Tibetan Yoga
Tibetan Yoga
Tibetan Yoga
The Tibetan tantric yoga teaching and practice is not like the usual yoga practiced in the West.
It is a practice of rLung and exercise of the mind purely based on spiritual development, a tantric
tradition of master Pundit Naropa and Lama Marpa Lotsawa.
It removes the negative energies from the channels and chakras
by physical positions and movements which harmonize wind
and mind. The yoga technique helps stimulate the channels and
chakras, and gives an experience of realization of the mind and its
function. The rLung regulates the body and the natural function of
the energy, and the visualisation of the divine Buddha Vajrayogini
blesses the body/mind and transforms it into the pure state of
Buddha nature.
Generally there are six basic physical exercises and 39 secondary
exercises. During the retreat, the six basic physical exercises are
introduced to restore the energy function of the general wind and
the five principal wind functions in the four chakras.
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that the mind and energy flows in the channels, which is of essential importance for the life, and
corresponds to the universal solar and lunar rotations. Breathing is the basic formula, which
brings connection between the universe, man and the energy circulation. The subtle wind that
flows in and out is the life of the beings and is called life span wind, Sok-rLung. The KumbakaVase, rLung Bumpacen, yogic method can control the decrease of the life span wind flow. Therefore
it prolongs the life span of the person, and gives positive health. It rejuvenates the mind and
body and prevents from sickness and aging disease. It gives true experience of the innate nature
of our mind, and liberation from the samsara. A person who has burnt the dualistic ignorance
by Tummo fire, can even fly like a fearless eagle in the sky of samsara. Therefore Tibetan yoga is a
very personal practice and its principal goal is to develop the spiritual and inner liberation from
the samsaric negative forces.
Vajra body introduction
In yoga practice it is very important to know more about ourselves, how we are, and how
we function. This knowledge gives us a concrete understanding of the vajra body and how it
illuminates our mind without clinging to the illusion body, Gyu-mei-lue. Below is the subject
of the knowledge, introduced before or during the yoga practice, in which practitioners should
visualize themselves as Buddha Vajrayogini, and the practice place as a mandala.
The human body is made of five components which are:
1. Tsa
Channels and chakras
2. Rlung
The wind
3. Drod
Psychic heat
4. Thikle
The essence drop
5. Sem
The above mentioned five components are generally in the state of energy and quintessence
form inside the channels and circulate through the body, minute by minute, by the wind power.
Each component has the potentiality to support the mind and mental consciousness in order to
keep the body mandala in a healthy system. Yoga tantra says that channels are like a house and
the subtle wind and mind are like its owner. These two elements give the correct components of
the basic structure of the body/mind. It also says that wind is the vehicle of the mind and the
thikle is like a treasure. The temperature is a power which sustains the body heat.
The circulation of these energies doesnt stop from the birth till the end of life and remains the
lightening of the body/mind.
1. Tsa
Tsa, channel means hollow tube where blood, wind and consciousness can pass freely, for
example body cavities such as blood vessels, the mouth and hollow organs. Tsa is a symbol
of space, and it gives space to the consciousness and other components of body/mind to
manifest themselves under transcendental and dualistic forms and colors. It is like a house
for the consciousness. The space is limitless and boundless therefore its symbolic sign is the
zero. Everything manifests from this zero or space and also dissolves into it. For example, in
mathematics, the zero keeps the first space for no. 1, which goes until 9 and returns back to
the zero. It shows that all phenomena existence have the same space origin and ends at the
same place. In fact, there is nothing which comes or goes to that state. Therefore Buddhism,
as a symbolic language, calls Shunyata (voidness) what draws round zero. The space is a Thikle
(round) in Tibetan, and Bindu in sankrit. It is the cause of the particle as well as the unlimited
space nature. It is the base for everything and the innate nature of emptiness. This is called space
particles as well as symbol of the body channels.
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The channels exist in three energetical groups: Kyangma, Roma and Uma systems which correspond
to the cold or lymphatic system, hot or blood circulatory system and wind or nervous system of
the physical body. Each system has 24.000 channels and the total comes to 72.000 that sustain
the mind and mental system and the five element systems of the body.
2. rLung
Second is rLung, the wind element. It is a subtle wind, which is manifested from space particles.
Wind has a light, subtle and mobile nature and is the carrier of the consciousness. Therefore it
is called here the vehicle of the mind as it carries the mind and the secondary consciousnesses
- which perceive the perceptions - to the objects. It sustains the body system and gives life and
micro vitae to the body. The mind and wind are one in two aspects and they function together.
These two components have the analogy of a blind horse and a man without legs. Each alone
cant perform normal function but they can do complete work if they are together.
3. Drod
The psychic heat Drod is produced by the space particles and the heat manifested from the
friction of the wind element. This is another fundamental element as it supports and gives power
to the consciousness, like the power of the fire that can launch rockets to space. The power is
called medrod or digestion fire in medicine and Tummo in yoga tantra. The heat (fire) sustains
life and protects the body/mind. This psychic fire increases the wisdom, burns the ignorant
mind of the brain and gives realization and liberation from the darkness of unawareness. That is
why yoga describes Tummo as the aggressive fire which ignites from the below navel, pierces the
chakras one by one and reaches the sky of the crown chakra. The tummo burning arrow married
with the celestial bride leads to enjoy the life of transformation of samsara. They give birth to the
son of awareness from the blissful garden of Vajrayogini.
4. Thikle
Thikle or essence drop is the energetical earth and water elements manifested from the space
particles and fire element. This energy is a quintessence of the food energy digested and
transformed by the digestive fire. The Thikle supports the mind like a fuel energy. There are
two different types of the Thikles: Dhang and common Thikle. Dhang resides in the heart and
produces radiance which shines to all parts and surface of the body, mainly in the face, chest
and forehead. From this radiance an aura or body light is formed and protects the body/mind
from the negative external energies. Thikle is a pure state of material energy and the highly
refined substance called treasure of the body. The common Thikle contributes to continue the
generations of human beings.
5. Namparshepa
Namparshepa, mind or consciousness, is the owner of the body and resides in the center of the
heart energy. It governs the body/mind and experiences the positive and negative karmas that
carry this life to the next. Six consciousnesses are generally mentioned: eye, ear, nose, tongue,
body and mind consciousnesses. They are like the palm of a hand with its fingers, which closes
to the center every night and opens in the morning.
Depending on the philosophical schools, eight consciousnesses can also be mentioned. The
two added are Kunshi and the mental affliction mind. Kunshi is the base of all mind and mental
functions, while the mental affliction mind is a mind veiled by negative emotions. Both are in
the mental consciousness. The function of the sensory consciousnesses is to perceive images,
sounds, tastes, smells, touches and general thoughts and to know and recognize them by shepa
or consciousnesses. So they are called shepa or knower. Because the sensory consciousnesses
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have no capacity of observation, to specify or make profound observations, the function has to
be performed by the mental consciousness. All the important perceptions and experiences are
generally imprinted in the mental consciousness, Kunshi, and carried to the next life. They are
called bagchag or latent mind.
Note: P. Y. Aryas introduction in Tibetan Tantric Yoga and introduction to the Buddhist
spiritual Practice (to be published soon) gives a brief account on yoga and its practice.
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T ib e t a n t a n t r i c yo g a
The color and dimension of the body/mind
Channels and chakras
Flash light observation
Purifying the negative energy by yogic method
Purifying the negative energy by mantra and visualization
Recharging and balancing the energy by elements and visualization
Re-equilibrating the body/mind and stabilizing the subtle body
Harmonizing the energy and restoring the immune system of the body/mind.
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Yo ga of the elements