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Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (ISSN: 2315-5094) Vol. 3(8) pp. 233-244, August, 2014.

Available online http://garj.org/garjas/index.htm

Copyright © 2014 Global Advanced Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Biculture tilapia/crayfish in aquaponic system Biculture

of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and crayfish
(Procambarus acanthophorus) and production of green
corn fodder (Zea mays) in an aquaponic system.
Alfredo Gallardo-Collí, Martha P. Hernández-Vergara*, Carlos I. Pérez-Rostro, Sergio C.
Laboratory of Genetic Breeding and Aquaculture Production. Division of Graduate Studies and Research.Technological
Institute of Boca del Rio.Kilometer 12, Veracruz-Córdoba road, CP 94290, Veracruz, Mexico.
Accepted 13 August, 2014

For 12 weeks, we evaluated the biculture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and crayfish (Procambarus
acanthophorus) in an aquaponic recirculating system, as well as the effect of the shelter: crayfish ratio
and its distribution (1:1 random vs 1:1 homogeneous) on the survival and growth of the astacidae. We
also compared the production of green corn fodder (Zea mays) by hydroponics and aquaponics, and the
decrease in the concentration of nitrogen compounds and phosphates for each system. For each assay,
we used a single factor experimental design with three replicates per treatment. At the end of the study,
none of the growth variables evaluated showed significant differences between systems. Only in the case
of crayfish, the survival rate was significantly higher (59.6%) with the ratio of 1:1 homogeneous
distribution in relation with random distribution. The aquaponic production of green fodder was 9.4%
higher than hydroponic production and reduced the growing cycle to 11.5 days. It was observed that the
fodder reduced the concentration of nitrogen compounds and phosphates by up to 90%.The results
indicate that aquaponic systems are productively efficient, allowing for bicultures and the growing of
crops for animal consumption.

Keywords: aquaponic system, biculture tilapia: crayfish, green fodder, nitrogen compounds


Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production activity pollutants (Tucker & Hargreaves 2008; FAO 2009). These
in recent years; however, it puts pressure on biotic and problems could be alleviated by the use of innovative and
abiotic resources and is not free from the emission of cleaner culture techniques such as aquaponics (Soto,
Aguilar-Manjarrez & Hishamunda 2008), an activity that
integrates the cultivation of fish and plants in a recirculating
*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]; system, utilizing the nutrients present in aquaculture
Tel/fax: +52(229) 9860189 ext. 114. effluents to produce plants with commercial value; this
234. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci.

prolongs the useful life of water by reducing turnover rates coordinates 19°05'49.33" N and 96°06'29.75" W in Boca
and the discharge of nutrients to the environment, del Río, Veracruz, Mexico.
increasing the economic gains of the system (Rakocy
2002). Experimental design and treatments
Among aquaponic cultures, one of the most noteworthy
is the production of fish and plants for human consumption For each assay, we used a single factor experimental
(Rakocy, Masser & Losordo 2006; Graber & Junge 2009; design with three replicates per treatment. The evaluation
Endut, Jusoh, Ali, Wan Kir& Hassan 2010); however, this of the productive performance of the biculture of tilapia and
activity needs to diversify into the dual culture of aquatic crayfish involved two treatments: AS and RAS. The
organisms (fish and decapods) and plants for animal evaluation of the strategy of physical distribution of
consumption (Martan 2008; Ramirez, Sabogal, Jimenez & protection for crayfish involved two treatments: 1:1 number
Hurtado-Giraldo 2008). Considering the above, we see that of shelter: crayfish ratio with random distribution in the RAS
one of the most interesting aquaponic cultures is that of (Cruz-Ordoñez, 2009) and 1:1 number of shelter: crayfish
tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), an organism that can ratio with homogeneous distribution in the AS. The
cohabit with freshwater decapods such as the crayfish experimental period lasted for 12 weeks. The cultivation of
(Procambarus acanthophorus), native of Mexico, but it is green fodder starts four weeks after of tilapia/crayfish
necessary a crayfish´s protection strategies that prevent cultivation, to ensure that the effluent for the AS had
intra-and inter-specific aggression and increase their enough nutrients for the GF growth from nitrogen metabolic
survival (Barki, Gur & Karplus 2001; Cruz-Ordoñez 2009; process. The cultivation of green fodder required two
Cervantes-Santiago, Hernández-Vergara, Pérez-Rostro & assays, each with 4 weeks of cultivation, and two
Olvera-Novoa 2010a; 2010b). Moreover, hydroponic green treatments. Assay 1 (A1): aquaponic green fodder of assay
fodder (HGF) can be grown in aquaponic farming systems, 1 (AGF-1) with effluent from aquaponic system and
due to its short growing cycle and the demand for it by the hydroponic green fodder(HGF-WN)as control treatment,
livestock sector (Cortazzo, 2001). Previous reports with commercial inorganic nutrients solution for green
cultivation indicates that the cultivation of HGF with fodder (Hydro-Environment, Mexico) in a concentration of
aquaculture effluents favors a reduction in the 1.5 g L by provider recommendation. Assay 2 (A2):
concentration of nitrogen compounds and water aquaponic green fodder of assay 2 (AGF-2) and a control
phosphates (Snow, Ghaly & Snow 2008). Corn (Zea mays) green fodder with no nutrients (CGF-NN), just with potable
is the grass with best biomass yield as HGF, but there is water for irrigation.
no information available on how to grow it using aquaponic
systems (Ramirez et al.2008).Therefore, the objectives of Aquaponic and recirculating aquaculture systems
this work were to evaluate the productive performance of
the biculture of tilapia (O. niloticus) and crayfish (P. The AS and RAS consisted of three circular tanks with a
acanthophorus) in an aquaponic system (AS) as a plastic membrane (3 m in diameter and 7 m of water),
sustainable strategy of production and efficient use of sedimenter, biofilter and reservoir (1100 L),and a
water in contrast with and a recirculating aquaculture aquaponics section in the AS. Every systems used jacuzzi-
system (RAS) and the effect of a strategy of distribution of type pumps of 1 hp (Series Brand, Model S1LR-6-S1,
physical protection for crayfish (1:1 shelter: crayfish ratio Quebec, Canada, and Siemens Brand, Type 1RF3 256-
and its distribution: random (traditional) vs homogeneous) 2YC44, Mexico) to pump water from the biofilter into the
on the survival of P. acanthophorus. In this sense, we reservoir, and a blower-type aerator of 1 hp (Sweetwater
determined the production of green corn fodder in Brand, Model No. S-45, St. Louis, Mo. USA) to aerate the
aquaponic systems and their improvements in the water water with air stones (2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm).Previously results
quality; in relation toquantify the concentration of nitrogen in a variety of experiments in laboratory, we found low
compounds and phosphates in water before and after survival for crayfish in biculture tilapia/crayfish without
irrigation of fodder, and their possible effect on using pipe shelter, for that reason the AS had 245 polyvinyl
tilapia/crayfish survival. chloride pipe shelters (PVC) per tank (10 cm long and 3.8
cm in diameter) inserted on PVC strips for a shelter:
crayfish ratio of 1:1 with homogeneous distribution, that
MATERIALS AND METHODS cover floor in the tanks; while the RAS had 245 PVC
shelters per tank with random distribution (Figure 1).
The AS, RAS and a hydroponic system as control, were
installed indoors under natural photoperiod in the Aquaponic and hydroponic cultivation of corn fodder
Laboratory of Production and Genetic Improvement of the
Technological Institute of Boca del Río (ITBOCA) For the cultivation of AGF and HGF, we used two rack-type
vertical modules (VM) of 4.10 x 2.20 x 0.50 m
Gallardo-Colli et al. 235

Figure 1.View of shelter distribution in the experimental tanks. A) Homogeneous distribution B)

(length/height/width), each with three shelves (slope 10/3 70 g kg lipids) at 3% of the biomass in a single ration
horizontal/vertical), housing 36 fodder trays (50 x 25 x 5 cm (18:00 h).
length/width/depth). The VM consisted of a water reservoir
and an automatic sprinkling irrigation system programmed Corn seeds and germination percentage
to perform five one-minute irrigations per day (08:00,
10:30, 13:00, 15:30 and 18:00). The VM of the aquaponic The germination percentage was obtained from 50 gr of
system used water from the reservoir, which was seeds with six replicates, with the criteria and formula
recovered in a gutter and redirected by gravity to the described by Biasutti & Galiñanes (2001):
culture tanks. The VM of the hydroponic system was kept Germination (%) = (germinated seeds/total seeds) x 100
as an open system, with a supply of potable water and
addition of soluble inorganic fertilizer (Hydro Environment Production process of aquaponic and hydroponic
Brand, State of Mexico, Mexico) at a rate of 1.5 g L during green corn fodder
A1.For corn germination, we installed a shelf (2.20 x 1.70 x
0.50 m length/height/width) in a dark room, with seven For the production of AGF and HGF, we followed the
panels (slope 10/1) and a manual sprinkler irrigation criteria recommended by Cortazzo (2001), Vargas-
system. Rodriguez (2008) and Herrera-Torres, Cerrillo-Soto,
Juárez-Reyes, Murillo-Ortiz, Ríos-Rincón, Reyes-Estrada&
Experimental organisms Bernal-Barragán (2010) with the next modifications: seed
soaking for 15 hours, aeration for 1 h and another soaking
In the experimental trials, we used juveniles of crayfish P. for 8 h; planting density in fodder trays was 3.2 kgm , and
acanthophorus with average weight and length (± SD) of harvest was performed when corn reached a height of 25
2.48 ± 0.58 g and 4.61 ± 0.35 cm, obtained through captive cm or when it reached 14 days of the growth cycle.
breeding in the Laboratory of Native Crustaceans of
ITBOCA; and juvenile males of tilapia O. niloticus of the Water quality and environmental parameters
Stirling variety, with average weight and length (± SD) of
13.51 ± 4.41 g and 7.50 ± 0.88 cm, obtained from a Daily at 10:00 h, we monitored the water temperature of
commercial farm. Each culture tank used in AS and RAS RAS and AS with a mercury thermometer (-35 at 42 °C),
3 2
was seeded with 57 tilapias/m and 35 crayfish/m .The and every 12 days we monitored pH and total
-1 -1
tilapias received five rations of balanced feed (initial period concentration of ammonium (mg L ), N-nitrites (mg L ),N-
-1 -1 - -1 -1
450 g kg protein – 160 g kg lipids, final period 320 g kg nitrates (mg L ), phosphates (mg L ), general hardness
1 -1 -1 -1
protein - 50g kg lipids) per day at intervals of two hours (mg L ) and alkalinity (mg L ), using a colorimetric kit
(from 10:00 to 18:00 h), with an initial feed rate of 6% of (Hagen Nutrafin Test, Ontario, Canada). Oxygen (mg L )
the biomass and a gradual adjustment every 12 days until was monitored with an YSI oximeter (Model DO 200, USA),
-1 -
reaching a final feed rate of 3.2%. In order for the crayfish while conductivity (mS cm ) and total dissolved solids (g L
to benefit from the food waste of tilapia, the fish were fed ) were monitored with a YSI 556 MPS (Yellow Springs
every other day with balanced feed (350 g kg protein and Instrument, OH, USA).Water samples were taken from the
236. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci.

Table 1.Response parameters of the productive performance of tilapia/crayfish in aquaponic system and recirculating aquaculture system.

Variables Equation
Condition Factor CF = ( W / L ) x 100
Specific Growth Rate SGR (%/día) = [( ln FW – ln IW ) / t ] x100
Food Consumed DFC (g) = FC1 + FC2 +…+ FCn
Weight Gained WG (%) = 100 [(FW - IW) / IW]
Feed Conversion Ratio FCR = AC / PG
Survival S (%) = (NOF / NOI) x 100
Production P (kg) = [( NOF x S x NOI ) / 100 ] / 1000

Where: W= Wet weight (g), L = Length (cm), ln FW = Natural logarithm of the final wet weight (g) at timet, ln IW=Natural logarithm of the initial wet
weight (g), t =time in days, DFC = Daily Food Consume initial of the experiment, FW= Final weight last biometrics(g), S= Survival (%).

Table 2.Variables evaluated in the production green forage of corn for aquaponic and hydroponic.

Variables Equation
Height germination* HG (cm) = (PHFT + PHBT) / 2
Growing Cycle to a height of 25cm GC (days) = HD – DPGA
Forage Biomass per m FB (kg) = GFBT x 8
Performance P = FB / SD
Cumulative Production CP (kg) = PC1 + PC2 +…+ PC30

*It was considered the height of germination distance from them esocotyl to the end of the last sheet, PHFT= Plant Height in the Front of the Tray(cm),
PHBT =Plant Height at the Back of the Tray (cm), HD =Harvest Date (day), DPGA =Date of Planting in Germination Area (day), FB = Forage
Biomassper m2 (kg/m2), GFBT = Green Forage Biomass Tray (kg) = (Ch1 +Ch2+...+CH90) / 90, 8 = constant value for this test represents the number of
trays completing 1m2, SD = Stocking Density (3.2kg/m2), PC = Production by cycle (kg).

culture tanks, the sedimenter and the biofilter; prior to Response parameters
analysis, the water was filtered in a Nalgene bottle with a
filter paper of 8 µm (Whatman). The ambient temperature The productive performance of the animals and fodder
in the darkroom and in the area for fodder growth was production was assessed by applying standard models
monitored daily at 10:00, 14:00 and 18:00 h, with an (Hernández-Vergara, Rouse, Olvera-Novoa & Davis 2003;
ambient mercury thermometer (-40 to 50 °C). Vargas-Rodriguez 2008; Lopez-Aguilar, Murillo-Amador &
Rodríguez-Quezada 2009) (Table 1 and Table 2):
Quantification of nitrogen compounds and phosphates
during the production of green fodder Statistical Analysis

Water quality was assessed every 10 days using a To homogenize variances and normalize the distribution of
colorimetric kit: pH, total ammonium (mg L ), N-nitrites (mg the data, we applied log-transformations to the CF, GH,
-1 -1 -1
L ), N-nitrates (mg L ) and phosphates (mg L ).In both GC, GFBM2 and Y variables, while HD, SGR, WG, FCR
VM, the water samples were taken prior to contact with and S were transformed to arcsine (Zar 1999). We
plants and from the run off of the trays with fodder close to performed a one-way analysis of variance to assess
harvest; before the analysis, the water was filtered in a differences in the productive performance of the species
Nalgene bottle with a filter paper of 8 µm (Whatman). and fodder production. When differences were observed,
Gallardo-Colli et al. 237

Table 3.Water quality parameters of polyculture tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus)/crayfish (Procambarus acanthophorus) in aquaponic system.

Aquaponic system (AS)

Tanks Settler Biofilter
Variable Min Max Min Max Min Max
Temperature C 25.0 29.5 27.3 30.0 28.2 30.0
pH 6.9 7.4 6.8 7.4 7.1 7.6
Ammonium 0.1 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.1 1.2
N-Nitrites 0.3 3.3 0.8 3.3 0.8 3.3
N-Nitrates 20.0 110.0 20.0 110.0 110.0 > 100.0
Phosphats 2.5 > 5.0 2.5 > 5.0 5.0 > 5.0
Hardness 140.0 260.0 140.0 260.0 140.0 260.0
OD 3.7 5.1 4.2 5.1 * 5.6
Conductivity 0.486 0.721 * 0.495 * 0.716
Total solids 0.311 0.461 * 0.317 * 0.458
Alkalinity * 140.0 * * * *

Temperature (°C), Ammonia (mg L-1), Nitrites (mg L-1), Nitrates (mg L-1), Phosphates (mg L-1), Hardness as CaCO3 (mg L-1), OD (mg L-1), Conductivity
(mS cm-1), Total disolved solids (g L-1), Alkalinity (mg L-1), * = Indetermined.

we used the multiple range test of Tukey. All distribution strategy. At the end of the experiment, with the
determinations were performed with a nominal significance exception of CF, the variables SGR, FC, WG and FCR
level of 5% (Zar 1999) using the software STATISTICA were similar in both systems between species. Although
version 7 (StatSoft, Inc. USA). there were differences in the production of crayfish
between AS and RAS, overall dual culture production was
similar: RAS=214.85 kg and AS=212.87 kg) (Table 5 and
RESULTS Table 6).

Water quality in aquaponic and recirculating aquaculture Aquaponic and hydroponic green corn fodder
systems. The water quality parameters in the AS and RAS
were within the acceptable range for cultivation of both The average germination percentage of corn was
species (Timmons, Ebeling, Wheaton, Summerfelt & Vinci 67.6%.The ambient temperature of the darkroom was
2002; McClain & Romaire 2007),except for ammonium and between 26.2 and 31.8 °C during A1 and A2, while in the
nitrite, where the ammonium concentration in the AS water area of fodder growth the temperature varied between
was reduced after irrigation of GF, in contrast to RAS assays due to the presence of northern storms in the
system when a weekly water change was done along the region with a record of 26.5 at 30 °C during A1 and of 29.5
trial. N-Nitrites in the AS increased due to the leaching of to 31.3 °C during A2. Moreover, the GH of seedlings during
semi-germinated seeds, but decreases after irrigation, with the two assays was similar; however, differences were
noapparent damage for aquatic organisms (Table 3 and observed in GC, GFBM2, CP and Y, which favored
Table 4). aquaponic fodder due to the constant increase of nutrients
in aquaculture effluents (Table 7).
Productive performance of tilapia and crayfish in
aquaponic and recirculating aquaculture systems Concentration of nitrogen compounds and phosphates
in water during the production of green fodder
The survival of tilapia was the same in both systems, while
the survival of crayfish was significantly higher in the AS Ammonium concentration in water was reduced more than
probably due to the influence of the physical protection 90% after irrigation with AGF-1, AGF-2 and HGF-WN. N-
238. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci.

Table 4. Water quality parameters of polyculture tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)/ crayfish (Procambarus acanthophorus) in recirculating aquaculture

Recirculation Aquatic System(RAS)

Tanks Settler Biofilter
Variable Min Max Min Max Min Max
Temperature 25.0 29.5 27.5 29.5 28.5 30.0
pH 6.9 7.6 6.9 7.3 7.2 7.4
Ammonium 0.1 1.2 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.1
N-Nitrites 0.3 3.3 0.8 3.3 0.3 1.6
N-Nitrates 20 > 110 20 > 110 20 110
Phosphats 2.5 >5 2.5 >5 5 >5
Hardness 140 300 140 300 140 300
OD 3.3 5.1 4.2 5.4 * 7.8
Conductivity 1.06 1.08 * 1.06 * 1.07
Total solids 0.67 0.69 * 0.67 * 0.68
Alkalinity * 140 * * * *

Temperature (°C), Ammonia (mg L-1), Nitrites (mg L-1), Nitrates (mg L-1), Phosphates (mg L-1), Hardness as CaCO3 (mg L-1), OD (mg L-1), Conductivity (mS
cm-1), Total Dissolved Solids (g L-1), Alkalinity (mg L-1), * = Indetermined.

Table 5. Variables of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in polyculture with crayfish (Procambarus acanthophorus) in recirculating aquaculture system and
aquaponic system.


IW (g) 13.60 ± 0.46 13.42 ± 0.46
FW (g) 208.72 ± 4.57 215.27±4.26
IL (cm) 7.48 ± 0.09 7.51 ± 0.09
FL (cm) 17.17 ± 0.12 17.32 ± 0.12
a b
CF 3.79 ± 0.01 3.87 ± 0.02
SGR (%/día) 3.24 ± 0.34 3.30 ± 0.29
FC (g) 229. 39 227. 79
WG (%) 1 433.40 ± 49.7 1 502.94 ± 8.8
FCR 1.27 ± 0.17 1.07 ± 0.05
S (%) 85.33 ± 1.96 81.5 ± 1.84
FP (kg/m ) 10.17 10.02
TB (kg)** 213.73 210.54

* Mean ± standard error, IW= Initial Weight, FW = Final Weight, IL= Initial Length, FL= Final Length, CF = Condition Factor, SGR= Specific Growth Rate,
FC =Food Consumed, WG =Weight Gain, FCR =Feed Conversion Rate, S=survival, FP = Final Production, TB= Total Biomass.
Gallardo-Colli et al. 239

Table 6. Variables evaluated of crayfish (Procambarus acanthophorus) in polyculture with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in recirculating aquaculture
system and aquaponic system.

Variable RAS* AS*

IW (g) 2.48 ± 0.06 2.48 ± 0.06
FW (g) 5.08 ± 0.09 5.28 ± 0.10
IL (cm) 4.59 ± 0.03 4.62 ± 0.03
FL (cm) 5.68 ± 0.04 5.77 ± 0.04
CF 2.63 ± 0.009 2.63 ± 0.009
SGR (%/day) 0.85 ± 0.19 0.89 ± 0.18
FC (g) 2,625.14 2,761.50
WG (%) 104.61 ± 8.29 112.94 ± 8.08
FCR 5.37 ± 1.67 5.14 ± 1.49
a b
S (%) 33.60 ± 1.43 59.59 ± 3.79
FP (kg/m ) 0.059 0.110
TB (kg)** 1.255 2.316

* Mean ± standard error, * Mean ± standard error, IW= Initial Weight, FW = Final Weight, IL= Initial Length, FL= Final Length, CF = Condition
Factor=SGR (%/day)= Specific Growth Rate, FC =Food Consumed, WG =Weight Gain, FCR =Feed conversionrate, S=survival, FP = Final Production,
TB= Total Biomass.

Table 7.Variables evaluated in the production green forage of corn (Zea mays) for aquaponic and hydroponic systems.

Variable GFA-1* NHGF* GFA-2* CGFNN*

a a a a
Germination Height (cm) 10.30±0.12 10.33±0.12 10.57±0.09 10.53±0.09

a ab b c
Crop cycle (days) 11.96±0.12 11.67±0.11 11.50±0.12 12.67±0.17

2 a b a c
Forage biomassper m (kg) 15.59±0.32 14.47±0.37 15.22±0.31 13.79±0.32

a b a c
Performance 4.87±0.05 4.52±0.05 4.75±0.03 4.31±0.04

a b a c
Cumulative production(kg) 175.48 162.89 171.31 155.18

* Mean ± standard error, GFA-1 = Green Fodder Aquaponic (trialone) NHGF =Nutrient Hydroponic Green Fodder, GFA-2 = Green Fodder Aquaponic
(trial two)CGFNN=Control Green Fodder No Nutrients.Rows with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05).
240. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci.

Table 8. Concentration of nitrogen compounds and phosphates before and after irrigation of aquaponic and hydroponic green forage in trial 1 and 2.

Variable (mg L ) Aquaponic Hidroponic
Trial 1 I O I O
Ammonium 0.1 0 > 6.1 3.7
N-Nitrites 0.63 1.17 ≥3.3 3.3
N-Nitrates 60.0 50.0 91.5 >110
Phosphates 4.17 2.0 53.3 >5.0
Aquaponic Irrigation
Trial 2 I O I O
Ammonium 0.7 0 0 0
N-Nitrites 1.6 3.3 0 0.3
N-Nitrates 110 25 0 5
Phosphates >5 2.2 0 <5

I = Input, O = Output

Nitrites increased due to the leaching of semi-germinated low densities (1-20/m ) with Australian crayfish, crayfish
seeds, but decreases of 75 to 90% were also observed in and Malaysian prawn (> 90%) (Barki et al., 2001; Cruz-
the AGF-2.The concentration of N-Nitrates decreased in a Ordoñez, 2009; El-Sherif & Mervat 2009), suggesting that
range of 50-95% in all treatments following irrigation of the use of AS for the development of semi-intensive dual
fodder, while phosphates decreased between 50 and 80% cultures of O. niloticus with freshwater decapods is as
(Table 8). efficient as traditional systems, and that the presence of
crayfish as secondary species did not influence the survival
of tilapia.
DISCUSSION In contrast to the above, it was observed that tilapia had
a negative impact on the survival of crayfish, especially
Productive performance of tilapia and crayfish in when reaching reproductive size (90 g and 13.5 cm), with
aquaponic and recirculating aquaculture systems tilapia attacking crayfish when they invaded their
reproductive space or during crayfish molting period. This
During the bicultivation, we observed an increase in total phenomenon was also observed in a biculture of tilapia
ammonium in both systems, but it had no lethal and red claw crayfish by Barki et al. (2001), who reported
consequences for the organisms because the interaction that tilapia, influenced the survival of astacidae during
between the values of temperature, pH and alkalinity in the ecdysis, an event that in nature takes place in isolation, but
water kept the non-ionized fraction low (N-NH3=0.0084 mg that in biculture must occur within the shelters to avoid
L ) (Durborow, Crosby & Brunson1997). Moreover, a predation by fish, which facilitates cannibalism.
possible influence of the high level of N- nitrites on the Moreover, Figler, Cheverton & Blank (1999), Martan
productive performance of the species was discarded, as (2008) and González, Celada, García, Carral, González,
previous reports indicate that tilapia can tolerate up to 5 mg Sáez-Royuela (2010) note that in intensive cultivation or
L , while the genus Procambarussp. can tolerate up to 4 polycultures, the implementation of physical protection
mg L of N-nitrite such as N-nitrogen (NO2-N) (Avery & strategies as in this case pvc tube segments, favor survival
Lorio 1996; Masser, Rakocy & Losordo 1999). by preventing inter-and intra-specific antagonistic
The survival rate of tilapia in dual culture with crayfish in encounters, an observation that coincides with our results,
both systems was similar to that reported for monoculture as, even when there was antagonism in both experimental
of Oreochromis sp. in aquaponic, recirculating and earth systems, the shelter: crayfish ratio of 1:1 with
pond systems (80%) (Muñoz-Córdova & Garduño-Lugo, homogeneous distribution significantly increased the
1994; Rakocy, Bailey, Shult & Thoman 2004; Soto- survival rate (56%) of P. acanthophorus by providing more
Zarazúa, Herrera-Ruiz, Rico-García, Toledano-Ayala, alternatives for shelter and not forcing the crayfish to crowd
Peniche-Vera, Ocampo-Velazquez & Guevara-González
2010); it was also close to the survival rate in polyculture at
Gallardo-Colli et al. 241

together by effect of aeration and the opposite was org/m /16 weeks) (Rodriguez-Serna & Carmona-Osalde
observed with the 1:1 ratio with random distribution. 2006) and Macrobrachium americanum (509 g with 98
Comparing the results of the response variables of the org/m /12 weeks) (García-Guerrero & Apun -Molina 2008),
organisms with those obtained in monocultures and especially if one considers an increase in seeding density
polyculture of O. niloticus, P. acanthophorus and C. due to the high social tolerance of P. acanthophorus (100
quadricarinatus in similar systems (Barki et al. 2001; organisms/m ) (Cruz-Ordoñez 2009), and the possibility of
Rakocy et al. 2004; Cervantes-Santiago, Hernández- establishing 3-4 culture cycles per year.
Vergara & Pérez-Rostro2007, Cruz-Ordoñez 2009; Soto-
Zarazúa et al. 2010), we observed significant differences Aquaponic and hydroponic production of green corn
attributable to the growing cycle (6-26 weeks), age fodder
(juvenile or sub-adult), size of organisms at the time of
planting (1-80 g), type of culture (mono or polyculture), The production and quality of fodder depend on factors
compatibility between species, type of feeding (balanced or such as: species of gramineae, planting density, substrate,
alternative), feeding frequency (2-5 rations per day) and growing cycle, irrigation water quality, environmental
physical and chemical conditions of the water; however, conditions and germination percentage (Müller, Manfron,
there were coincidences in terms of the advantages of Santos, Medeiros, Neto, Morselli, Lopes & Bandeira
using closed production systems like the aquaponic or 2006a; Lucena Bezerra, Mota de Melo, Fernandes,
recirculating systems, such as a better control of the Andrade & Rodrigues, 2008; Rivera, Moronta, González-
system and a higher productive performance of the Estopiñan, González, Perdomo, García & Hernández,
species. This, together with the equality of the 2010; Al-Karaki 2011).In this sense, the germination
characteristics of the experimental organisms and the percentage of corn corresponded to the minimum
homogeneity of the functioning of the systems, favored the recommended value for production to be profitable (70%)
observed similarities in the response variables: weight, (Cortazzo 2001), which constituted an advantage,
standard length, SGR, FC, WG and FCR of the organisms. considering that we used local seeds. However, in certain
During biculture, it was possible to see that tilapia growing cycles, the increase of temperature in the
benefited indirectly from the presence of crayfish by darkroom above 31 °C had an inhibitory effect on
consuming some of their food, which influenced the germination; in addition, we observed slow root growth,
observed value of fish (1 - 1.2) and crayfish (>0.5) FCR in rapid stem elongation and loss of verticality in the plants.
both systems. Previous studies of monocultures of Ambient temperature requirements for the growth of
Procambarus sp. reported a FCR in the range of 1.1 to 1.5 fodder vary according to the type of gramineae; for
when supplied with a food protein percentage between 30 example, oats, wheat and barley fodder require a
and 38%, (Carmona-Osalde, Olvera-Novoa & Rodriguez- temperature between 18 and 21 °C, whereas corn fodder
Serna, 2005; Cervantes-Santiago et al. 2007; Cervantes- requires between 25 and 28 °C (Cortazzo 2001; Müller,
Santiago et al. 2010b; Rodriguez-Serna, Carmona-Osalde, Souza dos Santos, Manfron, Medeiros, Haunt, Dourado-
Arredondo-Figueroa,2010), so that a reduction in the Neto, Lemosde Menezes & Camacho-García 2006b;
feeding rate of crayfish and a later feeding time to avoid Rivera et al. 2010). However, there are reports that
consumption by tilapia would probably not affect the indicate good growth outside this range (Guimarães-
productive performance of crayfish, since at the end of the Campelo, Gomes de Oliveira, Silva-Rocha, Carvalho,
study their FC exceeded the value of 2, suggesting that Coutinho-Moura, Oliveira, Lopes-Silva, Silva-Moura, Marchão-
they were in good physiological condition and in process of Costa & Morais-Uchoa 2007; Vargas-Rodriguez 2008), as
attaining sexual maturity, because we found some crayfish observed during the assays, in which a warmer temperature
ovigerous females in the AS (Sharshar & Haroon 2009). during A2 did not affect fodder growth, which may be
The final production of tilapia in AS and RAS was similar associated with a better photosynthetic process when ambient
and corresponded to that expected according to the growth temperature approached 30 °C (Silva-Araújo,Cunha-Coelho,
and survival exhibited by the fish during the experiment. Viana & Teixeira-Lombardi 2008).
For its part, the production of crayfish in AS, in which the Several authors point out that the highest fodder biomass
and the best nutritional quality are obtained when the plant
shelter: crayfish ratio of 1:1 remained homogenous,
reaches 25 cm in height with GC less than 14 days (Cortazzo
exceeded expectations by reaching 110 g with 35
2 2001; Lopez-Aguilar et al. 2009; Rodríguez de la Rocha,
org/m /12 weeks, an amount of biomass similar to that Hernández-Acosta, Flores-Sáenz, Escobedo-Cisneros,
obtained by other larger native species of Mexico such as Quintero-Ramos, Santana-Rodríguez & Rodríguez-
Macrobrachium tenellum (160 g with 14 org/m /20 weeks) Rodríguez2009), as observed in A1 and A2; however, there
(Ponce-Palafox, García-Ulloa, Arredondo-Figueroa, were differences between treatments with respect to the GC
Hernández-Ocampo, Díaz-Alvarez, Aldama-Rojas & period which were due to the availability,
Esperza-Leal 2006), Procambarus llamasi (172 g with 25
242. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci.

concentration and origin of the nutrients present in the run off after irrigation towards the sedimenter and not
irrigation water. This is corroborated by the observation of towards the culture tanks. There are also reports of
a shorter duration of GC with organic (AGF-1 and AGF-2) increases in the concentration of N- nitrate in irrigation
and inorganic (HGF-WN) nutrients, and a longer GC with water in the range of 7-10 mg L due to the leaching of
no nutrients in the water (HGF-NN).Similar data were oats, wheat and barley seeds during the production of
reported during the production of barley HGF by Snow & green fodder using aquaculture effluents (Ghaly, Farag &
Ghaly (2007) when they established that an increase in the Verma 2007; Snow et al.2008).
concentration of nutrients in aquaculture effluents The analysis of the results allows us to affirm that the
accelerates plant growth and reduces GC. use of an aquaponic system is suitable for the dual culture
The use of AS for the production of green fodder yielded of tilapia and crayfish, but only until the fish reach the sub-
better results of the response variables GFBM2, CP and Y, adult stage (13 cm in standard length), so as not to affect
than the use of hydroponics, suggesting that corn plants too much the survival rate of crayfish, which depends on
efficiently benefit from organic nutrients in aquaculture the size of the fish with which they cohabitate and on the
effluents. A similar result was observed during the number and distribution of the shelters in the area of
production of corn, barley and wheat HGF when using culture. Moreover, the aquaponic production of green corn
liquid cow manure fertilizer and tertiary treated urban fodder is comparable to hydroponic production, but the
wastewater as sources of organic nutrients (Müller et al. environmental benefit is higher, as the plants take
2006a; Lucena-Bezerra et al. 2008; Al Ajmi, Ali Salih, advantage of the nutrients and significantly reduce the
Kadim & Othman 2009; Al-Karaki 2011); however, some concentration of nitrogen compounds and phosphates
authors indicate that the production of green fodder yields present in the water used for the dual culture, prolonging
similar results when using organic and inorganic nutrients its use. Finally, the use of this integrated system made it
or just potable water (Nava-Zavaleta, Sandoval, Vargas- possible to obtain two products for direct human
Muñoz 2004; Silva-Araújo et al. 2008; Dung, Godwin & consumption: tilapia and crayfish; and a third product for
Nolan2010). animal consumption: green fodder, making aquaponics a
sustainable activity suitable for application in some region.

Nitrogenous compounds and phosphates from the

biculture of tilapia and crayfish as nutrients in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
aquaponic production of green fodder
This research was done as part of the fulfillment of
Due to the increase of biomass and feed supplied during objectives of the project "Pilot plant for aquaculture
the biculture of AS, the concentrations of nitrogen production in the rural sector", funded by CONACYT-
compounds in the water increased considerably. However, FOMIX 2009-3 No. 127647, with M.P.H.V. as technical
when using water to irrigate AGF-1 and AGF-2, we manager. To Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
observed that with water retention times of less than three (Conacyt) for the A.G.C.scholarshipno. 229713for graduate
minutes per irrigation, there were acceptable reductions in studies.
ammonium concentrations (> 90%), nitrites (75 to 90%),
nitrates (54 to 95%) and phosphates (50 to 80%).This
could be related to the dense growth of roots, and to water REFERENCES
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