. He got in scraps with other men. Ferry boat becomes flee
and he becomes a big name in shipping. He became known as the commodore.
Over the next forty years he builds a vast shipping empire. He realizes the
importance of the transcontinental railroad and sells all of his ships. He invested all
of his money in the railroad and since they provided a cheap ways to transport
goods across America. He decision to invest in the railroad pays off and he becomes
the richest man in America after the civil war. He lost his favorite son George to the
war. He had groomed George to take over the family business but he had to prepare
his other son, William, to take over the family business after George died. The
competition no longer saw Vanderbilt as a man to fear so Vanderbilt seized his
chance to assert his dominance. He owns the only rail bridge into New York. He
closes the Albany Bridge so every other railroad could not enter New York City.
Leaves millions of pounds of cargo unable to reach the rest of the country. He
bleeds his competitors dry and people start selling stocks. In days Vanderbilt takes
control of the rival railroad company, the largest single railroad company in the
country. He built Grand Central station in New York City. To make his empire
complete, he needed to take control of the Erie line. Over 50,000 miles of railroad
tracks provided many jobs.
Vanderbilt made his agents buy stocks of the Erie
Line. 2 men named Gould and Fiske prints thousands and thousands of shares for
the Erie Line to water down the stocks, so that Vanderbilt had to buy more stock to
own the majority of the company. Vanderbilt continues to buy stock unaware, and
he ended up buying $7M of watered down stock. Gold and Fiske defeat and
humiliate Vanderbilt publically. Vanderbilt vows to never be defeated again. He
needed to find a new freight to get an edge. Oil was changing the way Americans
live with Kerosene. Vanderbilt saw the demand of kerosene skyrocketing across the
county and he realized that he needed to find a supplier to take back control.
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Tom Scott and Andrew Carnegie survived the Depression. Tom Scott tries to build a
pipeline of his own, but Rockefeller shut down his oil refineries in Pittsburg, causing
Scott to lose over half of his income and lay off many of his workers. The workers
riot and light a fire in Scotts train yard. Around 39 buildings are burned to the
ground, and Rockefeller becomes the richest man in America. Scott was buried
outside of Philadelphia. The loss of Scott is a huge blow to Carnegie, who blames
Rockefeller for Scotts death. At age 12 Carnegie started working for a railroad in
Pittsburg. Scott took a liking to Carnegie and hired him as his personal assistant.
JP Morgan
JP Morgan is a banker who dominated financing in the country. He consolidated
companies and restored them to profit. Carnegie fear that he might become
Morgans next target. Carnegie kicks Frick out of the country, and Morgan continues
to target failing companies. Morgan was born into the banking business, taught
that there was only one way to do business, the Morgan way. He had a strained
relationship with his father, and by age 40 he wanted to form an identity of his own.
Nikola Tesla
Tesla invented Alternating Current. Edison believes AC is dangerous, so Tesla goes
to start his own company. He finds an investor in Westinghouse. He does
demonstration across the country, creating high demands for AC. Morgan is staking
everything on Edison, which sends him down a dark path. Edison used AC in many
experiments trying to scare the public, but it doesnt work. A NYS prison is looking
for an alternative to hanging, an Edison envisions a simple design to use electricity.
Edison agrees to make an electric chair using AC. The experiment fails, and the
public new that electricity was used to kill a man, and Edison was behind it. Morgan
is still convinced that electricity is the future. A company at Niagara Falls is starting
construction on a Massive power plant. Once complete the falls will generate more
power than that in the entire country altogether. The Niagara power plant will
power the entire northeast, but the company has not decided who will power the
plant. Getting the contract will require a vast investment. Morgans father dies in a
terrible carriage crash, and leaves JP in charge of the house of Morgan. Morgans
net worth quadruples, and he suddenly has a lot more money, which he plans to use
on the contract. Westinghouse is drowning in debt after the companys rapid
expansion. Morgan capitalizes on a fall in the economy, and within days
Westinghouses company is almost bankrupt. The contract between Tesla and
Westinghouse is ended, so Westinghouse could make a profit. Chicago is about to
host the worlds fair, and Westinghouse secures the contract for lighting it.
Westinghouse ends up winning he contract for the Niagara power plant. Morgan
has been defeated, but he forces Westinghouse to sign over the patents for AC.
Morgan breaks up the company with Edison, and decides to streamline the company
and eliminates Edison. Morgans General Electric Company is one of the most
powerful companies in the world. He switches it to AC. Rockefeller needs to find a
product to replace Kerosene, and targets a byproduct of producing oil called
gasoline, which no one has found a use for. He hires a team of scientists to figure
out a use for gasoline, which leads to the development of the internal combustion
engine. Rockefeller uses these engines in his factories. Gasoline is used for
horseless carriages. Morgan developed Morganization. Rockefeller and Carnegie
adopt the same approach and the gap between the rich and poor grows. William
Jennings Bryan is a rising political force who is against the rich business men, and is
Henry Ford
Young entrepreneur Henry Ford has created a new kind of car. Cars were seen as a
luxury, and he spent years making his car for the common man. Fords application
is rejected and Ford challenges the owner of the countrys largest car company to a
race. Ford has never raced a car before, yet he still wins. His win makes him