9th Grade Introduction To The Internet Syllabus

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Star International Academy

9th Grade
Introduction to the Internet Syllabus
2015 - 2016
INSTRUCTOR: Miss. Alyssa Ellison
Classroom Number: 139
E-Mail: [email protected]
Class Hours: 7:55a.m. -3:50 p.m.
This course will be a year-long program of the ins and outs of the World Wide Web or Internet. The areas covered will include Email, World Wide Web
(WWW), and how to perform basic research to address company/business needs. Topics include accessing and navigating the Internet, covering concepts, terms,
tools, and services such as Internet Service provider (ISPs), newsgroups, and chat rooms. Learn how to browse and search the Internet successfully using
popular browsers and search tools; how to research for a paper or report, cyber-bullying, trolling, etc. We will have students complete in-class assignments on the
computer or at home on appropriate and educational websites.
This is a technology-based course in which topics will be presented and modeled by the instructor before student practice. The class will have some in-class
assignments, short quizzes, research project/s, etc. Students will be required to save all work on a USB flash drive and/or turn-in to the class website.

This course is based on state standards and Common Core standards and aims to create 21st Century learners by integrating Character Education
into the curriculum.
A. The Four Pillars of HES will be integrated into each unit of study this year. Each unit will focus on a particular pillar. They are as follows:
a. Scholarship (based on a commitment to life-long learning)
b. Character (based on learning/acquiring habits and traits that will make one successful in all aspects of life, including being a leader/an example for others to follow, instilled with
a sense of contribution and fulfillment)
c. Culture (based on a sense of respecting, honoring, understanding, and valuing the practices, ideas, and experiences shared by a common groupintegral when building
d. Community (based on a sense of belonging and responsibility to others/all the diverse groups we are a part ofa sense and understanding that we are all brothers and sisters
of the human race)

B. Standards:
a. National Education Technology Standards (NETS)
Goals of this course:
Discuss what the Internet is
Discuss the history of the Internet
Identify resources available on the Internet
Define email, newsgroups, chats, and web
Discuss Netiquette
Describe different ways to access the Internet
Browse the web
Perform searches using Internet search tools
Save and download from the Internet
The courses objectives are based on the Grade Level Content Expectations, which provide a set of clear expectations for all students. These expectations can be
viewed on the following website: www.michigan.gov/mde

The course will cover the following topics:

What is the Internet?

Where did it come from/How has it evolved?
What are reliable resources?
Email, chat, bogs, etc
What is Netiquette?
How to access the Internet
Browsing the Web safely
Save and Download from the Internet
Virus Protection and Prevention


1. Spiral notebook
2. Pens/ Pencils/ Erasers/ Colored pencils
3. USB Flash drive
All courses are a year round with progress reports provided every 13-15 weeks. Report cards are only issued at the end of the school year in
June/ August (for students enrolled in summer school).

Grades should be an accurate reflection of what students have learned and accomplished.
Formative assessments: weighted 20% of students grade. Daily formative assessment strategies that are used to CHECK FOR
UNDERSTANDING cannot be graded. Formal assessable formative assessments that are completed by the INDIVIDUAL STUDENT include
quizzes (multiple choice, short answer), summaries, reflections, homework, concept maps, short write-ups, minor labs, comprehension
questions, daily mathematical problems/exercises, etc
Summative assessments: weighted 80% of students grade. These include end of unit exams, essays, research papers, lab reports,
project/design write-ups, presentations, art portfolios, performances, mathematical investigations, etc
2-3 formal formative assignments should be entered weekly to reflect students performance on the taught learning targets/objectives.
Teachers can opt to enter a weekly homework grade.
Reassessment Policy:
The purpose of allowing students to reassess is to expect evidence of an increased proficiency/mastery of content expectations.
*Students can reassess within two weeks of the initial assessment date.
*Grade level teachers will set up after school dates and times to coordinate students reassessments.
*Teachers will take the average of the two scores to update students grade on the reassessed assignment.
*Score inspector comments will be entered to document that a reassessment has been administered for a particular student.
Homework Policy:
Assigning homework ensures daily reinforcement of content/skills and increases student accountability. Homework should be assigned daily
for ELA/Math and twice a week for Science/Social Studies. Homework should be quality rather than quantity.
Homework is a form of formal formative assessments that will be entered in PowerSchool gradebook this year. Homework assignments should be
checked for accuracy and teachers will kindly need to go over a few homework problems in class.

Grading Scale:







Exceeds Proficiency Expectations
Exceeds Proficiency Expectations
Meets Proficiency Expectations
Meets Proficiency Expectations
Meets Proficiency Expectations
Progressing Towards Proficiency
Progressing Towards Proficiency
Progressing Towards Proficiency
At-Risk/Progressing Towards Proficiency with



At-Risk/Progressing Towards Proficiency with


Needs Improvement to Meet Profiency

G. CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCT (see the Class protocol that has already been discussed with you).
Please know that this year, there is a new missing work policy: you may make-up missing work and turn it in only up until the Friday of that week.
This is the sequence of consequences in case of failure to follow the SIA / Science dept. policies/rules:

Verbal warning
Call home
Lunch Detention with Teacher
Detention with call home
(1 hr after school supervised by admin in a designated classroom-parent notice needed)
5. Meeting with parent and counselor
6. Referral to admin--disciplinary consequences will be issued based on infraction.
This is a very vigorous subject and the only way to make things easier for you, is to keep on task. Assignments are to be completed on-time and students
will be given chances to work on them outside of class and turn them in to the class website.

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