Design and Simulation of Self-Running Magnetic Motor

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The study aims to design and simulate a self-running magnetic motor that can generate electricity without an external power source through the natural interactions of magnetic fields.

The goal of the study is to design a magnetic motor that can self-rotate and generate electricity through the interactions of magnets arranged in a Halbach array without needing an external power source.

A Halbach array is an arrangement of permanent magnets where the magnetic fields on one side of the array are amplified and the fields on the other side are cancelled out.

Design and Simulation of Self-Running

Magnetic Motor
Abdul Halim Ali 1 & Ahmad Najmuddin Che Ismail 2
Section of Telecommunication Technology
Section of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute

Corresponding email: [email protected]

Abstract: The use of magnetic motor to generate electricity ever since in the 18 century. In most cases,
external resources such as hydro and wind are needed to power the magnetic motor before an induce
electricity can be produced. In this study, a magnetic motor is designed to self-rotate it’s rotor by naturally
repulsion and the attraction of magnetic field by arranging the magnets into Halbach array. The self-rotation
magnetic motor sometime it is known as a machine that produce “Free Electric Energy”. Based from the
results the rotor is rotating at the constant speed that produced the torque that lead to the development of
mechanical power

Keywords: Halbach Array, Perpetual Motion, Free Energy, Electrical Energy

1.0 INTRODUCTION others word, there are no such things of “perpetual motion
The term “free energy” is not maybe a gas station machine” that can do work continues indefinitely without
giving away gas however this is not the case for Nikola utilizing external energy.
Tesla where he was the first one to identify “radiant
energy” where energy harvesting the Sun. Nikola Tesla is 2.0 PERPETUAL MOTION DEVICES
the key researcher in free energy theories and invented
1. History of Perpetual Motion Devices
most of the free energy devices. Tesla introduced two free
energy theories. The earlier is known as Crooke’s Perpetual motion devices were claimed and existed
radiometer and later as “cosmic-ray motor” which he since pre-1800s year which in mid-age Renaissance. Not
claimed to be “thousands of times more powerful” as only that, Wilkins was the first inventor of the inventions
compare to Crooke’s radiometer. Tesla’s free energy using a magnet. The device is not successfully working
because magnet pull a ball upward the slope and towards
concept was patented in 1901 as an “Apparatus for the
the hole, the top finally fell to cycle back to the originator
Utilization of Radiant Energy.” In 1932, Tesla claimed has [4]
successful harnessed the cosmic rays. The radiant energy
receiver stored static electricity obtained from the air and 2. Muammer Yildiz Motor
converted it to a usable form [1,2]. However, Tesla’s free Muammer Yildiz has developed a permanent magnet
energy are not from the magnetic motor generator that motor in power who do not use external source of power
produce the electricity. such as batteries, radioactive or other[5] as shown in Figure
In this study, a free energy is created from permanent 1. This device has the axis of the drive shaft 5 rotating
magnet motor without utilizes resources from outside such supported so that it rotates in the stator, which is
as burning fossil fuels namely coal, petroleum and natural surrounded by the stator outside the rotor firmly connected
gas [3] to induced voltage. The free energy comes from the to the drive shaft. Outside the stator has a magnetic dipole
naturally repulsion and the attraction of magnetic field that placed on the surface of a circular cylinder, while the
creates the motion of electric motors. This self-running external magnetic evenly spaced around the cylindrical
electric motors is attached to a turbine motor shaft which surface around it. This invention is a device to generate an
resulting an induced voltage. The term, "Free Energy" alternating magnetic field that interacts with the magnetic
is widely used and often abused in the industry. field that is not moving. The interaction of the stationary
Many believe no such thing of free energy, or whatsoever magnetic field with an alternating magnetic field was
applied, three cylinders are produced, the first stator
machine capable to generate energy out of nothing. In
magnet, second magnet rotors as they rotate around the

axis of the shaft and the stator magnet past the outside. The Table 2: Shape and Size of Magnet [8]
three-axis, three-cylinder is similar to the shaft axis.
Magnet internal stator, rotor, and the outer stator have a Shapes Size
magnetic orientation that causes them to repel each other at
every angular position of the rotor. According to the
25mm x 75mm x 50mm
authors, Yildiz motor is capable of producing a mechanical
power output of 250 Watt where the magnetic motor
having the diameter of 20 cm and a length of 40cm is
producing 15,000 rpm [6]. 25mm x 100mm x 25mm

20mm x 20mm

c. Magnetic Circuit and Operating point

Design of the configuration magnetic circuit, the
operating point should be set to determine the energy
transferred from the magnet to the gap having a strength
energy[9]. Ideal circuit considerations set in infinite
magnetic permeability of magnetic materials are infinite so
that their anxiety can be ignored. The number of MMFs in
the circuit is equal to zero, an important line of lines in the
magnetic field along the circuit as follows:

Figure 1: Yildiz Motor magnet + gap = 0 (1)

HmLm + HgLg = 0 (2)
HmLm = -HgLg (3)
Hm is the magnetic field of the magnet in A/m
In ensuring the success in designing the Halbach array Lm is the length of the magnet in m
magnetic motor it’s important to proper select the magnet Hg is the magnetic field of the gap in A/m
material, the size and shape to the magnet as explained in Lg is the length of the gap in m
the sub-section below.
Modelling the curve, the continues negative flux
a. Material Selection resulting the flux on external space can be equal to the total
Magnets have different types and different strengths flux in the magnet.
depending on the type of material used. In this design
Neodymium type N52 magnet is used. Table 1 below Am Bm = Bg Ag (4)
clearly demonstrates the specification of the magnet [7].
Multiply equation 3 and 4, hence the result is shown in
equation (5)
Table 1: NdFeB Magnet Material Properties
Am Bm Hm Lm = -Ag Bg Hg Lg (5)
Remanance (Br) Coersive Force Intrensic Maximum Energy
Hcb (Hc) Coersive Force Product (BH) Vm BmHm = -VgBg Hg (6)
Hcj (Hj) Max
mT G K A/M Oe K A/M Oe KJ/m³ MGOe where Vm = Am/Lm and Vg = Ag/Lg
1430 14300 796 10000 876 11000 398 50
The air gap Bg = Hg µo and HmLm = - Hg Lg
The equation (6) becomes:
b. Shapes and Sizes of Magnet
The process of size selection and magnetic form is an
important part because the force to be generated depends
on the magnetic field that occurs between the magnetic
reactions in the motor. In the design of this magnetic motor
will use 3 different shapes and sizes as shown in Table 2.

The Ratio on the geometry is only dependent of the most-inner layer act as rotor. The inner radius of the
magnets is at 4.1cm, the middle magnets radius at 6.4cm
magnet circuit.
and outer magnets radius at 1.7cm with an air-gap of 0.3cm
As can be seen in equation (7), the geometric circuit
between the magnets. The whole radius of the design is at
magnet is dependent on the slope line load. Therefore, the
air gap inside the motor and the linear movements are the
dimensions is variable, the line load will also vary. In
practical terms, a safe way to handle the leakage magnetic
flux and the finite magnetic permeability by introduced the
two new quantities, the leakage coefficient K1 and the loss
factor K2 [10].

Equation (7) the total load line becomes [11]: Figure 3: Self-Running Magnetic Motor with
Halbach Array Method

The magnetic field gradient can be calculated via

analytically for any chooses circular geometry. Elemental
field dB a radial distance (r) from the source of the
magnetic field can be used Biot-savart law.

d. Design of Magnetic Field Using Halbach Array The disarrange field decay with B_O will be given by
The configuration of the magnets in the self -
running magnetic motor in this study using
From the magnetic field source at the distance, r can
Halbach array. The simplest Halbach array
be replaced by equation 12, to explain the decaying field in
configuration and its magnetic field lines as
terms of [13].
shown in figure 2. The halbach array
configuration is creating strong magnetic field at
one side while cancelling the field to near zero on
the others side of the array.

Bo is the quantity in the nearest magnetic area where the

arc circle θ is the angle between two slots.

a)Two SegmentPer Pole

e. Torque
b) Three Segment Per Pole Moment of magnetic dipole depends to a magnetic field
Figure 2: Halbach Array Configuration gradient can be equal to

The self-running magnetic motor is designed with 3

layers as shown in figure 3. The most inner magnets
consists of 10 magnets, the middle magnets is made of 14
magnets and the outer magnets is comprises of 21 magnets. Equation (15) can be transformed from the Cartesian to
The magnets field arrangements follow Halbach array [12]. polar coordinates and can be equal to
The middle and the outer layers are the stator whereas the

Magnet magnetization of the rotor is considered to be
always parallel to the stator magnet, thus rotating the rotor
on its axis. Therefore, the torque experienced by the rotor
radius r when subject to force F is:

T=rXF= = - αx (ryFz - rzFz) (17)

Therefore to determine the analytical torque, two

quantities are known as r & F[14].
Figure 5: The magnetic field strength of Self-
Tx = rm Running Magnetic Motor

Therefore, the induction torque on the rotor has only

one component, therefore, if the modulus of magnetization Figure 6 show the RCF response from the simulation
is taken equal to the value of each magnet, then the total T that the rotor is rotating at a constant speed. Figure 8,
depends on the upon is the gradient ( ). Figure 4 shows shows the torque response. As expected it produced two
the 3D design of the self-running magnetic motor cycles from 360◌ turn from the self-running magnetic
motor. From equation (18) the revolution per minute (rpm)
of the rotor in the self-running magnetic motor can be
calculated. The rpm is needed as it is part of the equation
(19) to find the mechanical power.
RPM = x 1000 (18)

Rpm is revolution per minute
RCF is relative centrifugal force
R is centrifugal force radius in mm
From (18) the rpm can be plotted as shown in figure 9.

Figure 4: The 3D Design of Self -Running

Magnetic Motor


The self-running magnetic motor design is tested using

Finite Elements simulations tool. The Finite Elements
FEMM4.2 is an open source magnetic motor that provide
wide range of possibilities to simulate the design. Figure 5
shows the magnetic field strength of the self-running Figure 6: RCF response of Self-Running Magnetic
magnetic motor obtained from FEMM4.2 Motor

However, this primarily finding will needs further
investigation before a prototype can be developed.

Figure 7: Torque simulation response of Self-

Running Magnetic Motor .

Figure 9: Mechanical power versus Electrical power

from self-running magnetic motor


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From the study, it can be concluded it is possible to

induce electricity from self-running magnetic motor.

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