Support Letter - Decentralized Wastewater Grant Act - 2.11.20
Support Letter - Decentralized Wastewater Grant Act - 2.11.20
Support Letter - Decentralized Wastewater Grant Act - 2.11.20
Dear Chairman Barrasso, Ranking Member Carper, Chairman DeFazio, and Ranking Member Graves,
On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, the undersigned groups write to thank Senators Booker (D-
NJ), Capito (R-WV), and Jones (D-AL) for introducing the “Decentralized Wastewater Grant Act of 2020.” This
legislation is an important first step in providing much-needed assistance to communities across the country that
are not connected to public sewer or water systems.
In the US, public sewer systems do not extend to all communities; according to U.S. Census data, more than 1.7
million people in the United States lack access to basic plumbing facilities, with communities of color and low-
income communities bearing the majority of the burden. Without an available sewer line, families must rely on
onsite individualized systems (typically a type of septic system) to dispose of wastewater. Much of the time, the
burden also falls on the family to maintain and install these systems, which can cost anywhere from a few
thousand dollars to $30,000 depending on the system and geography of the area, and require regular maintenance
to function properly. A failing onsite system can result in sewage overflow into people’s yards, and even their
homes, causing serious public health and water quality concerns, along with degrading quality of life and
exacerbating other socioeconomic problems.
The “Decentralized Wastewater Grant Act of 2020” is an important first step in addressing this widespread
problem. The bill creates a new grant program under the Clean Water Act to provide funding to low- and
moderate-income households through a qualified nonprofit, to address these wastewater challenges. The bill is
flexible in allowing solutions that best fit the needs of the household, geography, and community by allowing
grants to be used for the construction, repair, or replacement of a decentralized wastewater system, connection to
a publicly owned treatment works, or the installation of a larger decentralized wastewater system that can provide
treatment to two or more households. Further, households without access to functioning wastewater systems are
prioritized for receiving funding under this bill.
This important piece of legislation is vital to addressing the substantial infrastructure needs of communities not
served by public water or wastewater and we thank Senators Booker, Capito, and Jones for their leadership in
introducing the bill and hope to see it become law.
National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association
Rural Community Assistance Partnership
Tennessee Clean Water Network
Mississippi River Collaborative
Alabama Rivers Alliance
Conservation Alabama
Southern Environmental Law Center
Virginia Conservation Network
Illinois Council of Trout Unlimited