Tkam Themes
Tkam Themes
Tkam Themes
Date: __________________________
Period: _______
A theme is a main idea that an author is trying to reveal through a piece of writing. While
prejudice is a theme, it is a very broad term. You will need to be more specific in your identification of themes.
For example, a theme might be: Racial prejudice as demonstrated by This gives me an idea of what kind of
prejudice is inherent in the novel. Below, I have given you broad themes. In the chart, be more specific and
elaborate on the broad themes provided.
The narrator or another character state some themes directly in the novel:
Courage . I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that
courage is a man with a gun in his hand.
Empathy . You never really understand a person until you consider things from his
point of viewuntil you climb into his [or her] skin and walk around in it.
Educational Shortcomings Educational practices often achieve the opposite result from that intended.
Dont Judge a Book by Its Cover Appearance is often different from reality.
Childhood Clarity Children, with fewer prejudices, sometimes see the truth more clearly than adults.
Contentment Fine folks are those people who do the best they can with what they have.
Name: _____________________________________________
Date: __________________________
Period: _______
Theme #1
Theme #2
Theme #3
Theme #4
Theme #5