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Electric Current and its | | Effects —— Ezz INCLUDES Electric current, Potential difference and electric current, « Electic Charge Ohm's law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the properties of Electc Charge resistance of a conductor depends, Series combination of | Couiom’s Law resistors, Paralel combination of resistors and ts applications in dally life, Heating effect of Electric current and its * Conductors and Insulators applications in daly ie, Elecic Power, interrelation between * Electric Curent (Charges in Motion) Electric Potential and Potential Diterence BV. 1 and R Jat do lightning, a flashlight, an alarm clock battery, and Flow of Charge Common Measuring int uments ‘Are you sil thinking? Here are some more items to addto te fst * Cim's Law (Resistance and Resistivity) ‘compute, acar battery, alight bul, the shock you feel when you ® Electrical Circuits shutle across a carpet and ten touch something, > Active Elements > Passive Elements a loastr ave in common? ‘Their common link isn't something magical. They are powered by 4 form of energy called ELECTRICITY It helps us do many tings» Grout Symbols and this chaper shall help you dscover more abou it. ‘© Combination of Resistors > Series Combination > Parallel Combination Heating Etect of Curent Practical Application of the Heating Effect of Electic Current Some Important Definitions, ‘ick Recap ELECTRIC CHARGE Ccharge i the property of matter due to which it produces and expeences elctcal and magnetic effets, “There exist two types of charges in nature = ( Postive charge (i) Negative charge Sl unit of charge is coulomb (C). Properties of Electric Charge 1. Quantization of charge Electric charge on a body is always an integral multiple of the smallest discrete value of charge (quanta of charge). A quanta of charge isthe charge on an electron (e) which has a value e168 10°C ‘Rakeash Foundations agi, Offeo: Aakash Tows, Pt Nod, Secor i, Dwar, Now Dah: 75 Ph: O11-A7623458 Fax: AS23472So, charge on a body can be writen as Q= tne where n= 1,2, 3 Remember n cannot be fractional. w Conservation of charge For an isolated system (collection of matter) charge is always conserved. It can neither be created nor be destroyed. it can only be transferred from one body to another or equal and opposite charges can appear or disappear. 3. Invariance of charge Charge invariance refers tothe fixed value of the charge of a particle regardless of its speed. For example, fn electron has a charge Le. 1.6 « 10-'¥ C whichis independent of its speed. = Unlike charges attract and tke charges repel each other. COULOMB'S LAW. The electric force o interaction between two charged particles at rest directly proportional to the product 1 of wo charges (= 4) an ivory propotona tthe square af dtance (5) between hem Fc Oh Hage where, Kis the constant of proportionality and has a value of 9 x 10° Nm#iC# (in vacuum), (This force is directed along the line joining the two charges. (i) For tke charges, itis repulsive (positive in sign) and for unlike charges, i is attractive (negative In sign) {i Coulom®'s force is analogous to the gravitational force. MEG ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72fame ‘A bady is gen +1 © charge. How many electrons ar acid or removed trom the body? Solution ‘As the given charge is positive, it is the result of deficiency of electrons which is a result of removal of electrons. Now, from the quantization of charge O-ne So, the numberof electrons removed aro n=92 18 26.25.10" Example From the given set of charges, which charges) isfare not possible? (@ 92x10 (0) 64x 10°C (0) 08 «10°C ( 128x10"C Solution = ‘As according to the quantization of charge, charge on a body should be an integral multiple ofthe charge ‘on an electron. So, the above set of charges can be wilten as 2 vot 9 (@ 32x10 = Zx16x10 = te16x10%6 (bo) 64x 10 =40 16 «10% (9 08.1106 = 8 n49.10°%6 «50018 «10:%6 (8) 128% 100-8 «18x 10°C In (a) vale of nis traction, which isnot possible s0 9.2 « 10-*C charge is not possible. But in the case of (O(c) and (4) the value of nis integer so they are possible. Lo acid ‘Makeash Foundatins Regd. Office: Aakash Tows, Poi Nod, Sector 1, Dwafa, New Dahi75 Ph: 01 ATE2S466 Fax = A7EOSA72Study of electricity is divided into two parts : (Static electricity which deals withthe physical etfects produced by charges at rest. (i Current electricity which deals withthe physical etfects produced by charges in motion. Here, in this chapter we shall discuss only the basic features of current electily CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS () Those substances which allow elecic charges fo ow through them are called conductors. Copper, sive, graphite, aqueous solution of salts etc. are conductors of electricity (i), Those substances which do not alow charges to flow through them are called insulators. These can be charged by triton (by rubbing with ether body). Rubber, glass, plastic, porcelain, wood et. are insulators. ELECTRIC CURRENT (CHARGES IN MOTION) ‘The rate of fow of electric charges through any cross-section of a conductor is called electric current. a net charge @ passes through a cross-section in time f then electric current is @, charge 1 time. (|The current a fundamental quantiy in physies with unit ampere (A), (i) The conventional direction of current is taken to be the direction of low of postive charge or opposite to the direction of fow of electrons. (ii) A conductor remains uncharged when current ows through it. (i) For a given conductor, the current flowing through it does not vary as its eross-sectional area varies. SS iimiowiy (Conservation of charge) Fig. 1 ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72(When one ampere current flows through a conductor, then 6.25 x 10'® electrons per second flow across any cross-section of the conductor. (Electric current in a conductor is set up due to the organized motion of free electrons on applying an external source (source of electrical energy ike cell or battery). Free electrons, vit () ( = (- (e278 SnS ' ‘conductor without a source conductor wth a source: (random motion of electrons) (organised motion of electrons) Fig. 2 TOTO ELECTRIC POTENTIAL AND POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE Electric potential may be defined as the amount of work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity {to a point under consideration, while the electric potential diference between two points in an electric circuit may be defined as the amount of work done to move a unit positive charge from one point to another (oe. tom Ato ”, te Me 4 (Electric potential ie a scalar quantty with SI unit vel (V). YVe= (@) One voit isthe potential diference between two points when, one joule of work is done to move a charge ‘of one coulomb from one point tothe other. 1 joule 1 vOl = gular FLOW OF CHARGE Consider two identical metallic spheres P and N, carrying equal amounts of positive and negative charges respectively. A positive charge isto be laken from point B to point A, as shown in the figure given below. It is atracted by the negatively charged sphere N and repelied by the positively charged sphere P. So, to move the charge towards point A, one has to apply a force on it towards the left. Thus, the work done is positive, Hence, the potential diference V,~ Vq is positive, t means V, > Vir As one moves towards P, the work done increases, so the potential increases. And on moving towards N, the potential decreases. So, the potential of Ps higher than that of In general, the potential of a positively charged body is taken as higher than that of a negatively charged body. ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72° | | ¢ | ; ° Repulson Attraction | } Fig. 4 What happens when, a free-lo-move charge is placed between the spheres? A positive charge will move towards the negatively charged sphere. And a negative charge will nave towards the postvely charged sphere. That is, a free positive charge moves towards the lower potential and a free negative charge moves towards the higher potenti Ifthe two spheres are connected by a metal wire, electrons from the negatively charged sphere (ata lower, Potential) wil flow towards the posively charged sphere (ata higher potential). Eventually, the flow of electrons, ‘causes the charges on the spheres to become balanced. When that happens, the spheres no longer carry ‘a net charge and therefore, have equal potential. So, the flow of electrons stops. We can thus say that a potential difference causes charges to flow. Higher potential Lower potent Fig. 5 Example 3: “How much work is done in moving a charge of 5 C across two points having a potential literence of 20 volt? Solution : The work done Wo move a charge Q across two points of potential ciference Vis W~ V~20 «5 = 100J Example 4: “How much energy should be given to 1 C charge, to pass it through a 2 V battery? Solution = \We know that the electrical energy is defined as the amount of work required to be done to move a charge from one point fo other. So, WeVxQ=2x1=2) ‘akeash Foundatns Regd. Office: Aakash Tow, Poi Nod, Sector 1, Dwala, New Daht7S Ph: O11 -ATE23488 Fax = A7EQS472[[Physies = Chass — 10. ‘current of 0.5 A is drawn by a flament of electric bulb for 60 s, The amount of electric charge that flows through the circuit is () s00¢ 2) s00c @ 8000 (4) 800 uc The work done in moving a charge of 2 C across two points having a potential difference of 12v0ltis () aad @ as @ 124 (@) 2 ‘The potential at @ point 0.1 m from an isolated point charge is +100 V. The nature of the point charge is (1) Postive: (2) Negative @) 200 (4) Ether negative or zero ‘The work done in moving an electic charge qin an electric circuit does not depend upon (1) The mass ofthe charge (2) Tho potential diference between two points (9) The magnitude of the charge (4) Alot these 110 joule of work must be done to move an electric charge of 2 C from a point, where potential is -10 V to another point where potential is Vvol. Then, the valve of Vis (y 5v @ ~15Vv @ H5v @ 410 COMMON MEASURING INSTRUMENTS “The electric curtent in a circuit is measured by an instrument called the ammeter. I is connected in series with the circut carrying the current to be measured. An ideal ammeter has zero resistance. The potertial ference between two points in an electric cicul is measured by a voltmet itis connected in the parallel to the points in the circuit across which voltage isto be measured, An ideal volimeter has infinite resistance You might have seen these meters in voltage stablzer. In these meters, a needle moving over a graduated scale gives the value of the measured quantity. Each meter has two terminals. The terminal marked ‘+ is connected to the higher potential side of a circuit, while the terminal marked "is connected to the lower potential side, @ ) Fig. 6 : (a) Ammeter,(b) Voltmeter ‘Rakeash Foundations Fogd. Ofce: Aakash owe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dwafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72OHM'S LAW (RESISTANCE AND RESISTIVITY) It the physical conditions remain unchanged (such as temperature), the potential difference across the two lends of a conductor is directly proportional to the electric current flowing through it vel ‘where, Ais the constant of proportionality and is called the resistance of the conductor. Itis the propery of a conductor to resist the flow of charges through it. 1) By in rats en See nance eth coer v RY constant 7-= constant a 1 Fig. 7: V- graph fora conductor The V1 raph isa svaight ine that passes through the origin O ofthe graph as shown in gue 7 (ii) The St unit of resistance is ohm (2). i) Te resistance ofa conductor of unto thickness depends on the length o he conductor () andthe area of cross-section (A). R= length of conductor 1 rea of conductor T Z eo Aapk A PA where p (constant of proportionally Is called the specie resistance or resavly of the conductor. Wt depends on the nature ofthe material ofthe substance, not on Its shape and size. tis colned as the resstance offered bya wt of he matoal of unt lngih and unl cross-sectional are or we can Also detneresistty as the resistance ofa unt meter cube of thal matt The SI nit of resistvty is ohm-mtte (Ci). Reciprocal of resist is temed 3s conductivity. The conductivity othe specie conduciance measures mates ablty to conduct elec curen (When the length ofa conductors vared, then Ils area also changes 0.9, when you stetch a wie, bocomas thin, So, lt tho length of conductor changes from L, to L, and tho area changes from AoA, During this transformation, tho volume ofthe conductor romains the samo. So, wo have Aly = Ale Ab on a (i) “ & Intaly,rsstance ofthe conductor le von as path a ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72Now resistance a’ =P A Using equation (i), we get rable AL aC rt) So, i the length of a conductor of resistance Fis changed from L, to Ly, then its resistance becomes by f fe 1 the area of cross-section ofa given conductor of resistance Fis changed from A, t0 A, then it restanoe becomes (4) A (vi) If the radius of a given conductor wire of resistance A is changed from r, to /,, then its resistance becomes (ss (vi) For a given shape and size, the resistance of different materials is different but resistivity remains the sare, (viii) Both resistance and resistivity increases with increase in temperature. At a particular temperature, the resistivity of various substances are related as Prtaoe > Pe > Patoys > Prats Extra ShoDs ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72Example ‘A current of 2 A flows in an electrical creuit. How much charge will flow through a point ofthe circuit in 10 minutes? Solution : AsQ=it Hore /=2A.and t= 10 minutes = 600 5 S80 Q=2 « 600 = 1200 Example 6 : The specific resistance of nichrome is 100 42 em. What will be the resistance of a nichrome wire of 5 m length and 0.01 cm area of cross-section? Solution : As A here p = 100 2 om J=5m-=500.em A= 001 ome $0 R= 10050 0 = 5x10 Wo =5a Try Yourself ‘akeash Fasndacions-Regd, Office: Aaah Towes, Plot No.4, Sect-1, Duara, New Dalh-75 Ph 01147629456 Fax : 47628472Phys - Chass X —xumameall “14, The specific resistance of a wire (1) Varies with its length (2) Varies with its cross-section () Varies with its mass (4) Does not depend upon its length, cross-section and mass 15. a copper wire is stretched o make it 0.1% longer, then the percentage change in its resistance Is approximately (1) 019%, @) 02% @ 04% (4) 08% P| ON What is the name of the first electricity detective? ‘Sherlock Ohms 4 An electric eel can generate an electical potential of 600 volts or more in order to stun prey or zap predators. 4 The World's biggest source of energy for producing electricity comes from coal. The buming of coal in fumaces heats bole's water unl t becomes. steam which then spin turbines attached to generators. “4 Electricity plays a role in the way your heart beats. Muscle celle in the heart are contracted by the electricity going through t. Electrocarciogram (ECG) machines used in hospitals measure the electricity going through someone's heart. When the person is healthy, it usually shows a lino ‘moving across a screen with regular spikes as the heart beats. 4 You may have heard of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). The difference between the two is in the way the electrons flow. in DC, electrons move in a single direction while in AC they change ‘direction, switching between backwards and forwards. The lactrcty used in your home is AC, while DG comes from sources that include batteries. Back in the 1890's there was even a war of currents” between Thomas Eicon (who helped invent DC) and Nikola Tesla (who helped invent AC). Both wanted their system to be used, but AC eventually ‘inning aut due to the fact that itis safer and can be used aver longer distances. Electric ea! ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS {An electric circuit is a combination of some active and passive elements forming a closed loop. Active Elements Elements of a circuit which provide electrical eneray to the circuit are called the active elements i... col, battery, generator etc. ‘Rakeash Foundations Fogd. Ofce: Aakash owe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dwafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72Passive Elements Elements of a circuit which consume or store the electrical energy from the circuit are called the passive loments /.0, resistance, capacitor, inductor etc. eer " : 4 44 —| _ Wire joint Gunction) —— yr 44 Connecting wire Wires crossing without contact Pg, key or switch (open) ey or — A cane Pug, Ke or sich (hosed) Resistance T yh 1 Qi Variable resistance coe reei Elects Bulb ‘Ammeter Volmeter —@— or —@— —— Galvanometer_ ‘Arrow shows rection of curent Fig. 8 : Circuit symbols Extfa ShoDs ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72COMBINATION OF RESISTORS Series Combination () Resistors are connected end to end. ow wo A, it Ry Fig. 9 (i) Same current flows through each resistors. (Gi) Combined (equivalent) resistance Figg = Py + Py 4 Ry (i) Appliad voltage is equal to the algebraic gum of the potential diferences across each resistor Vee mae. () I Vis the applied votage across the combination of resistors, then AB v “RRR R, Vis voltage across A, resistor. Expression for Effective or Equivalent Resistance in Series Combination Consider three resistors, A, R and A are connected in series shown inthe figure 10, ROR hat —vunin —vnt ne be Vv K Fig. 10 ‘Abatiay of Vols has beon appli tothe ends of tis series combination. Let the potential ference across FF, and A be VV, and V, respectively ‘The potential difrence across the three resistors should be equal tothe applied voltage, leVe Ve ev Let the effective resistance of the combination is A, and the current flowing through the circuit is J then according to Ohm's law, v-iR “wo Vp = UR, Ve Re, Vy = IR Va IR = IR, + Ry + IR = KA, + Ry + Pa) RoR AR o Re where Ris the effective, or equivalent or net or total resistance in series combination, ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72Fig. 11 : Bulbs connected in series are used for decoration ‘When a number of resistor are connected in series then = ‘The sum of potential ditferences across all the resistors is equal to the voltage of the battery applied. ‘The same current flows through each resistors which is equal to the curent flowing inthe whole circuit ‘The equivalent resistance ofthe circuit wil always be greater than the value of the largest resistor In the circuit. le! Combination (0 The resistors are connected between the same two points as shown in figure 12. R (i) The potential diference across each resistors is the same, {i The comtined (equivalent) existance Fs gven by pi LoS SS 2 soja RoR RR Fig. 12 (The sum of curents owing trough each resistors equal othe current entering in combinalon hehe (0 11 the total euret entering in paral combination hen Pet 2 Expression for Effective Resistance in Parallel Combination Consider three resistors Fi, A, A connected in parallel with a battery as shown in the figure 13, v Fig. 13 ‘Rakeash Foundations Fogd. Offco Aakash Tower, Pot No.4, Seco, Duaka, New DObES Ph: OTT 47623486 Fax A7EDSA72The potential ference across each of the resistor is same as the applied voltage, but the value of current across each resistor is diffrent. Let, be the current flowing through A, , and Ri respectively. Iehehok a) Let the effective resistance ofthis parallel combination be A, then using, Ohm's law v me oli) [As Vis same forall resistor, therefore Je, the recjorocal of effective resistance in parallel combination is equal to the sum of reciprocals ofall the individual resistances, Three conductors, each having resistance of 32 are joined (i) n series (i) in parallel. Find the equivalent resistance in each case. Solution : () Asin series Py = Ry + Rot Re Here, Ry = Fe 80, Ry (i) Asin paraiiet ‘akeash Foundatins- ogi. Office: Aakash Tow, Poi Nod, Sector 1, Dwafa, New Daht75 Ph: O11 47629488 Fax = 47628472Example 8 ‘Calculate the equivalent resistance between points A and B of the network shown. joo 190 Solution : The given network can be simpliied as ton toa toa ton toa | 100 so 8 yon 200 wn 20 52 When a 12 volt battery is connected across an unknown resistor, there isa current of 2.5 mA inthe circu Find the valve of resistance of the resistor. Solution : Given, The current inthe cieuit (= 2.5 mA =25% 109A The voltage across the resistor is V= 12 volt According to Ohm's law, V= JA 2 ART 0 Put the numerical value in equation (), we get 12___ 12000 Bex? 25 Example 10 How many 176. resistors in parallel are required to cany 5 A current on a 220 V tine? ‘akash Foundatins ogi. Office: Aakash Tows, Pot Nod, Sector 1, Dwala, New Dahi75 Ph: O11 ATE2S456 Fax = A7EOSA72 48000[Phsies- Chass etre Curent and ts Erees) 7p Solution Lot n resistors each of resistance AA = 176 0) are connected in parallel, thon the value ofthe effective a resistance ie 2 A Using Ohm's law, V = IR, 16, In he given circuit for what value of X the net resistance betwoen A and B is equal to 50.2? [gel_[aal ., (1) 602 (2) 409 (3) 1209 (4) 209 ee eee war Gos (et ey 18, In the circuit given below, the current through 100 © resistor is 200 () 05a @ 0250 19, The equivalent resistance between A and Bis 190 os 200 es oe 2 200 si 400 ) wo @ 500 @ 20 (6) 909 ‘Rakeash Foundations Regd Ofc: Aakash Tow, Pot No 4, Secor 1, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72HEATING EFFECT OF CURRENT |We have seen that when the electric current passes through a resistor, the electric energy spent or electric ‘work done in moving the charges is corwerted into heat energy. Joule gave the law on heating effect of current known as Joul 2 rosistor is ‘aw, which states thatthe heat produced in (i) Directly proportional to the square of the electric current for a given resistance, Le., H= P. (i) Directly proportional to the resistance for a given current, ie, H=< A. ii) Directly proportional to the time for which the current flows through the resistor, ie, H « t 0, by tis law we get Hert comers Mra (arg crm ew Electrizal power isthe electical work done pe uni orth ae at which elect energy is ssiated roomed nan eects seat, Wok done Tie akon pol 7 | current / flows for time tunder a potential ciference V, then work done is given as weve (W= aVand a= so, patty, 7 © peewee (Using Ohm's iw) 0) two resistors are connected in sores, the ato ofthe power consumed is Fx ar R R Fig. 14 ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72A Pe (i) two resistors are connected in parallel, then the ratio ofthe power consumed is A . Ba ROR B, Fig. 15 Ui) Every electrical appliance has a power rating, which tells us how much power it consumes at a particular voltage and is denoted as (P. VI, where Pis the power consumed by an appliance at voltage V. If two bulbs having power ratings (P,, V), (P,, V) are connected in series to a power source of on) vollage ¥, then the total power P consumed is given by PRR Proof; Let the resisiances of the bulbs having power ratings P, an P, be A, and A respectively, then va’ eae Ape his oanet esc an Pion pme crt, ten P= In ories combination equivale resistance is given by R= R, + Fy P Pe Fig. 16 (Wt two bulbs having power ratings (P,. V), (Pa ¥) are connected in parallel tothe power supply of V vols, then the total power consumed is P= P, + P, root : Let the resistance of bulb P, and P, be A, and A, respectively ve ve aa Rae If Ris the equivalent resistance and P is the power of combination, then aS In parallel combination the equivalent resistance is given by ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72Y) PO BO Fig. 17 ty a bubwih ang Vcore of Vga he power (consumed Va r wo-(tfin Proof : The resistance of bulb P, is given by p= “= ang a= Ye a z Power consumed when connected wth a source V, is v Poe Example 11 ‘A rad set of 80 watts runs for § hours. How many units of electrical energy are consumed? Solution = As electical energy = Power » time = 80 « 5 watt hour = 0.4 Kilowatt hour PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE HEATING EFFECT OF ELECTRIC CURRENT The heating etfect of curent i utilised inthe electrical heating appliances such as electric fon, room heaters, ‘water heaters, etc. Al these heating appliances contain cols of high resistance wire made of nichrome alloy. \When these appliances are connected to the power supply by insulated copper wires, then a large amount of heat is produced inthe heating coils. Because they have high resistance, but a negligible heat is produced in the connecting wires because the wites have low resistance. ‘Makeash Foundatins Regd. Office: Aakash Tows, Poi Nod, Sector 1, Dwafa, New Dahi75 Ph: 01 ATE2S466 Fax = A7EOSA72The electric heating is also used to produce light as in an electric bull. Here the filament must retain as muh of the heat generated as is possible, so that it gets very hot and emits light. It must not melt at such high temperature. A strong metal with high melting point such as tungsten (melting point 380°C) is used for making bulb flaments. The fllament should be thermally isolated as much as possible using insulating support [Another common application of Joule’s heating is fuse, which is used in electric circuits. It protects circuit ‘and appliances by stopping the flow of any unduly high electric current. The fuse is placed in series with the device. It consisis of a piece of wire made of a metal or an allay of low matting point for example aluminium, copper, ion, lead ete. Electric tse = Electric bulo oom heater Fig. 18 Example 12 A wire of resistance 25 @ is made of manganin alloy and is connected across a car battery of 12 V emt ‘and neglgibe internal resistance. How much heat energy is produced in 30 minutes? Solution : Heat produced H=PAt = 22 20.60 7 or H= 10.87 « 10° Example 13 The maximum power rating of a 20.0 resistor is 2 KW. A DC source of negligible intemal resistance and ‘emt V volts is connected across the resistor. What is the maximum value of V so that the heat produced does not melt the resistor? Solution : Let V,, is the maximum val then heat produced per second is av TR ‘akeash Foondatians Regd. Office sAskach Two, Pt Nod, Secor i, Dwaika, Now Dali 75 Ph: 01147623468 Fax: A762347222) [Etecve Current and its Enocts Physics - Cass x Tra or 2k mist ve Vg =2x10?x A= 2x 109 « 204 x 108 0 V,,= 200 vol. Ex ‘An ect bl salad (100 W, 220 Vii operated a 110 then nd he power consumed by na ana ns Va ’ elie (10 (a) or P= 25 watt 21. Two bulbs Pand Qare rated 100 W, 220 V and 50 W, 220 V respectively. They are connected In parallel across 220 V source. The current in the two bulbs P and Q are respectively re 0) SARA 10,5 Wada @ Bata 22, Which wil consume mote energy a 600 W refrigerator working for 2 hours or a bulb of 100 W working for 14 hours? (1) Bub (2) Retrigerator (9) Both will consume the same energy (4). Data is insufficient 23, resistance of 12 © Is connected to a battery of 10 V. The heat energy in joules generated por minute is (1) 9455 @ 4155 (9) 5005 (4) 8754 24, A 1500 W electric geyser is used everyday for 2 hrs. Calculate the electrical energy consumed fora day (1) 90 kwh @) 3.0KWh (9) 7.50 kwh, (4) 10.0 kwh 25. An electric bulb is rated 100 volt and 100 wat, itis operated on 110 vot. The power consumed willbe (1) 100 watt @) 120 watt @) 110 watt (4) 121 watt ‘akeash Foundatins Regd, Office: Aakash Tows, Poi Nod, Sector 1, Dwafa, Now Dahi75 Ph: O11 ATE2S466 Fax = A7EOSA72SOME IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS 1. Ammeter : An ammeter is an instrument used to measure the electric current in a circuit 2. Voltmeter : A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring the potential diference between two points in an electric circuit 3. Conductivity : The conductivity or the specie conductance Is the reciprocal of resistivity and measures the materia'sabilty to conduct electric current. 4. Joule’s heating : Is also known as ohmic heating or resistive heating. It is the process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor releases heat QUICK RECAP 1. Charge is a fundamental quaniy that exhibits the electrical and the magnetic effects. There are two types of electric charge called positive and negative charge. 2. Like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract each other. The SI unit of charge Is coulomb. One coulomb is equivalent to the charge contained in nearly 6.25 « 10° electrons. ‘The moving charge through a conductor constitutes the electric curent. The direction of electric current is opposite to the flow of electrons. ‘Sl unit of current is ampere represented by symbol (A) [An ammeter is an instrument used to measure the electric current in a circu, itis always connected in series combination with the circuit carrying the curent to be measured. Its name ammeter is given since the electric current is measured in amperes. Instruments used to measure smaller curonts, in the millampere or microampere range, are designated as millammeters or microammeters. 8. Volmeter is an insttument used to measure the electric potential (voltage) in a circu It ie used in parallel Combination with the circuit across which voltage to be measured. 8. The potential itference between two points in an electric circuit carrying current is defined 2s amount cof work done fo move a unit charge from one point to the other 10. The potential ditference (1) between two points = Work done (W)/Charge (0). Ww vw o 11 SI unit of electric potential diference is volt (V), named atte Alessandeo Vota. 42.1 Vis the potential diference between two points in a current carying conductor, when 1 J of work is done to move a charge of 1 C from one point to the other. 13. The resistance is the property of a material (conductor) that resists the flaw of electrons in the conductor. It controls the magnitude of current. SI unit of resistance is ohm, 14, The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional fo its area of cross-section 15, Mathematically, | symbols have their usual meanings 16. Ohm's law : The potential difference acrass the ends of a resistor is directly proportional tothe current flowing through it, provided its temperature remains constant ‘Rakeash Fondains- ogi. Offce: Aakash Towe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA7217. The effective resistance of several resistors connected in series is equal to the sum of their individual resistances, 0, Ry= Ry Ry + Ry lecrcal energy dissipated in a resistor is given by HeVatat 18. The 49. The ectical power is the electrical work done per unit ime. je, p= t 20, SI unit of power is watt. 1 walt is the power of an appliance that consumes 1 J ofthe electrical eneray in one second. = 21. Matematcaly, power | (P)= Vi= 5 = PR 22. Commercial unt of electrical energy is (kilowatt — hour) (kW). TKWA =36 x10" J 2, Heat produced in a conductor, H = Rt ‘where, > Current owing through the conductor > Resistance of the conductor 15 Time ‘Rakeash Foundations Fogd. Ofce: Aakash owe, Pot No 4, Saar, Dwafa, New Dahs75 Ph: O11 47623466 Fax = A7EOSA72
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