Core Competency 2

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* Core Competency 2

Intern at DSS Child Protective Services

Portia Washington

* Apply social work ethical principles to guide

professional practice.
* Social workers have an obligation to conduct
themselves ethically and to engage in ethical
decision making. Social workers are
knowledgeable about the value base of the
profession, its ethical standards, and relevant

*Core Competency 2

* Recognize and manage

personal values in a
way that allows
professional values to
guide practice.

* When dealing with CPS

there will be cases that may

be hard to swallow, i.e.
sexual abuse, and you cant
let your personal beliefs get
in the way of you getting
the job done in a
professional manner.
* Remember that in order for
you to do what you should
and get the best results put
your personal feelings

*Practice Behavior 2.1

* Make ethical decisions by

applying standards of the

National Association of
Social Workers Code of
Ethics and, as applicable, of
the International Federation
of Social Workers/
International Association of
Schools of Social Work
Ethics in Social Work,
Statement of Principles.

* As a caseworker

everything you do should

adhere to the NASW Code
of Ethics.
* You should always be
professional and treat
your clients and even your
colleagues with respect.
* Be truthful in your work
and keep your personal
feelings on the back

*Practice Behavior 2.2

* Tolerate ambiguity in
resolving ethical

* Anytime, even as a

professional, you are

uncertain how to go
about a case or are
unsure about
something ask your
supervisor or consult
your colleagues. You
may not know
everything and its okay
to ask questions.

*Practice Behavior 2.3

* Apply strategies of

ethical reasoning to
arrive at principled

*Anytime there is a ethical

dilemma and you are
stuck on what to do ask
your supervisor.
*Take a step back and ask
yourself as a professional
social worker what is the
best and most
professional thing to do.

*Practice Behavior 2.4

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