Wnited States Senate
June 4, 2015
‘The Honorable Ame Duncan
Secretary of Edueation
U.S. Department of Educ:
400 Maryland Avenue, 8.W
Washington, DC 20202
Dear Secretary Duncan:
We write to request that the U.S. Department of Education use its authority to improve
the financial aid process, empower consumers, and increase college access by allowing students,
to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) earlier
Right now, many students across the country are receiving their college admissions
letters without the accompanying financial aid award information they need to compare college
options and costs, Earlier and more accurate financial aid award information would allow
students and families, and especially low-income and first generation studerts, to make better-
informed decisions about their educational careers. Unfortunately, the current limitation on the
tax data students and families can use on the FAFSA has created a highly disjointed process and
ty of the financial aid application process also undermines educational
jons, enrollment, and persistence, Resolving this situation will be an important priority for
our work to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. However, we do not need to wait to provide
students and families much-needed relief. The Department can and should improve the process
of filling out the FAFSA right now.
‘The Department should use its authority under Section 480(a) of the Higher Education
Act! to allow the use of data from the second preceding tax year, also known as “prior-prior
year” data. Most families” incomes do not change significantly from year-to-year, yet the current
process forces applicants to wait until January 1 of each year—far after many college application
deadlines—to complete the FAFSA in the same year they plan to enroll using the prior year’s tax
data, When the FAFSA becomes available, many students and their families struggle to obtain
tax documents quickly enough for dozens of local, state and private grant deadlines. The short
window provided for filing taxes before filling out the FAFSA places students and families in a
difficult situation with few good options.
Under your authority, the Department can allow students to use prior-prior year data,
which is more likely to be on file and much easier to import directly into the FAFSA. This
speed up the application process and help reduce the burden of verification for documenting thei
financial situation and aid eligibility. Prior-prior year data is also not likely to have a significant
effect on students’ financial aid awards. Financial aid administrators, admissions officers, state
grant agencies, and college access programs also strongly support using this data,
"20 U.S.C. § 1087wv (@\(1)\(B)!
Finally, using prior-prior year data would help alleviate the burden on colleges and
universities. Institutions of higher education are required to verify FAFSA information to ensure
that scarce student aid funds are flowing to the right students. The recent Task Force on Federal
Regulation of Higher Education identified verification as a significant drain on financial aid
offices and the source of the biggest burden associated with regulatory compliance. In contrast,
verification of elements already contained on filed tax returns is relatively easy for aid
administrators to document and process. Prior-prior year data is ofien already on file, so shifting
to this data would allow students and their families, the federal government, and institutions of
higher education to use more accurate information and simplify the verification process to ensure
taxpayer dollars are appropriately spent
Given the enormous benefits to students, families, and institutions of higher education,
we strongly urge you to use your authority to allow the use of prior-prior year data on the
FAFSA. This is an opportunity for swift and consequential action to support low- and- middle-
income students seeking a shot at the American dream through higher education, and would
allow the federal government to simplify the process that millions of students and families
experience when applying for aid. It will also support informed decision-making about college
options, and help students receive the financial aid they need to complete a degree or credential.
‘The current process that students and families must navigate when filling out the FAFSA is
significantly disjointed, and we urge you to help fix it for them,
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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Sherrod Brown
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Edward J. Chuva 9, y Cove Robert P. Casey, Jr.
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Brian Schatz jin — Cobar
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‘Christopher A. Coons
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Maria Cantwell
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Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
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Charles E. Schumer
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United States Senator
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United States Senator
‘Diame Feinstein
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