Madhu Kaitabha Symbolism
Madhu Kaitabha Symbolism
Madhu Kaitabha Symbolism
Madhu actually means honey and he represents attachment (raag) to this world, wh
ich seems sweet to us. Kaitabh means a pricking thorn and signifies our aversion
(dvesha) to things we deem as unpleasant. Both of these traits, which do much t
o make up our overall nature or temperament (prakriti or svabhav), is a residue
carried over from numerous previous births. Both are products of maya and need t
o be annihilated.
In another interpretation, Madhu is honeyed praise, while Kaitabh is sour critic
ism, both of which enter through our ears, but are two side of the same mayic co
in and need to be discarded. In either of the interpretations, the two demons at
tack our intelligence, symbolized by Brahma who is the patron deity of intellect
. The Bhagavad Gita says:
When your intellect, though perplexed by what you have heard, shall stand immovable
and steady, then shall you attain self-realization . (2.53)
The goddess as restful sleep is an apt metaphor signifying her motherhood. When
a mother sees her small child tired after playing in the fierce sun, she catches
hold of him, feeds him and pats him to sleep, even against his own wishes, know
ing very well that the sleep will restore his energy. Indeed, while our whole da
y is spent in emptying our shakti, the compassionate goddess takes it on herself
to continue replenishing it. So she puts Vishnu to rest, tired after the exhaus
ting task of maintaining the universe, and when the next creative cycle begins,
relieves him from his slumber.
However, we cannot win over the two demons of attachment/aversion or praise/crit
icism, relying solely on our own powers, like Lord Vishnu who was unable to defe
at them even after many years of fierce battle. The only way to win over maya is
to surrender ourselves to Mahamaya, the goddess who created it in the first pla
ce. The fact that the two demons asked to be killed in a dry spot is also loaded
with spiritual symbolism. Both these pairs of traits can only be destroyed on t
he ground of Vairagya (disenchantment), which is the dry state of existence, dev
oid of all worldly rasa.
However, the state of the goddess symbolized by sleep is not her brightest manif
estation. The Gita says:
The pleasure arising from sleep is known as tamasic.