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Wing Flutter Analysis using

2-way FSI


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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Problem Overview

Training Manual

This problem consists of a mahogany wing at Mach 0.9. The

geometry is based on the AGARD 445.6 wing which has been widely
studied in literature. The structural and fluid meshes used are quite
coarse and are not intended to show best practice.

The response of the wing to an initial

perturbation is analysed using 2-way
Mechanical. ANSYS Workbench
version 12.1 will be used for the
Basic knowledge of Workbench,
CFX and Mechanical is assumed.

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Workflow Overview

Training Manual

Import the geometry into Workbench and complete the structural

mesh and model
Perform a Modal analysis to verify the expected mode shapes and

Import the existing fluid mesh which was completed in ICEM CFD
Setup and solve an initial steady state fluid solution with a fixed wing
Setup and solve the coupled FSI analysis

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Wing Flutter FSI

Starting the Project and the Structural Model

Training Manual

1. Start Workbench 12.1 and save the project as

AGARD445_Workshop.wbpj in a new working directory

Saving the project at start up sets the working directory

2. Add a Transient Structural (ANSYS) analysis to the Project

3. Right-click on the Solution cell (A6) and select Delete

The solution is performed after completing the fluid setup

4. Right-click on the Geometry cell

and import the file

The geometry has already been


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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Material Properties

Training Manual

1. Double-click the Engineering

Data cell to define the
structural material properties
2. Enter a new material named
3. Double-click on Density under
Physical Properties from the
Toolbox on the left, then enter
the Density value as 381.98 kg
4. Under Linear Elastic doubleclick on Orthotropic Elasticity
and enter values for the
Youngs Modulus and
Poissons Ratio as shown

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Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Model

Training Manual

5. Click Return to Project from the toolbar

Now create the structural mesh and setup
1. Double-click the Model cell (A4) to open
Mechanical and create the structural
mesh and model
2. Select Units > Metric (m, kg, N, s, V, A)
from the main menu
3. Expand the Geometry tree in Outline.
Select wing.
4. In the Details view, under Material,
change the Assignment from Structural
Steel to Mahogany

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Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Model

Training Manual

Next create a coordinate frame aligned with

the wing corresponding to the orthotropic
material properties
1. Right-click on Coordinate Systems
in the Outline tree and Insert a new
Coordinate System
2. Right-click to Rename the
Coordinate System Local Ortho

3. In the Details view, change Define By

to Global Coordinates
4. From the Toolbar select the RY icon
to rotate about the y-axis, and enter
45o under Transformations in the
Details view
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Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Model

Training Manual

5. Now select wing again under Geometry

and change the Coordinate System to
Local Ortho
The next step is to create the structural mesh

1. Right-click on Mesh and select Generate

Mesh to create the default mesh

The default mesh is too coarse, particularly

near the leading edge

2. Select Mesh from the Outline tree, then in

the Details view, under Sizing, set Use
Advanced Size Functions to On:
Curvature then re-generate the mesh

This improves resolution at the highly-curved

leading edge, but produces too many elements
in the swept direction and the elements are too
large away from the leading edge.

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Model

Training Manual

3. Right-click on Mesh and select Insert >

4. Select the wing from the viewer and click
Apply in the Geometry field

5. Set the Method to Sweep, and the Sweep

Num Divs to 20, then re-generate the

This gives a more reasonable number of

elements in the swept direction, but the
elements are still too large away from the
leading edge

6. Select Mesh from the Outline tree, then in

the Details view, under Sizing, set Min
Size to 1e-3 m and Max Face Size and Max
Tet Size to 0.02 m. Generate the mesh.

This completes the structural mesh

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Model

Training Manual

The structural boundary conditions and

analysis settings can now be defined
1. Under Transient (A5) select Analysis
Settings and set the values as shown

The transient timestep controls are defined

in CFX-Pre. Here we just need to define
how many substeps are needed per
timestep (almost always 1). The Step End
Time is not used. Auto Time Stepping
should be off. Time Integration should be
on for a true transient. Large Deflection
should always be on, even for small

2. From the toolbar select Inertial >

Standard Earth Gravity then in the
Details view set the Direction to Y
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Wing Flutter FSI

Structural Setup

Training Manual

3. Insert a Fixed Support at the root

surface of the wing
4. From the Toolbar select Loads > Fluid
Solid Interface and apply to the top AND
tip surface of the wing
5. Create a second Fluid Solid Interface
for the bottom surface of the wing
The Interface Number is shown in the Details
view for each Fluid Solid Interface. This
number is referenced when applying boundary conditions to the fluid side
In general the interfaces could be combined into a single Fluid Solid Interface.
However, when surfaces meet at a sharp angle, as is the case here at the
trailing edge, it is a good idea to use separate interfaces to avoid any fluid-solid
mesh mapping problems

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Wing Flutter FSI

Modal Analysis

Training Manual

This completes the structural setup. At this point you could write out an
input file (Tools > Write Input File) if the case is to be ran on a different
machine (e.g. a cluster). Before proceeding with the fluid setup it is a good
idea to perform a Modal analysis to verify the modal frequencies are as
1. Return to the main project page (do not close Mechanical)
2. Drag and drop a Modal (ANSYS) system onto the Model cell (A4) of
the Transient Structural analysis
This creates a new Modal analysis, sharing the Geometry and Model
from the Transient Structural system

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Modal Analysis

Training Manual

3. Return to the Mechanical window

A Modal (B5) entry has been added to the

Outline tree

4. Right-click on the Fixed Support under the

Transient (A5) entry and select Copy
5. Right-click on the Modal (B5) entry to Paste
the Fixed Support into the Modal analysis
6. Select the Modal Analysis Settings and
reduce the Max Modes to Find to 4
7. Right-click on Solution (B6) and select
Insert > Deformation > Total
8. Right-click on Modal (B5) and select Solve

The first four mode frequencies are shown

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Modal Analysis

Training Manual

9. Select Total Deformation under

Solution (B6) from the Outline
tree, then click the Animation
Play icon. Stop the animation
after viewing.
10. To view the next mode shape,
select Total Deformation again,
then in the Details view change
the Mode to 2. Right-click on
Total Deformation and select
Retrieve This Result.

First Bending Mode at 9.64 Hz

11. Save the project

12. Close the Mechanical window
after viewing the results and
return to the main Workbench
project page
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First Torsional Mode at 40 Hz


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

Next you will solve a steady-state fluid

solution to provide the starting point for
the transient FSI analysis.
1. Add a Fluid Flow (CFX) Analysis
System to the Project Schematic
(do not connect it to any other
2. Right-click on the Mesh cell (C3)
and select Import Mesh File
3. Change the File of type: option
to ICEM CFD Output File(*.cfx5)
then select the file
agard_wing3.cfx5 provided with
this workshop

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

4. Double-click the Setup cell (C3) to start CFXPre

5. When CFX-Pre opens, edit the Default
Domain and set the following on the Basic
Settings panel:

Material = Air Ideal Gas

Reference Pressure = 7703 [Pa] (make
sure the units are correct)
Buoyancy Option = Buoyant
Gravity X Direction = 0
Gravity Y Direction = -g (click the
Expression icon to enter)
Gravity Z Direction = 0
Buoyancy Reference Density =
0.0994 [kg m^-3]

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

6. On the Fluid Models panel set:

Heat Transfer Option = Total Energy
Turbulence Option = Shear Stress
7. Click OK to complete the domain settings
8. Insert a boundary condition named Inlet
and set the following, then click OK:
Boundary Type = Inlet
Location = OPEN
Mass And Momentum Option = Cart.
Vel. Components
U = 269.69 [m s^-1]
V = 0.26969 [m s^-1]
W = 0 [m s^-1]

Static Temperature = 269.86 [K]

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

The inlet boundary has a slight V velocity

component. This will be removed in the transient
analysis providing a perturbation to the flow and
the wing.
9. Insert a boundary condition named Outlet
and set the following, then click OK:
Boundary Type = Outlet
Location = OUTLET
Mass And Momentum Option =
Average Static Pressure
Relative Pressure = 0 [Pa]
10. Insert a boundary condition named Sym
and set the following, then click OK:
Boundary Type = Symmetry
Location = SYM
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July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

11. Insert a boundary condition named WingBtm using the following:

Boundary Type = Wall
Location = WINGBTM
All other settings can remain at their default values
12. Insert a boundary condition named WingTopAndTip using the
Boundary Type = Wall

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

Next, modify the Solver Controls:

1. Edit the Solver Control object from the Outline tree and set:
Max. Iterations to 50
Typically you shouldnt limit the max. iterations too much since
a case may stop before it is converged. In this instance it is
known that the solution is well converged after 50 iterations.
Timescale Control = Physical Timescale
Physical Timescale = 0.01 [s]
Residual Target = 1e-6
2. Click OK
Now create some Monitor Points:
1. Edit the Output Control object from the Outline tree. On the
Monitor tab enable Monitor Options

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

2. Create a new Monitor Point named Drag

and set:
Option = Expression
Expression Value =
force_x()@WingBtm +
3. Create a second Monitor Point named
Lift and set:
Option = Expression
Expression Value =
force_y()@WingBtm +
4. Save the case then close CFX-Pre

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Steady State Fluid Analysis

Training Manual

You may wish to skip to steps on this page, since the steady-state solution
will take approximately an hour to complete. You can open the project
AGARD445_SteadySolution.wbpj and continue from the next page.

1. In the Project Schematic double-click the Solution cell (C4)

2. When the Solver Manager opens, enable the Double Precision

toggle, then click Start Run
The solution will proceed and stop after 50 iterations
3. Check the residuals are converged, the imbalances are
reasonable and the monitor points are showing steady values
4. Close the Solver Manager then save the project
If you wish, examine the steady state fluid results; detailed instructions are
not provided here.
The next step is to create the transient FSI analysis.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

1. In the Project Schematic click on

the down-arrow in the corner of the
Fluid Flow system and select
Duplicate. Enter the name for the
new system as Transient FSI.
2. Drag-and-drop the Setup cell of the
Transient Structural system (A5)
onto the Setup cell of the Transient
FSI system (D3)
This creates the FSI link
3. Right-click on the Setup cell of the
Transient Structural system (A5)
and select Update
This writes the Mechanical input
file in the background and passes
it to the Transient FSI system
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

4. Drag-and-drop the Solution cell

of the Fluid Flow system (C4)
onto the Solution cell of the
Transient FSI system (D4)
This uses the initial fluid
solution as the starting point for
the transient calculation
5. Double-click the Setup cell of the
Transient FSI system (D3) to edit
in CFX-Pre

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

1. In CFX-Pre edit the Analysis Type, set the

following, then click OK:
Total Time = 0.5 [s]
Timesteps = 0.0025 [s]
Analysis Type Option = Transient
2. Edit the Default Domain. On the Basic
Settings tab set the Mesh Deformation
Option to Regions of Motion Specified.
3. Expand the Mesh Motion Model section and
set the Mesh Stiffness Option to Increase
Near Boundaries with a Model Exponent of 2.

The default value of 10 is often not suitable,

since (1 / Boundary Distance)10 may be
beyond the number range that can be

4. Click OK
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July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

The message window will show a number of errors

because mesh motion boundary conditions now
need to be set.
5. Edit the Inlet boundary. Set the V velocity
component to 0 [m s^-1]
6. The Mesh Motion Option will be set to
Stationary by default. Click OK.
7. Edit the Outlet boundary. The Mesh Motion
Option will be set to Stationary by default.
Click OK.
8. Edit the Sym boundary. Under Boundary
Details set the Mesh Motion Option to
Stationary. Click OK.

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

9. Edit the WingTopAndTip boundary.

Under Boundary Details set the Mesh
Motion Option to ANSYS MultiField.
10. Check that FSIN_1 is selected as the
ANSYS Interface
Total Force will be sent to ANSYS,
Total Mesh Displacement will be
11. Click OK
12. Repeat the last 3 steps for the WingBtm
boundary, but use FSIN_2 as the
ANSYS Interface

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

13. Now edit the Solver Control object

14. Set Min. Coeff. Loops to 1 and Max.
Coeff. Loops to 4
These are the CFX iterations per
coupling iteration. In general dont use
too many theres no point in
converging CFX too much if the FSI
boundary displacements are going to
change in the next coupling iteration
15. Set the Residual Target to 1e-4 (RMS)
16. Switch to the Equation Class Settings

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

17. Select the Mesh Displacement equation

from the list
18. Enable the Mesh Displacement check
box, the Convergence Control check
box and the Convergence Criteria check
19. Increase the Max. Coeff. Loops to 10
20. Set the Residual Type to MAX
These changes set a tighter convergence
target for just the Mesh Displacements
equations and allow for up to 10 loops to reach
that target. It is a good idea to tightly converge
the mesh displacement equations to help
prevent mesh folding.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

21. Switch to the External Coupling tab

22. Set the Min. Iterations to 2
This is the number of coupling iterations
per timestep. A minimum of 2 is required
for an implicit solution.
23. Set Solve ANSYS Fields to Before CFX
For transient cases ANSYS should almost
always be solved first
24. Set the Under Relaxn. Fac. to 1
Under relaxation slows convergence and is
generally not necessary. There are better
ways to keep the solution stable if required.
25. Click OK
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

26. Edit the Output Control object

27. On the Monitor tab create a new Monitor Point called Tip LE
Displacement with the following settings:
Option = Cartesian Coordinates
Output Variables List = Total Mesh Displacement
Cartesian Coordinates = 0.8075 [m], 0 [m], -0.76 [m]
You can also pick points from the Viewer. To pick a point on
the wing you would need to hide the external boundaries first.

28. Create another Monitor Point called Tip TE Displacement at the

point (1.1775 [m], 0 [m], -0.76 [m])
29. Enable the Monitor Coefficient Loop Convergence check box at
the top of the panel
This produces monitor point data for each inner CFX iteration and
allows you to judge the stability of the interface solution.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

30. Switch to the Trn Results tab

31. Create a new Transient Results object with the following settings:
Option = Selected Variables
Output Variables List = Total Mesh Displacement
Output Frequency Option = Coupling Step Interval
Interval = 4
Note that ANSYS will also write data at this frequency
32. Click OK
33. Select Insert > Solver > Expert Parameter from the main menu
34. On the Discretisation tab enable meshdisp diffusion scheme and
set the Value to 3
This relates to the numerics of the mesh displacement equation.
This setting can help avoid mesh folding at sharp corners. In this
case the displacements are small, so it likely makes little difference.
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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Analysis

Training Manual

35. On the I/O Control tab enable include pref in forces and set to t
This includes the CFX reference pressure in the forces sent to
ANSYS. In this case it will make little difference since the wing is a
closed surface.
36. Click OK
37. Close CFX-Pre then save the project

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Solution

Training Manual

The next step is to solve the transient FSI

case. It will take some time to solve, so is
best run overnight.
1. Double-click the Solution cell (D4) of
the Transient FSI system to open the
Solver Manager
2. Enable the Double Precision toggle
3. Click Start Run
4. Wait until the solution finishes
Next you will export plot data for use in an
FFT chart in CFD-Post:

1. On the User Points graph, right-click

and select Monitor Properties
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July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Solution

Training Manual

2. On the Plot Lines tab turn off all points expect the Tip LE Disp
monitor point
3. On the Range Settings tab set the Timestep Range Mode to This
Run Only then click OK

4. Select Workspace > Workspace

Properties from the main menu
5. On the Global Plot Settings tab make sure
Plot Coefficient Loop data is off and set
Plot Data By to Simulation Time. Click OK.
6. Right-click on the monitor plot and
select Export Plot Data . Save the file
output.csv (note the saved location).

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2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.


July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Solution

Training Manual

7. Open the output.csv file in Excel (or any program that can
process comma separate ASCII data)
8. Delete the first column of data, so that Time is in column A and
Displacement in column B, then save the file is csv format (not
Excel format). It should look as shown.
Only Time and Displacement data is required for the FFT chart
9. Close the Solver Manager,
return to the main project
page and save the project

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Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Post-processing

Training Manual

1. Double-click cell D5 to view the results in CFD-Post

2. Turn on visibility for the Default Boundary in the ANSYS
3. Edit this boundary. Set the Colour Mode to Variable, and the
Variable to Total Mesh Displacement.
4. Right-click on a blank area of the Viewer and select
Deformation > Custom
5. Enter a value of 20 to scale the
deformations, then click OK
6. Use the Timestep Selector (in the
Tools menu) to load the results at
different timesteps

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Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Post-processing

Training Manual

Now create an FFT chart to extract the

flutter frequencies:
1. Select Inset > Chart from the main

2. Set the Type to XY Transient or

3. Enable the Fast Fourier Transform
check box and then the Subtract
mean check-box
4. On the Data Series tab, set the
Data Source to File and browse for
the output.csv file

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July 2009
Inventory #002678

Wing Flutter FSI

Transient FSI Post-processing

Training Manual

5. On the Y Axis tab, set the Y Function

to Magnitude, then click Apply to
create the chart
6. On the X Axis tab change the Axis
Range as necessary and click Apply
to update the chart
Note that an accurate FFT chart may need data
collected over a greater time period than is used here.
The initial start-up transient data can also be removed
to improve the accuracy. The chart shown a signal just
above 14 Hz. The small bump just below 50 Hz is
likely the first torsional mode, but would require a
smaller timestep to resolve accurately. 14 Hz is
somewhat lower than experimental data, but can be
improved with finer meshes.

8. When you have finished postprocessing, close CFD-Post, save

the project then exit Workbench
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July 2009
Inventory #002678

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