Getting Started Page 02: Excel Basics: Microsoft Office 2013
Getting Started Page 02: Excel Basics: Microsoft Office 2013
Getting Started Page 02: Excel Basics: Microsoft Office 2013
This is a class for beginning computer users. You are only expected to know how
to use the mouse and keyboard, open a program, and turn the computer on and
off. You should also be familiar with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Today, we will be going over the basics of using Microsoft Excel. We will be using
PC desktop computers running the Windows operating system. Microsoft Excel is
part of the suite of programs called Microsoft Office, which also includes Word,
PowerPoint, and more.
Please let the instructor know if you have questions or concerns before the class,
or as we go along.
You Will Learn How
to: Find and open
Microsoft Excel in
Understand the
different pointer shapes
Type in cells
Format cells
Basic formulas
Cell references
Use Autosum
Save worksheets
Print worksheets