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CONTENTS Meet Hoigle Inserting the Dise . Controls Button Assignment. Speak Menu . Pointing at Things .... Action Buttons ...... The Blue Button Main Menu, . The Kitchen The Junkyard... 0.0.02. ceed Going Online 15 Dizzy Pads ... se Playing Games with Moigle tia a 9 High Five. Lee How to Use Points . Teaching Moigle. . Pause Menu Credits. een a Warranty... 0... cee cence eee 2BMEET HOIGLE "ey there, what's tootin? My name's Hoigle, and my brother Moigle and I run this family junkyard. Moigle’s got this crazy contraption he's building in the garage, but it appears he's short a couple of pieces. The missing components are somewhere in the junkyard and I've got to help him find thern. And he’s going to have to help me a lot! Moigle’s bigger, stronger and faster than I am, so if we're going to succeed, I'll have to get Moigle to do the right things. I can't do it all on my own. Speaking of work, I shouldn't have to tell you that we've got our work cut out for us. From that evil Baron Malodorous and his Commando kittens to the strange things scattered throughout the. junkyard, Moigle and I will be keeping ourselves VERY busy. Never mind the fact that Moigle can get pretty darn emotional Keeping an eye on his emotions is pretty easy though. You might think that when he's just standing around or playing with his yo-yo that he’s just passing time, and partially you're right. But if you watch what Moigle’s doing, you can pick up on how happy/angry/sad/afraid the big lug is. Yep, things are never boring around Moigle, that's for sure.” In Floigan Brothers’, you take the role of Hoigle Floigan. To get most of the objectives accomplished during the game, you'll need the help of your brother Moigle. Play games with him, point stuff out to him, and teach him new skills ~ all to get him to do what you want. But sometimes, you may have to do something Moigle wants before he'll do something for you. MEET MOIGLE “ni, my name is Moigle. My brother Hoigle is the best. But I have to watch out for him. He's always asking me to do stuff for him. He says that I know everything, so I guess that's why I'm the genius. I'm building a top secret project and the pieces I need for it are scattered across our junkyard. Now, if Hoigle can just help me find where I put ther...»THE MICE There are three little mice that call the RR a al) Pee Cec etek nn eae RCE RR tat CR chan piece of Moigle's machine. To get even more (ere ein aR meals Run in the direction of the mice and press the Red @ button to dive at them. If you're close Cree eeu cel ics eae at a= Rat ENSERTING THE DISK Floigan Brothers is a one player game. Before turning the Dreamcast Power ON, connect the controller or other peripheral equipment into the control port of the Dreamcast. To return to the title screen at any point during gameplay, simultaneously press and hold the @, ®, @, @, and START buttons. This will cause the Dreamcast to soft-reset the software and display the title screen,CONTROLS SPEAK MENU Use the Analog Stick to move Hoigle around the map. You can interact with Use ‘the Green @ button to bring up the “Speak” Menu. Use the Analog Stick almost everything in the junkyard and the kitchen, so be sure to walk around to highlight one of the following options. Press @ to accept the menu choice and see everything! or press ® to cancel. - CHOOSE “HUG TO MAKE HOIGLE HAPPIER. « INSULT MOIGLE TO MAKE HIM SAD. ASK MOIGLE IF HE WANTS TO PLAY A GAME SEE PAGE 17 FOR A PULL DESCRIPTION. ANSWER "YES" TO A QUESTION MOIGLE ASKS. USE THIS COMMAND TO TEACH oat | ie a DO SOMETHING. YOU'LL NEED TO USE POINTS TO 00 THIS, SEE PAGE ZI Ft -XPLANATION ON HOW TO USE POINTS. ANSWER ‘NO’ TO A QUESTION fece ASKS. VIEW POINT STANDINGS, PARTS RETRIEVED, AREAS EXPLORED. feeeat Move Hoigle, . Select Menu Items . Camera Options . ...-.Enter/Action ® sees -Cancel/call for Moigle sss Speak Menu @. | Point/Use item in your possession You can change the way you view the world with the press of a couple of buttons. Press the b-Pad UP + @ to see what Moigle (oR Rese eee RO aR RA Re eal a} Cy CMe Re Rac Um Re eR Renee ace) Hoigle by pressing the left and right All right lets ses... what's next on the A-Gen- La? Angering dicide? Chay. TF you want to moke atcigle md, youve gota couple of uy you ain doit. The first woy is ta knock himaround with a few undies. Be careful though, the big galost will pound you inte the size ofa baseball and send you Aying if he gets his hand on you. But kesp in mind that Aciglds my beather ,and I'm not going ta wont to moke him md all the time (how elzeam Igang to get him todo the things Iwant?). This mean: that TIl awe taphy with him from time to time, give him some of my points, or—all in the rome of krotherly|ove—give hima hug! Frees the Yellow € button toPoint at things. Hoge mnpantat things to make Maids interested in the m. IF thers ist anything there, Moighe will move ta that quot. After pracsing the Yellow € huitton, use the joystick ta move the yd law arrow around, then press ta gst dtcights attention. Press & to once! The # button is also "Lee" button for any item that has a use while Ho ge is hdding it. For ea mpl, press £4 to mke Hogs war mck.; . 7 Press the Red @ button for Hoigle to perform an action. Dorn it alll That Hoigle sure can make me mad! Sometimes he just walks up to me and punches me for no good reason! T IGE HL PONCE HE 1S: STARING STLLCANW VIVE v usually give the little pip-Squeck a warning, but sometimes he WHEN HE IS RUNNING. He should know not to toy with HOIGLE WILL POKE MOIGLE WHEN THEY PLAY TAG. feelings! —_ AG HOLGLE CAN PICK UP ITEMS, DROP THEM, OR THROW THEM IF HE 1S RUNNING. Either he's punchin’ me to make me mad or insulting re to make me cry. doesn't realize how far he’s pushing HOIGLE CAN CLIMB LADDERS. PRESS @ TO GET ON THE LADDER, THEN MOVE HIM UP OR DOWN WITH THE ANALOG STICK. T tell ya, if he didn’t give me apples d candy now and then, I’d—POW- IF YOU CAN GET MOIGLE DIZZY WHILE HES STANDING ON A eanic co ees DIZZY PAD, HE WILL EVENTUALLY FALL DOWN. ONTO HIS BACK. BANGBOOM—Iet him have lt. HOIGLE CAN THEN JUMP ONTO HIS BELLY AND BOUNCE ON {T LIKE A. TRAMPOLINE HOIGLE CAN OPEN THINGS! MOVE HOIGLE TO AN OBJECT, UKE eS eee A-DOOR OR AMILBOX, AND PRESS. @ TO OPEN IT OFFER... IF HOIGEE 1S CARRYING SOMETHING, PRESS THE © BUTTON To OFFER MOIGLE THAT ITEM,L Con Teno ecm te Cee en at | a ata aS a) a gate will tell you which lever tee Ta Cm ATs) Sta AL ae See eee oan DCMT st Macy ete ei ema MAIN MENU From the main menu, you can select from one of five options. "Cookies !" will whisk you off to a very entertaining training session in the Floigan Kitchen (see page 14). "Moigle's Secret" allows you to begin the main adventure in the game once you've completed the kitchen. "Restore Garne" will only appear if a saved game exists on your current VMU-- choose this option to continue your adventure. "Go Online" will allow you to begin an online session where you can chat with other Floigan Brothers players and trade Moigles (see page 15). Choose "Options" if you would like +0 configure the various elements of the game.THE kiTCHEN The Kitchen is where you will learn how Hoigle and Moigle interact. Moigle wants to bake a giant chocolate chip cookie and it’s up to you to help him figure it out. Listen to what he's asking for and it should be a piece of cookie, I mean cake! The Kitchen is highly recommended for those new to the Floigan Experience. If you don’t have any save game files on your VMU, you will want to play through the Kitchen to learn the ropes before you move on to the junkyard. “(The Tiuejard ta where we vun in business, And today the first order of business is helping Moigle build his big surprise. The seven missing parts are scattered around the junkyard somewhere. Keep an eye out for the missing pieces, and watch for Moigle’s little mouse friends—they’ll hold up signs to give you hints about where to go and what to do next. GOING ONLINE Floigan Brothers allows you to interact with other players across the Internet with the built in Online capabilities of your Sega Drearncast. While online, you can chose from the following options: THIS IS WHERE YOU GO TO CHAT WITH OTHER PLAYERS ABOUT FLOIGAN BROTHERS, SHARE HINTS AND TIPS WITH YOUR FELLOW PLAYERS WITH THE CHAT OPTION. THERE ARE TWELVE TIME-RELEASE ADD-ONS TO FLOIGAN BROTHERS™ CALLED FLOIGAN MONTHLY DOWNLOADS OR FUN MOIGLE THINGS (FAMTS). GET THEM ONLINE AND SEE HOW THEY ‘AFFECT THE GAME, . IF YOU'VE MISSED A FAT, YOU CAN STILL SEE WHAT HAPPENED. GO ONLINE AND TRADE FOR IT WITH SOMEONE ELSE. . REMEMBER, EVERY MAOIGLE IS DIFFERENT. DIFFERENT PLAYERS WILL ULTIMATELY TEACH MAOIGLE DIFFERENT SKILLS AND GAMES. WANT To PLAY A NEW GAME WITH A DIFFERENT MOIGLE? THEN GO ONLINE AND TRADE FILES WITH OTHERS.Btn le ed Cae le ace be configured with valid ISP (Internet Service Provider) account information. If your Pra amo RoR RS me er as “Go Online" at the main menu and fill out the necessary Foe a eo oie CT eae (oreernly ie ROCA Gta Taam clad Pema eee rc eee ee oe RO rece USING DIZZY PADS Dizzy Pads can be very useful. For instance, when in the kitchen--to get the chocolate, Hoigle should get Moigle to stand on the Dizzy Pad. Then Hoigle should run ‘round and around Moigle. If Hoigle runs around fast enough, Moigle will get dizzy and faint. And then Hoigle can bounce on his belly like a trampoline to Jump up to high places.WHEN YOU SEE A CRATE, YOU NEED TO GET MAOIGLE IN THE RIGHT MOOD. WHEN MOIGLE IS IN THE RIGHT MOOD, THE CRATE WILL OPEN UP TO SHOW A PAD. Ne Rate Celera Keep pressing the @ Button each MOVE HOIGLE ONTO THE PAP, AND WATCH AS MOIGLE DOES SOMETHING COOL! time you land on Moigle to make Eee ea telca PLAYING GAMES WITH MOIGLE A happy Moigle will do just about anything for his brother Hoigle. But a sad or CRATES bored Moigle will be more likely to stand around. So how can you make Moigle happy? Play a garne with him of course! Bring up the Speak Menu by pressing the Green @ Button and select “Play?". You can then select from a variety of different games. At first you can only play High Five, but as you earn more points, you'll be able to teach Moigle all sorts of things (and sorne of those are more games). As you adventure around the junkyard, you will notice that there are four different kinds of crates. They are red, blue, green, and yellow. Each box will react to a specific mood that Moigle is in. Red boxes open up when Moigle is ANGRY. Blue boxes open up when Moigle is SAD. Green boxes open up when Moigle is VERY, VERY HAPPY! And Yellow boxes open when Moigle is AFRAID.PLAYING HIGH FIVE Playing High Five with Moigle is fairly straightforward - watch where Moigle puts his hands and follow his lead. Press up, down, right or left depending on where Moigle’s hands are, and then press the Red @ button if he wants you to give him five (one hand) or the Blue © button to give him ten (two hands). Try your best to win, but remember—if you miss three times, the mini-garne is over! When you win a game with Moigle, you earn points. The Se IER CRC ACR Cn Cle into doing something you want. “There're all kinds of games Moigle will play with me. Sometimes I have to cheat to win, but hey, the job's gotta get done. Points are important. I need lots of therm in order to teach Moigle new things, and they don’t come easy. Moigle will give me some of his if I help him find the parts he needs or if I do nice things for him. TEACHING MOXGLE You'll also be able to go to the Speak -> Teach menu where you can teach Moigle to do new things. From this menu you can teach Moigle to play new garnes like Tag and Hide and Seek. You can also teach him to do nifty things like lifting you up to high places—just remember: you'll need to feed Moigle apples to put him in the right "learning" mood.VG CREDITS But you'll need points to teach Moigle tricks, so agit Floigan Engineers: Dialog Editing: Project Manager: Jess Sterzl you better play lots of games with him and help Nick Jones J. Mateo Baker Andy Ashcraft ‘Andrew Leker him find his missing machine parts. Tim Meekins The Ooga Booga Nick Verne Voice Casting and Exec. Producers: Team Tohn Elliot Direction: Greg Thomas Leandro Penaloza sea Andrea Romano Scott Patterson David Lee Floigan Character THE PAUSE MENU Aviators Velde Acton: Ve Tools Engineer: Dan Lavender Frank Welker as Joshua Lee A toast to those The Pause Menu gives you four choices: John Neary Moigle Floigan who have gane: i i Jason Marsdenas VC Library Dave Blanchette Continue, Save, Restore and Exit, Background Artists: Hoigle Floigan Engineers: ‘Alex Lopez Frank Robbins Victor Raider- Chuck Batson Brian Hughes Toyce Rietveld Wexler as Baron Ivar Olsen Tom Zehner Steve Paris Malodorous Ronald Pieket- Andrea Romanoas VC Server Engineer Weeserik . GO BACK TO THE GAME WHERE YOU LEFT OFF. GUI Artist: ‘the Cute Kitten Mark Roberts Alice Crysdale Steve Paris Louis Franco SAVE YOUR CURRENT PROGRESS (THIS OPTION IS ONLY Comedy Writers: Special Thanks Audrey Seymour AVAILABLE IF YOU HAVE A VM). Music Composer and Bill Allard & Merle Jenn Baker Patrick Moran Audio Director: Kessler of Duck's Wayne Herman Lenny Lee . START OVER FROM THE LAST SAVE POINT. Brian Luzietti Breath Mystery Richard Yee Eric Browning Theatre. Alvin Cardona Brian Silva GO BACK TO THE MAIN TILE SCREEN/START A NEW GAME, SPX Design: Game Designers: Michael Biancalana Mark Anderson Larry Peacock Andy Ashcraft Carl Grande Hirokazu Yasuhara Theo EldridgeTasteuct bat Medea |: Katty Ma Hrs SEG EDITS Prockict Madeiger: Rat Abdsez sinc WteProduct Masi ge : Coed Senthe Biactar a] Mdrkethig: aiid Ga ket Pu ollc Fralsthaws: Test Hig Ges Mat ie Metta | Desi der: Mibs Steud lig Dieactar a] Crate, Sary es: Reapert Scivar| bcs CS Peoect coordietar: Aelgate BITS Lend Tester: Fh bart Pia kon, Assi tat Ladd Testers: Ber|es Ee quer Karl Hatiaer Pall Serta Testers: Barked dbay Tasept érnpor Ba beet oot aty Mele Bltttat Langit Chitcy Sauna Dap plas Asta Eco Eecat Filo, Tath Fart Stee Gata Te] [ey Gu lhe t Triste Haggerty Micegel Teta Paul Tetra Ute c-Fes Shuneed Exge ‘Walter Elen chester Lee Micital Mel] 25 Faby Mourad Mathed ‘Steve Pec Paris Pace. Frit c Beco Pe baad Rint Rack uaz Halts Proektlg uae Tarde Poth leds Mies Soth kt Dat Te kg Rahat Tape salle eka Held Tose Veteggs Catwer He Ya Speck Tae ua: Peter Ware ars Gilet Gurks Bell|ickd Taeculley ‘Daata Selah het AMileg. Po bau Sky Less
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