This document contains summaries of three math games:
1) "Box Cars 'All Hands on Deck'" - A mystery number game where players place cards on their forehead and try to guess their own card based on the sum provided by the general. Variations include multiplication and more players.
2) "Sweet 16" - A game where players create math equations to remove cards from a 4x4 grid. The goal is to be the first player to remove all cards using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations.
3) "Flippin' Out" - A probability game where players round 2 flipped cards to the nearest 10 and place a chip on a gameboard. A die is rolled
This document contains summaries of three math games:
1) "Box Cars 'All Hands on Deck'" - A mystery number game where players place cards on their forehead and try to guess their own card based on the sum provided by the general. Variations include multiplication and more players.
2) "Sweet 16" - A game where players create math equations to remove cards from a 4x4 grid. The goal is to be the first player to remove all cards using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations.
3) "Flippin' Out" - A probability game where players round 2 flipped cards to the nearest 10 and place a chip on a gameboard. A die is rolled
This document contains summaries of three math games:
1) "Box Cars 'All Hands on Deck'" - A mystery number game where players place cards on their forehead and try to guess their own card based on the sum provided by the general. Variations include multiplication and more players.
2) "Sweet 16" - A game where players create math equations to remove cards from a 4x4 grid. The goal is to be the first player to remove all cards using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations.
3) "Flippin' Out" - A probability game where players round 2 flipped cards to the nearest 10 and place a chip on a gameboard. A die is rolled
This document contains summaries of three math games:
1) "Box Cars 'All Hands on Deck'" - A mystery number game where players place cards on their forehead and try to guess their own card based on the sum provided by the general. Variations include multiplication and more players.
2) "Sweet 16" - A game where players create math equations to remove cards from a 4x4 grid. The goal is to be the first player to remove all cards using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and other operations.
3) "Flippin' Out" - A probability game where players round 2 flipped cards to the nearest 10 and place a chip on a gameboard. A die is rolled
Box Cars "All Hands On Deck" Mystery Number (adapted)
Concepts: Missing Addend, Factor
Equipment: Cards 0-12 (J=11 Q=12 K=0) Goal/Object: Figure Out value of the card on your head Usually 3 players with one player taking the role of "General". The General says "salute". The other two players take the card from the top of their deck and WITHOUT LOOKING AT IT place it on their forehead so everyone else can see what the card on their forehead is. The General Adds the two cards together and says "The sum of your two cards is...." The two players then use the sum and the card they can see on their opponent's forehead to try and figure out their own card. Variations: (1) Multiplication (take out 0s) (2) 4 Players (one General, 3 soldiers) (3) Red = neg integers / Black = pos integers
Concepts: Mixed Operations,
Order of Operations Equipment: 1x1-30 die, Cards 0-12 (J=11 Q=12 K=0) Goal/Object: Remove all your cards 1st Each player makes a grid of 4 cards by 4 cards. One player rolls a 30-sided die to identify a target answer that both players must try to get. Each player takes turns creating math sentences that equal the target answer, using cards in their own grids. Players can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and use square roots or exponents. Players may use a few as 2 cards and as many as 5 cards per math sentence. First player to completely remove all their cards (in equal turns). If neither player can remove all their cards, then the player with the fewest cards left wins.
From: Math Attack
Flippin' Out Box Cars series "Deca Dice" page 86
Concepts: Rounding, Probability
Equipment: Cards 0-9, 00-90 die, 2 Bingo Chips and gameboard Goal/Object: To be the closest to the target number and to have the most cards in their point pile. Each player turns over 2 cards and arranges them to make their number. They round their numbers to the nearest 10's place and place their own bingo chip on the 10's place they rounded to. After the bingo chips are placed, one player rolls the decade (00-90) die to get their target and places the die on the 10's place target. Whomever has their bingo chip closest to the target die, wins all the cards and places them into their point pile. If there is a tie, both players keep their own cards. Example: Player one's cards are 4 and 7 makes 47 (could have made 74). Player two's cards are 9 and 3 makes 39 (could have made 93). Player one rounds to 50 player two rounds to 40. The decade die was rolled and showed 30. Player two was closest. Player two wins all 4 cards. Thought Provoker: What would have happened if one or both players chose to go with their other possibility and the decade die still rolled 30?