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Cordy J s206946 Etp310 Ass2

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Programming for three fictional

This lesson has been developed as an inclusive unit for all
students of varying abilities. The adjustment have been
curriculum based and has incorporated the needs of students
environmental, social participation, communication, functional
language skills, behaviour, setting, timing, classroom support,
vision , transitions and collaboration. Fostering a culturally
inclusive learning environment encourages all individuals
regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation,
socioeconomic status, sexual orientation or political beliefs to
develop personal contacts and effective intercultural skills
(Barker, Frederiks & Farrelly, n.d.)

Program design approaches (Adjustments) have been made

after in-depth independent research, discussions with the
special ED coordinator, colleagues, family and from personal
previous experience.

Adjustments in Curriculum: Content

Page 1

Rory: Due to Rory speaking another language at home and

within his community, English is his second language and as a
by-product of this he is significantly behind the academic
standards for a year 1 at this stage and has been positioned
between the beginning and emerging learner stage of the
ACARA EAL/D progression stage of schooling guide in speaking,
listening, writing and reading (ACARA, 2014). Adjustments
proposed: The lesson will provide many opportunities for Rory
to answer questions verbally, were it will help me assess his
connection to content and develop his speaking skills. He will
be asked closed questions on the topics
(Syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au, 2015). The activity tasks consist of
watching, discussing and picture drawing where he will be able
to tick pre-prepared checklist (Syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au, 2015)
of items to draw. He will be given the opportunity to participate
in activities and watch videos (Syllabus.bos.nsw.edu.au, 2015)
explaining the topic of sun and moon incorporating his cultural
learning style of storytelling and drawing. One of the
consistent findings is that much aboriginal learning is by
observation and imitation, rather than through verbal
instruction (Hughes & More, 1997). These Curriculum
adjustments are considered to support and create an inclusive
environment for Rory.
River: Due to the high anxiety displayed by River surrounding
the perceived difficulties and completion of tasks the following
curriculum adjustments have been made. Proposed
adjustments: Collaborative tasks and activities have been
developed with his learning goal to complete a written
prediction and visual prediction of how the garden may look. He
will be given extras time to complete this task and be provided
scaffolding and modelling of tasks.

Page 2

Kai: Due to Kais diagnosis of Down Syndrome, heath issues,

speech problems and missing a large amount of school he
struggles with reading and writing but fully understands the
content he is being exposed to visually and verbally. As a result
the following adjusts have been made for this unit. Videos will
be used to convey content in this lesson combined with
collaborative question and answering activities. Modelled
language will be used with Kai given opportunity to answer
questions. Kais goal for these lessons is to complete a drawing
predicting what the garden may look like and be able to
verbalise a basic difference between the sun and moon. An SSO
will be present to help draw and scribe for Kai if necessary.
Adjustments in assessment:
Kai, Rory and River
Reduced amount of work required
Provide alternative questions
Provide alternative task sheet format ( tick boxes)
Additional time to complete task
Students can complete task in alternative format, drawing,
scribe and verbal.
Use visual supports and headings to support
comprehension of assignment tasks. (Garden photo on
interactive whiteboard)
(Education.qld.gov.au, 2015)
Presentation Adjustments:

Page 3

To support all students in our class the lesson has been

adjusted to incorporate visual experiments (day and night
experiment) and YouTube videos on the large interactive
whiteboard as students with Down Syndrome are often visual
learners (InformED, 2015) and any students with vision issues
are included. Also a magnification device will be available for
Kai to use if he has come to school without his glasses and
misplaced the spare class glasses. The videos and experiment
has also been incorporated to help Rory with his visual learning
and short attention span.
Instructions will be written and verbalised before and repeated
throughout the lesson to help students who find following tasks
or transitions hard. This will particularly help River in adjusting
to different class activities and the transition to photo graphing
the garden outside. He will be given every opportunity to
preview the lessons before they start and before any activity
transitions throughout the lesson.

Setting Adjustments: Environmental Social Transitions

The setting of this lesson have been varied to accommodate
the various learning needs of students. I will utilize
collaboration which means that students are responsible for
one another's learning as well as their own and that reaching
the goal implies that students have helped each other to
understand and learn (Dooly, 2008). This will include Kai, River
and Rory in all aspects of the lesson and the associated
learning through peer communication, discovery and

Page 4

The transition to the outside garden activity in planting garlic

and photographing is an area I have explicitly planned for in
regards to both Rivers and Rorys needs. Rory is a visual
learner and enjoys hands on activities so the garden walk and
planting activity is well suited for him to remain focused and
engaged. However this in itself poses a problem for River who
often dislikes changes in routine and transitions displaying a
high level of anxiety. To help minimize Rorys discomfort I will
supply him with a detailed overview of the lesson with cue
cards that I will show him before we are to transition outside as
to help him prepare himself. Also before the lesson I will take
Rory on a walk to the garden area to help familiarize himself
with the activity. Also I will have students buddy up in groups of
4 when completing the outside activity, this I hope will help
River connect and feel include with other students. The
grouping of students will help River in following and learning
directions and reading context cues.
Due to Kais ongoing medical problems I will have an SSO
support him with the outside garden activity as well as the
buddy group. All medication and associated health
requirements will be taken with us during the garden activity. A
chair will be situated in the garden so Kai is able to sit and rest
if needed.
All care and thought has been taken to minimize any undue risk
from the environment we as a class will be in. All areas will be
inspected prior to commencing activities to ensure facilities and
learning spaces are safe and accessible for all students
Communication Adjustments:

Page 5

Communication throughout these lessons will focus on visual,

verbal and hand, facial gestures, visual aids and peer
collaboration within the communication process to help
students understand context cues and instructions. Particular
adjustments have been incorporated to create an inclusive
environment. As Kai displays the characteristics as a CCN
learner (complex communication needs) primarily with speech
expression or comprehension which is not due to sensory
impairment in hearing (Hyde, Carpenter & Conway, 2010) he
finds it hard to answer questions quickly. Kai will be given extra
time to answer/respond to questions and stimuli with a SSO to
help support him to communication with peers and myself. He
will be supplied with visual aids for learning to help promote
learning and communication. These will be in the form of visual
cue cards (pictures).
River will be given cue cards explaining the lesson structure
and transitions, this should help ease any associated anxiety
with transitions and improve his reading of context cues. He will
be grouped with peers and provided collaborative support.

Behaviour Adjustments:
This unit was planned and designed to meet the learning needs
of all students including those with challenging behaviour
(Brady & Scully, 2005, cited in Hyde, Carpenter & Conway,

Page 6

A positive approach to students behaviour is favoured with

class and school expectations listed, displayed and vigorously
monitored within the classroom (Charles, 2008, as cited in
Hyde, Carpenter & Conway, 2010). Students are encouraged to
consistently display agreed behaviours through peer modelling
and self-regulation of behaviours. I have introduce
individualised planned behaviour practices (Hyde, Carpenter &
Conway, 2010) where I am consistently monitoring and
recording students behaviour with a bottoms up approach. This
is where prevention and intervention strategies become more
individualised and specific as student behaviour becomes more
challenging (Hyde, Carpenter & Conway, 2010) It is also noted
that poorly organised classrooms with limited resources and
space increase the likelihood of off task behaviour (Hyde,
Carpenter & Conway, 2010)
Previously Kai, River and Rory have displayed challenging
behaviours. Kais behavioural triggers are normally frustration
due to not understanding text or verbally being able to
communicate what he is thinking or being understood. A
priority is to understand his behaviour cues and intervene
before he goes to the next level of behaviour. This is where I or
the SSO will help scaffold his learning, decipher what he is
trying to communicate by allowing him time to express himself
through his visual cards, orally or printed. Sometimes Kai can
lash out if he is put into certain social situations where he
becomes over whelmed. To limit this I place Kai in small
collaborative groups where he does not feel over whelmed.
Rorys challenging behaviour can be due to a mixture of
boredom and different cultural learning styles. His behaviour
increase if lessons are long without breaks and do not include
hands on learning activities. To minimise unwarranted
behaviours every effort is used to incorporate hands on
activities and regular breaks throughout lessons. To limit Rorys
off task behaviour every effort is made to keep lessons flowing
with easy access to materials (Rogers, 2005, as cited in Hyde,
Carpenter & Conway, 2010) Seating arrangement have been
flexible for Rory with a specific classroom chill out area where
drawing materials and manipulatives are available if he
displays frustration or challenging behaviour.

Page 7

Rivers challenging behaviours are mainly due to his anxiety

and inability to read context cues where he can lash out either
verbally or physically at his peers and staff. To help reduce
Rivers anxiety we have created a class chill out area where he
is able to access if feeling overwhelmed. If he starts to display
unwarranted behaviour a first approach is to give him time in
this chill out area to help calm him. In this area we have a CD
player he is able to access. Research has found that playing
soft music may help students to calm down and feel less
anxious (Hyde, Carpenter & Conway, 2010) Another approach
used is to model positive self-talk within the classroom where
myself and students provide a positive and caring environment
where risks taking I their learning is encouraged and
celebrated. Also I utilize small group collaboration strategies for
River where he is able to develop collaborative skills.
As the above students often display limited social skills I
provide a whole class environment where explicit social skills
are modelled by myself, students and explicitly taught and
individualised to meet their needs (Hyde, Carpenter & Conway,
Timing Adjustments:
The timing adjustment incorporated in this lesson is a
consideration of the diversity of learners include providing
additional time to complete tasks and activities with reminders
via verbal and card cues to take extra time to complete tasks.
Such as for Kai in completing final drawing and for Rory to ease
into activities at a speed and level scaffolded so he feels
competent in completing the activities (Qcaa.qld.edu.au, 2015).
This approach will be combined with frequent breaks for both
Kai and Rory as not to overload content or Kai and to help keep
Rory focused and refreshed as he has displayed a limited
attention span. The adjustments will be in the form of
reminders to take breaks ensuring that they know when the
breaks will occur with breaks given with the purpose to refresh,
quiet time, connecting to content, refocusing (Qcaa.qld.edu.au,
2015). For Rory and Kai this will occur after watching videos
and class collaboration activities.

Page 8

The various strategies mentioned are to be used as part of a

consistent approach with all lessons or units Kai, Rory and River
are a part of. They are transferable in any learning context and
will be shared with all teachers who are fortunate to teach

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority.
(2013). English as an Additional Language or Dialect Teacher
Resource: Overview and EAL/D Learning Progression. Retrieved
Barker, M., Frederiks, E., & Farrelly, B. GIHE Good Practice
Resource Booklet on Designing Culturally Inclusive Learning
and Teaching Environments. Extract (1st ed.). Retrieved from
Education.qld.gov.au,. (2015). Education Adjustments for Vision
Impairment. Retrieved 17 May 2015, from

Page 9

Dooly, M. (2008). Telecollaborative language learning. Bern

[u.a.]: Lang.
Hyde, M., Carpenter, L. & Conway, R. (eds.), (2014). Diversity,
inclusion and engagement (2nd ed.) Sth. Melbourne, VIC:
Oxford University Press. Chapter 2 & 16
Hughes, P., & More, A. (1997). Aboriginal Ways of Learning and
Leaming Styles. In Annual Conference of the Australian
Association for Research in Education (pp. 1-21). Brisbane:
Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in
Education. Retrieved from
InformED,. (2015). Modifying Your Curriculum For Individuals
With Down Syndrome. Retrieved 17 May 2015, from
Qcaa.qld.edu.au,. (2015). Catering for diversity [Queensland
Curriculum and Assessment Authority]. Retrieved 17 May 2015,
from http://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/18307.html

Earth Sciences Unit:

Lesson Plan One
Unit Topic

Lesson One 55 to 75 minutes

Band and year

Lower Primary year 1





Earth Sciences : The moon and sun

Curriculum Connections



Curriculum outcomes

Science Understanding
Earth and space sciences

Observable changes occur in the sky and

landscape (ACSSU019)

Page 10

Science as a Human

Science involves asking questions about,

and describing changes in, objects and
events (ACSHE021)

Respond to and pose questions, and make

predictions about familiar objects and
events (ACSIS024)

Nature and development of


Science Inquiry Skills

Questioning and predicting

Planning and conducting

Participate in different types of guided

investigations to explore and answer
questions, such as manipulating
materials, testing ideas, and accessing
information sources (ACSIS025)

Processing and analysing

data and information

Use a range of methods to sort

information, including drawings and
provided tables (ACSIS027)



Use informal measurements in the

collection and recording of observations,
with the assistance of digital
technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026)

Compare observations with those of

others (ACSIS213)

Represent and communicate observations

and ideas in a variety of ways such as
oral and written language, drawing and
role play (ACSIS029)

Lesson Overview
This lesson focus is on developing students awareness of the different observable
changes between the sun and the moon as well as what changes may occour over
time to their surroundings.

Discuss the sun and moons properties and differences (size, shape, color
Discuss the changes they notice from sun to moon

Page 11

Investigate the what causes day and night

Discuss how things change over time (physical changes)
Predict changes over periods of time



will have an understanding of an basic changes between the sun and moon
will have an understanding of what causes day and night
will understand that day and night have different characteristics
will have an understanding that physical changes can occur over time
can describe physical changes that may happen over time




Describe classroom expectation of students

being on task, no calling out, choosing
appropriate behavior.
Video Engage/explore Moon:
Sun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkzdR93bqw
Overview of the lesson: focusing on the
observable changes of the moon and sun.
What causes day and night. Planning and
investigation to monitor and predict changes
to our school vege garden.
Students on floor

Accessing Prior Knowledge using Questioning

Students knowledge of what is the sun? What is
the moon? (Table responses on board)
What do they do?
What can you see changing?
Can you feel the changes?



5 min


10 min


Day and night experiment

Have 1 student hold the ball
Another student stick on a little person

Page 12

Torch holder shining light on the ball while it is


10 min

Discuss and table students ideas and


Link focus of the sun/moon changes to changes

that may occur over time? Outside, around the
home, in the garden etc.

Table ideas and observations

Explain we are going to the garden to take

pictures and plant some garlic. They will need
topic book on their desks with pencils to
complete drawing predictions on return.

Transition from floor to outside garden ( make

sure student are in lines(pairs) and use good
manners walking back to class i.e. Quietly

Walk to garden. Take phots and plant garlic

Discuss what we see in the garden and have

students predict what changes may occur over
time? Ask them to visualize the changes and
remember, as they will be drawing their
prediction back in class.

Transition from garden to class ( make sure

student are in lines(pairs) and use good manners
walking back to class i.e. Quietly

In class upload picture from camera to

interactive white board



10 min


Page 13

10 min


Pack up
2 min


Students to sit at desks and use the picture on

the whiteboard to draw their predictions what
the garden and garlic may look like in the future

5 min


Have students stop what they are doing. Explain

the need to pack up, clear desks and come to the
floor with their topic book to share.
Students who follow instruction receive dojo
Students share predictions with an
explanation. Others to give constructive

Transition to next lesson



Students to draw what causes day and night in

topic book with the title: What causes day and


Topic books will be used to form assessment of students connection

to content


Teacher to note students participation and engagement levels


Gather evidence of student learning, idea depth, progression and

provide feedback during lesson.
Teacher to check the student understands of the changes between
night and day through questioning and responses


Interactive whiteboard

Page 14

Topic book
YouTube video :
Sun video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-kzdR93bqw
Moon video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i235Y2HRksA
Sun flower time lapse video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zst08tm9s6M


General Classroom OH&S

Watch for cords on ground from electrical equipment
Locate any tripping hazard and remove
Make sure sharp objects ie scissors or Stanley knives are put away in cupboard
Make sure students seating arrangements are appropriate ie no one seated behind


This lesson was develop to be inclusive for all students of any learning level
The approached used will be a student centred approach with the teacher scaffolding
class and individual students where needed.
The classroom will be an inclusive environment with all students to feel safe and
valued in participating in all classroom activities with the high expectation.



Of acceptable



Please listen without talking while I am

talking or a student is asking or answering
a question, please show them the respect
they deserve to be heard
Not to distract others, they have the right

Page 15

to learn
If you have a question raise your and I will
respond to you when I can
Lastly by showing me that you can
respect others it shows me that you have
respect for yourself.




See Attached reflection sheet to fill in

post lesson

Resources: PowerPoint

What causes day

and night.pptx

Sun video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-kzdR93bqw

Moon video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i235Y2HRksA
Sun flower time lapse video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zst08tm9s6M

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