Franjo Dugan - Toccata G Minor

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Scanned copy of the composer's manuscript

Here are few remarks concerning Dugan's Klangideal, as he
describes it in his foreword to collection of organ pieces that
includes 24 versets, middle-sized pieces, as well as longer
pieces, mostly written in polyphonic style. He doesn't ask
for any particular sound colour, instead, he gives general
remarks of choosing the stops according to dynamics
pp - Aeoline 8' solo, or Salicional 8' solo
p - 2 or 3 delicate stops, such as Aeoline 8', Salicional 8' and
Flauto dolce 8', or Hohlflte 8' or Lieblichgedeckt 8'
mf - all 8' stops (including Principal 8' & Flutes 4') on all
f - all 8' & 16' stops, with Flutes 4' added, and, if necessary,
Octave 4'
ff - all 16', 8', 4', 2' stops, without Mixtures and Reeds
fff - all stops, including Mixtures and Reeds
In general, Dugan asks for rich and well-rounded sound,
which should be well saturated, regardless of the dynamics,
either pp or fff.
There is another marking in Croatian that is found in score,
being translated here as:
aluzije otvorene - Swell box opened
aluzije zatvorene - Swell box closed
Pavao Mai

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