l3tgf15 2
l3tgf15 2
l3tgf15 2
First Year
Department of Tour Guiding
Fall 2015
Industry Sectors:
1. Tourist Attractions
2. Transport
3- Accommodation
4- Tour Operator
Find out:
What is the difference between charter flights
and scheduled flights?
What are the names of the main tourism
companies in your country?
Find their websites and note down information
on what they do,
when they were founded,
what offers they provide
any anything else that you find interesting?
1. It's my job: Andrew Sharpe ( p. 8)
2. Tourism: the biggest business in the world (p. 12)
1. Take off (p. 6)
2. Adjectives for job skills (p. 7)
3. Industry Sectors ( p. 10 )
4. Key words (p. 13)
1. Three Jobs (p. 9)
1. Language Spot: Describing Job Skills ( Infinitives and
Gerunds). (p. 7)
2. Language Spot: Describing Job Routines (Present Simple
vs. Present Continuous). (p. 9)
1. Take off (p. 6)
2. Customer Care The customer is always right (p. 11).