Oneill J - CV - June 24 2015
Oneill J - CV - June 24 2015
Oneill J - CV - June 24 2015
2006 April
Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre Fall Program, with Directed Studies Research
University College of the Cariboo B.Sc., Biology Major (first three years)
2013 March
Jennifer ONeill - p2
ONeill, J.D. (2012). Beggiatoa in operational monitoring of finfish aquaculture over hard seabed
substrates in British Columbia. Advice paper for the Program for Aquaculture Regulatory Research.
ONeill, J.D. (2011). Mapping of eelgrass using IKONOS imagery: Image processing protocol.
Protocol report prepared for Parks Canada, GINPRC.
O'Neill, J.D., Costa, M. (Aug 2006). Quantitative detection of chlorophyll concentration in temperate
coastal waters using Hyperion hyperspectral data: a case study in Cowichan Bay, British Columbia,
Canada. NSERC USRA independent research report.
ONeill, J.D. (2004). The effects of estuarine salinity gradient on zooplankton distribution: A case study
of zooplankton community structure in Sarita estuary, Barkley Sound, British Columbia. Student
Report Archives, BMSC Library.
Conference Presentations:
ONeill, J.D., Costa, M., Sharma, T. (2011). Using airborne and satellite imagery to map eelgrass
distribution in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, British Columbia, Canada. In: 34th International
Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE34): The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational
Environmental Monitoring, Sydney, Australia, Apr 10-15, 2011.
ONeill, J.D., Costa, M., Sharma, T. (2009). Using remote imagery to map eelgrass distribution in the Gulf
Islands National Park Reserve, B.C., Canada. In: 2009 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Ecosystem
Conference: The Future of the Salish Sea... A Call to Action, Seattle, WA, Feb 8-11, 2009.
ONeill, J.D., Costa, M., Sharma, T., Komick, N. (2008). The effect of spectral resolution on recognition
of eelgrass beds in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, British Columbia, using hyperspectral AISA
imagery. In: 2008 Coastal Zone Canada Conference 2008: Managing our Oceans and Coasts for a
Sustainable and Prosperous Future, Vancouver, B.C., May 25-29, 2008.
ONeill, J.D., Costa, M., Sharma, T., Komick, N. (2008). The effect of spectral resolution on
recognition of eelgrass beds in the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, British Columbia, using
hyperspectral AISA imagery. In: 2008 ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, Mar 2-7, 2008.
ONeill, J.D., Costa, M., Sharma, T., Komick, N., Pereira Filho, W. (2007). Mapping eelgrass
distribution using hyperspectral imagery, Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, British Columbia, In:
2007 Georgia Basin Puget Sound Research Conference, Vancouver, BC, Mar 26-29, 2007.
2015 May present
Project: Remote mapping of coral, seagrass, and mangrove distribution at Sogod Bay, Philippines, in
support of research evaluating the trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and
socioeconomic viability in systematic marine conservation planning within the Coral Triangle.
Duties: Prepare grant proposals for remote imagery acquisition; prepare digital images for participatory
mapping tool; integrate WorldView-2 images, bathymetry, and ground truth SCUBA survey data to
define spectral properties of benthic classes (seagrass, coral, mangrove, sand), define class
separability and create a benthic classification of Sogod Bay; acquire underwater video survey at
past groundtruth survey sites, provide advice for new groundtruth collection locations; present
remote sensing project to local government units (LGU).
Jennifer ONeill - p3
Project: Spatial temporal extent of kelp canopy area: satellite method development for detection of
Nereocystis luetkeana and further evaluation for a larger scale historical mapping project.
Partners: Dr. Maycira Costa, University of Victoria
Duties: Sourced ground truth and imagery data; liaised with participatory mapping groups; analysed
WoldView-2, SPOT-6 and Landsat imagery to produce a map of kelp distribution at case study
site; evaluated classification accuracy; compiled a summary report, and prepared grant proposals.
2014 June 2015 May
2011 April 2013 May
Program overview: Examining the interaction between the environment and human activity, specifically
fin/shellfish aquaculture, port development, and ballast water management activities.
(1) Aquaculture: Conducted research to feed knowledge gaps in regulatory protocols
- Developed indicators of benthic impact for monitoring hard-bottom aquaculture sites
- Applied trace metal indicators with normalization to detect waste deposition and organic enrichment
- Explored fate of deposited aquaculture waste through particle transport studies in laboratory flume
- Exploratory benthic-water column statistics toward a framework for shellfish carrying capacity
- All projects providing advice for federal CSAS peer review of aquaculture regulation in 2015.
(2) Port Development:
- Exploring the ecological (physical-biological) interactions within eelgrass meadows and biofilm zones
at Roberts Bank, B.C. in the context of coal and ferry port development (see publications).
(3) Aquatic Invasive Species
- Provided advice relevant to the Pacific region, GIS mapping, and document edit for a federal CSAS
peer review of risk assessment for ship-mediated introductions of aquatic invasive species to Canada.
- Field support for oceanographic research cruises aboard Coast Guard research vessel
- Statistical analysis and graphical representation of data
- Visualization and analysis of spatial data using ArcGIS
- Video image interpretation (ROV and drop camera)
- Data entry and data archiving (literature, digital footage, oceanographic data)
- Maintenance and technological troubleshooting of field equipment
- Stewardship of Atlantic salmon, shellfish, and phytoplankton cultures
- Writing and editing papers for peer review and technical documents
- Management of logistics for purchasing, contracted services, and instrument calibration
- Leading tours of the research program and facility for senior managers and external agencies
- Involvement with interviewing and hiring technical staff
- Member of the Health and Safety Committee
2004 2010 May Sept
- Responded to reports of wildfire, dispatched crews and rotary wing aircraft, monitored safety, and
mobilized supplies via phone and radio communications
- Transcribed all communications in real-time for legal purposes
- Operated geospatial software for monitoring aircraft, environmental indices, documenting fire activity
- Trained and mentored incoming dispatchers & guided tours of the facility
- Worked in temporary fire camps in remote field locations
- Teamwork paramount
Jennifer ONeill - p4
- Conducted quality control testing of diatomaceous earth products
- Researched and developed methods for producing hydroponic products and natural pesticides
- Designed and implemented vegetation growth studies
- Maintained quality control databases & prepared internal reports
2011 Apr - 2014 Jun
Four field excursions aboard Canadian Coast Guard Vessel, CCGS Vector
Baynes Sound, Nodales Channel, Broughton Archipelago, Salish Sea, B.C., Canada
- Water column characterization: CTD casts and rosette water samples, oxygen
fixation for DO analysis, particle size distribution with LISST laser particle
sizer, GPS and ancillary data.
- Benthic characterization: Benthic grabs, sediment sieving for macro and
meiofauna, coring, sulphide analysis, drop camera and ROV video footage,
GPS & distance-bearing locational data, electronic archive of footage
2008 June
2010 July
Jennifer ONeill - p5
Computer skills
ENVI and PCI geospatial image processing software
Microsoft Excel: complex databases, VBA macros
Equipment Proficiency
Laboratory Experience
Supervision Experience
Jennifer ONeill - p6
Teaching Assistant
Instructed labs and seminars, planned and lead field trips, held office hours, marked
assignments, presentations, and exams for undergraduate courses at UVic:
- GEOG 420: Field Studies in Coastal Geomatics
- GEOG 328: Geographic Information Sciences for Natural Science
- GEOG 319: Remote Sensing of the Environment
2005 2009
Occupational First Aid Level 1 with CPR-AED & TC Marine Basic First Aid
2015 January
2014 May
Eligible for Registered Professional Biologist designation
2013 February
Hazardous spill response certification
2013 January
WHMIS certification
2009 December
PADI Open Water Diver scuba certification
2006 May
Certificate of Radio Proficiency: Restricted Operator Aeronautical
2004 September
Recreational Boat Operator Licence
April 2007
March 2007
April 2006
July 2007
April 2006
September 2004
September 2004
September 2000