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Autoimmune Diseases and other Infections

By Walter Last


Candida-related problems have become epidemic in recent decades. Candida is best

known as causing the annoying itching of thrush but that is just the tip of the
iceberg. More serious are the gastro-intestinal problems that it causes and a wide
range of diseases and conditions when it invades the bloodstream.
More often than not we may not even realize that our health problems are due to
Candida and other microbes and parasites. Autoimmune diseases, allergies, asthma,
arthritis, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression, hyperactivity and attention
deficit are all closely related to Candida and other microbes.
Fortunately we have effective natural therapies to overcome Candida and other
parasites. We do not even need to know if our problems are caused by this fungus
or by any other microbes. The recommended natural therapies have broad-range anti-
microbial effects, and are good to use by everyone once a year to eliminate
harmful microbes and parasites.

Chapter 1

Candida is a yeast-like fungal organism. The most common strain is Candida

albicans found naturally in small amounts in our intestinal tract and the vagina.
Normally it is kept in check by a healthy bacterial flora consisting mainly of
When our intestinal flora is disturbed with antibiotics and some other drugs, or
during severe and prolonged emotional stress, Candida can greatly increase in
numbers and cause candidiasis of the intestinal tract. This tends to cause gastro-
intestinal symptoms with digestive problems, discomfort and bloating.
The infection can easily spread to other parts of the gastro-intestinal tract,
causing thrush around the anus, inside the mouth and vagina. Vaginal yeast
infections also called Vaginal Thrush causes intense vaginal itching, burning
during urination, and often a cheesy white or yellow vaginal discharge. In the
mouth it may form a white tender and easily bleeding cover on cheeks and tongue.
In mild cases it may just result in cracks in the corners of the lips. It can also
be a cause of canker sores and bad breath, and in babies it causes diaper rash.
If left untreated Candida soon develops a new form with long, burrowing legs
(rhizoids). These start growing into and through the mucus membranes of the
intestinal tract and may cause serious pain.
Gradually the intestinal wall deteriorates and allows partially digested proteins
and the Candida organism itself to travel into the bloodstream and cause toxicity
and immune reactions. This condition is called Leaky Gut Syndrome, and is
connected with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Inflammatory Bowel disease, Crohn’s
Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, food malabsorption and multiple allergies. Other
microbes and parasites are often present as well.
Now the yeast infection has access to the whole body, and this is called Systemic
Candidiasis. Apart from devastating the immune system and making us susceptible to
colds and other infections with bacteria, viruses and fungi, a wide range of
diseases and symptoms may develop. These include
• Constant fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Arthritis or flu-like symptoms with joint and muscle pain
• Hyper-acidity and acid reflux
• Headaches and migraines
• Chronic sinus infection and other mucus problems
• Undesirable weight loss or gain and inability to change it
• “Brain fog” or memory and concentration problems
• Obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, irritability
• Depression, anxiety and panic attacks
• Personality changes, addictions and mood swings
• Fungus on finger or toe nails and skin
• Chronic urinary tract infections
• Pre-menstrual tension and other menstrual problems
• Itching red eyes and vision problems
• Skin rashes or eczema
• Jock itch or rashes in the groin area
• Hair loss
Furthermore, Candida and related fungi or mycoplasms are the underlying factor in
autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid
arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, scleroderma, and thyroid diseases.
Also most or all children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder seem
to be affected by fungus overgrowth. Candida overgrowth is the main cause of the
multiple allergies that trigger hyperactive periods and short attention spans. It
is similar with asthma and eczema which also commonly have Candida as the
underlying primary cause.
The toxicity of Candida to the nervous system is largely due to an excessive
production of acetaldehyde. This substance is formed when yeast cells metabolize
sugars and there is a deficiency of oxygen. Acetaldehyde can also form from
ingested alcohol.
Depending on other contributing factors, Candida can manifest with different
symptoms in different bodies. You may have any combination of these yeast related
symptoms, and in mild cases you may not even notice anything. Furthermore, these
symptoms may be due to other causes and illnesses as well. As a group most at risk
of developing Candida infections are diabetics, pregnant women and obese
Candida overgrowth can be difficult to diagnose in laboratory tests as it lives
naturally in the intestines. However, it should not be present in the blood, if it
is found there then the diagnosis is established.
A common natural diagnostic method is with a live blood test. Many
naturopaths can do this now, and observe a drop of blood in a dark-field
microscope. One can clearly see any fungi and possibly other microbes that may be
present, and the view can be projected onto a big screen for the patient to see.

A simple Saliva Test for Candida is as follows:

Immediately after rising before you eat or drink anything fill a clear glass with
water at room temperature. Spit some saliva into the glass of water. Then check
from time to time for up to an hour to see what happens to the spit. If Candida is
present, you will see one of three things, or a combination of these.
1. There may be strings like legs extending into the water from the saliva
floating on top
2. Cloudy saliva will accumulate at the bottom of the glass
3. Cloudy bits will remain suspended in the water.
The quicker and stronger the strings grow and the sooner the saliva sinks, the
more Candida is in the sample. If there are no strings and the saliva is still
floating after one hour, you probably do not have systemic Candida but may still
have a mild or localized problem in the intestines or the vagina, and you may
still have dysbiosis and infestations of other pathogenic microbes.
However, even if Candida is under control, more or less dormant infestations
inside the mucous membranes in the mouth may still continue to produce a mild
reaction with the spit test, especially after eating sweet food or drinking wine
or beer.. See Chapter 8 on how to deal with this.
List of Risk Factors and Symptoms
You may also look through the following list of risk factors and symptoms to get
an estimate of your likelihood of having a Candida problem and the severity of it.
The larger the number of risk factors and symptoms that apply to you and the more
severe the symptoms, the greater is the probability that you have systemic Candida
1. Use of antibiotics or chemotherapy – the greater the frequency or duration
the greater the likelihood of Candida.
2. Use of Prednisone or other cortisone-type drugs.
3. Thrush, oral or vaginal, is the most obvious symptom, with vaginal
discharge, burning or itching.
4. Do you have cramps or other irregular periods or premenstrual tension?
5. Have you had chronic prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems of the
reproductive organs such as impotence and loss of sexual desire?
6. Are you sensitive to tobacco smoke, perfumes, insecticides and other odors
and chemicals?
7. Are you more affected on damp or muggy days or in moldy places?
8. Do you have chronic mucus problems, congestion in the throat or sinuses,
or frequently a runny nose?
9. Have you had chronic fungus infections of the skin or nails such as
athlete's foot, ring worm, jock itch or others?
10. Has your tongue usually a furry white coat?
11. Do you crave bread, sugar or sweet foods or alcohol?
12. Do you have chronic fatigue, or just fatigue or lethargy or feeling drained?
13. Do you have generalized malaise?
14. Do you have depression, poor memory, or feeling spaced-out or unreal?
15. Do you have hyperactivity problems with short attention span (ADD or ADHD) or
16. Do you have muscle aches or weakness?
17. Do you have numbness, tingling, burning or paralysis?
18. Do you have joint problems – pain or swelling?
19. Do you have digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea or bloating?
20. Do you have fat malabsorption, allergies or addictions?
21. Do you have spots in front of the eyes or erratic or changeable vision?
The presence of thrush makes Candia virtually a certainty. Also if you have at
least three of the following four symptoms then Candida is almost certainly
present: these are craving for sweet foods, a poor alcohol tolerance, chemical
sensitivity, and bloating.
If you have persistent fungal skin problems or nail problems then you can also
assume that you have at least intestinal and possibly systemic Candida
infestation. In any case, use suitable anti-Candida therapy and you will avoid
much long-term health damage.

Chapter 2

In 1953 Dr Orian Truss discovered the devastating effects of antibiotics in an

Alabama (USA) hospital. During a hospital round Truss was intrigued by a gaunt,
apparently elderly man who was obviously dying. However, he was only in his
forties and in hospital for four months. No specialist had been able to make a
diagnosis. Out of curiosity Truss asked the patient when be was last completely
The man answered that he was well until six months before when he had cut his
finger. He had received antibiotics for this. Shortly afterwards he developed
diarrhea and his health deteriorated. Truss had seen before how antibiotics cause
diarrhea. It was known that Candida was opportunistic and thrived in debilitated
patients, but now Truss wondered if it might not be the other way round, that
Candida actually caused the debilitated condition.
He had read that potassium iodide solution could be used to treat Candida
infestation of the blood. So he put the patient on six to eight drops of Lugol's
solution four times a day and soon the patient was again completely well.
Shortly afterwards he had a female patient with a stuffy nose, a throbbing
headache, vaginitis and severe depression. To his amazement all her problems
immediately cleared with Candida treatment. Some time later he saw a female
patient who had been schizophrenic for six years with hundreds of electroshock
treatments and massive drug dosages. He started treating the woman for sinus
allergies with a Candida remedy. Soon she had recovered mentally and physically,
and remained well.
From then on he treated his patients against Candida at the slightest indication
of its presence. Many of his patients made remarkable recoveries from most unusual
conditions including menstrual problems, hyperactivity, learning disabilities,
autism, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease and
lupus erythematosus.
Every experienced naturopath can relate similar success stories. Ironically,
antibiotics are usually not necessary in the first place. In a few per cent of the
cases in which they may be desirable their serious after effects could easily be
avoided by using fungicides and lactobacilli.
Many people doubt the effectiveness of natural therapies against apparently
serious infections, but my experience leads me to believe that commonly natural
therapies are more effective, without causing the repeated and chronic infections
seen after antibiotics. I have seen patients recover within days or weeks with
natural therapies after they had been on unsuccessful long-term treatments with
Lack of energy and digestive disturbances, arthritic joint pains, skin diseases,
menstrual problems, emotional instability and depression have greatly increased in
frequency in recent decades. These are all symptoms of what I call the 'antibiotic
On further examination more symptoms may be discovered. Most of the gastro-
intestinal tract is tender when pressed, especially the small intestine, liver and
gall bladder. There may even have been a gall bladder operation that failed to
improve the condition, sometimes even worsening the symptoms.
There might be a history of thrush or oral, anal or vaginal itching. When these
are present the diagnosis of Candida is obvious, but it may also be present in the
absence of these manifestations and that can be somewhat confusing.
The yeast or fungus Candida albicans, of course, thrives during antibiotic
treatment. I regard it as reckless negligence to prescribe antibiotics without
simultaneous fungicides and replacement therapy with lactobacilli afterwards. I
believe that this negligent use of antibiotics and similar drugs may well be the
greatest single factor causing chronic disease in our society.
A 1993 study found that every single one of 55 patients admitted to one hospital’s
casualty department was given broad-spectrum antibiotics. Blood tests showed that
67 per cent of them developed systemic Candida overgrowth.
Another study found that chemotherapy commonly leads to systemic Candida
infections, which greatly limit the success rate of chemotherapy. Long-term
follow-up studies show that children develop 18 times more secondary malignant
tumors, girls face a 75 times higher risk of breast cancer, while the risk of
developing leukemia after chemotherapy for ovarian cancer increased 21-fold.
Only recently have oncologists started to acknowledge what patients called “chemo-
brain”, a distressing loss of memory and other cognitive functions. Psychiatrists
have now found that the conventional treatment of cancer causes serious depression
in 15 to 25 percent of patients. "The depression itself can often be worse than
the disease" they say. I believe that most of these devastating outcomes of the
chemotherapy syndrome could easily be avoided or greatly reduced with appropriate
Candida therapy.
However, the chemotherapy and antibiotic syndromes are not just due to Candida. I
regard it more generally as a 'dysbiosis' where the wrong kind of microbes and
parasites inhabit the intestinal tract, not just Candida and other fungi, but many
types of pathogenic bacteria and amoeba, including coli bacteria which are normal
in the colon but become disease-forming when they ascend into the small intestine.
If the problem has existed for years, there is usually a lack of gastric acid
which then allows the stomach to be colonized by microbes, causing inflammation
with pain and later ulcers. The toxins released by the microbial overpopulation
may cause in addition chronic inflammation of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas
and intestines. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas is a major contributing
factor in the development of insulin-dependent diabetes.
In the 1940's Candida overgrowth was found in only three per cent of autopsies, 50
years later the figure was over thirty per cent, it will be even higher now. There
are, of course, other factors that can cause dysbiosis - the contraceptive pill,
steroids and other drugs, and radiation treatment - but the main culprits are,
without doubt, chemotherapy and antibiotics.
Bacterial Attack
In addition to fungal overgrowth, dysbiosis is also associated with a
proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Specific types of pathogenic bacteria appear
to cause or contribute to specific autoimmune diseases. One variety of coli
bacteria, for instance, produces a molecule that is very similar to insulin. When
the immune system becomes activated against this molecule it may then also attack
related features at the beta cells of the pancreas and initiate Type 1 diabetes.
Another type of bacteria, Yersinia enterocolitica, induces an immune response that
attacks the thyroid gland and leads to Grave's disease with a serious
overproduction of thyroid hormones.
Ulcerative colitis is linked to overgrowth with pathogenic microbes, the same as
Crohn's disease, osteoporosis and ankylosing spondylitis. In ankylosing
spondylitis the vertebrae of the spine fuse together causing stiffness and pain.
Other joints may in time become affected.
Klebsiella, another type of pathogenic bacteria, produces a molecule that is
similar to a tissue type found in people with this disease. When Klebsiella
numbers in the gut decrease, related antibodies in the blood decrease and the
condition improves.
Rheumatoid arthritis is linked to other bacteria, called Proteus. Proteus is also
a common cause of urinary tract infections. Women suffer urinary tract infections
as well as rheumatoid arthritis twice as often as men, while men usually have
higher levels of Klebsiella and three times more ankylosing spondylitis than
In addition microbial overgrowth damages the intestinal wall so that only partly
digested food particles can pass into the bloodstream, causing allergies. In this
way all autoimmune diseases can be linked to food allergies caused by dysbiosis.
This is most obvious with rheumatoid arthritis. Other autoimmune diseases that
have so far been linked to dysbiosis and allergies are psoriasis, lupus
erythematosus and pancreatitis. When remedies are given that bind bacterial
endotoxins, these conditions usually improve.
A further consequence of dysbiosis is susceptibility to food poisoning as with
salmonella bacteria, while a healthy intestinal flora prevents these from
multiplying and causing trouble. Tests have shown that when probiotic bacteria
dominate it takes one million salmonella bacteria to cause disease; when we have
dysbiosis it takes only ten.
Staphylococcus aureus or Golden Staph cause serious infections in hospital
patients. It has been found that not only golden Staph but also other infections
are greatly potentized when they occur with a Candida overgrowth. As Candida
overgrowth is a natural outcome of the standard hospital treatment, it is easy to
see why Golden Staph is so deadly in hospitals.
A similar picture emerges with AIDS. People do not die from the AIDS virus but
from Candida-potentized bacterial infections. I also see the antibiotic-induced
dysbiosis in babies and infants as the main cause of their frequent infections,
glue ear and greatly contributing to cot or crib death.
While it used to be uncommon for children to have more than one or two colds or
infections a year, now more than six or eight is the norm.
In recent years (2004 and 2005) it has also been experimentally shown that
antibiotics-induced intestinal overgrowth with Candida predisposes us to allergic
airway disease such as asthma. Babies given antibiotics in the first six months
that were specific for certain bacteria were 2.6 times more likely to develop
allergic asthma, but with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill a wide range of
bacteria, the risk was far higher: children were 8.9 times more likely to suffer
from asthma.
Closely related to Candida are mycoplasmas or mycoplasms. These are pleomorphic
organisms without cell walls. “Pleomorphic” means that they can change shape from
protein blobs to viral, bacterial and fungal forms, depending on the health of the
organism in which they live.
Mycoplasmas have been shown to be a main factor in the causation and progression
of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Therefore, anti-microbial therapy has also
major benefits in the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. These include
rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thyroid diseases, lupus, scleroderma,
and others.
While a causal correlation between cancer and viruses has been shown only in a few
rare or animal tumors, several independent researchers have reported the
proliferation of certain microbes in all cancer patients. One of the first was the
German professor of microbiology G. Enderlein who described in 1925 the different
stages of a microbe that is normally present as tiny colloidal protein units. In
various degenerative diseases, especially cancer, these protein units grow into
cocci and higher bacterial forms and finally into fungi.
Several other researchers - Roy Ray Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Virginia Livingston-
Wheeler, Alan Cantwell and Gaston Naessens - have described the same phenomenon.
Orthodoxy, however, has a dogma that says microbes always have the same form and
cannot change from viruses into bacteria and fungi. This is because orthodox
microbiologists commonly observe dead stained microbes in dead tissue, or live
ones for short periods, instead of live microbes in live tissue at very high
magnification over long periods.
Anyway, this microbe, also called the cancer microbe, appears to do much of the
damage attributed to malignant tumors and autoimmune diseases. Most of the damage
is done during the final fungal stages. The cancer microbe badly damages the
immune system, and makes it incapable of fighting cancer cells or other invaders.

The cancer microbe generally begins life as mycoplasma. It commonly seems to arise
internally from the disintegration of diseased body cells and specifically from
DNA fragments. With a decline in health and vitality it begins to proliferate and
starts differentiating into various bacterial and later also fungal forms.
By weakening the immune system and the metabolism it prepares the way for the
development of degenerative diseases. Toxins released by the cancer microbe may
also interfere directly with the respiratory chain and make the metabolism
inefficient with an overproduction of lactic acid. This causes general
overacidity, mineral deficiencies, over-sensitivity, inflammations and pain. These
are exactly the same symptoms that result from Candida overgrowth.
Two factors that greatly contribute to the rise of the cancer microbe from simple
mycoplasmas are dead teeth and overgrowth of the intestines with harmful microbes.

Dead teeth and the surrounding jawbone can become concentrated breeding grounds of
harmful microbes, releasing a steady stream of toxins into the circulation.
Overgrowth of the gastro-intestinal tract with harmful microbes has the same
effect on an even larger scale, and is a main cause of autoimmune diseases and
Candida-related problems.
Chapter 3

Conventional medicine still largely ignores Candida and regards it more as an

opportunistic side-effect of other diseases rather than a cause or seriously
contributing factor. Commonly a medical diagnosis of Candida infection is
restricted to the following areas:
• Skinfolds, including the anus and navel. There may be a red rash with
itching or burning, oozing a whitish fluid or pus from patchy areas. This may also
cause cracks and tiny cuts in the corners of the mouth.
• Vagina (called vulvo-vaginitis or vaginal thrush), there tends to be a
white or yellow discharge with redness, burning and itching.
• Penis, showing a red, scaly, itching and oozing rash. This is mainly
caused by a partner with vaginal or oral thrush.
• Oral thrush with creamy white patches on the tongue and the side of the
mouth, which may be itching or burning and oozing.
• Paronychia is an infection of the nail bed with painful swelling and
oozing of pus. Such nails may become white or yellow and separate from the skin.
The standard drug for gastro-intestinal Candida overgrowth is Nystatin. It can act
as a chelating agent by binding to mineral ions and so should not be taken with
mineral supplements. It is also used in medicated creams and lotions for external
Ketoconazole (Nizoral) and fluconazole (Diflucan) will be used for stronger
action, or if absorption into the blood is intended for a systemic effect. Except
for Nystatin, lengthy treatments are not advisable because of potentially serious
Medical treatment is often unsatisfactory because there is not enough attention
paid to using a suitable diet and replacement therapy with high-potency
Sanitizing the Gastro-Intestinal Tract
The main treatment for Candida and the antibiotic syndrome is directed at
sanitizing the gastro-intestinal tract. This is combined with a low-allergy diet
that is also low in simple carbohydrates. Furthermore, molds or yeasts in food
should be avoided as their breakdown products may cause unpleasant immune
reactions. In this way most acute problems can be overcome within weeks while
degenerated joints or organs can start a slower road to recovery.
One unpleasant side-effect of most methods used to reduce the pathogenic microbial
overgrowth of the intestines is the Herxheimer reaction - a sudden worsening of
symptoms due to toxins released by the dead or dying microbes. This is sometimes
used as a diagnostic tool, especially for Candida.
To avoid or minimize unpleasant side effects I recommend initially flushing out
the gastro-intestinal tract when taking anti-microbial remedies. This takes the
dead or dying microbes immediately out of the body and greatly minimizes
discomfort. After several days the flush may no longer be needed. Usually the
first reaction is the strongest.
An alternative approach is to start with a low dose of an anti-microbial and
increase only very slowly. In this way the die-off symptoms are milder but remain
for much longer. With this method it is especially important to maintain a strict
diet. I generally prefer the flush method, but if you cannot use that for any
reason, then try this slow approach.
Another principle is to take a high dose of probiotics or beneficial lactobacteria
30 to 60 minutes after the anti-microbial remedy, and before eating or drinking
anything containing carbohydrates. Normally the intestinal wall is densely covered
with microbes, either beneficial or pathogenic ones. When we take beneficial
bacteria during Candida overgrowth, then the good bacteria cannot get a foothold
on the intestinal wall, and largely just pass through the intestines.
Therefore we must first make some free space at the intestinal wall by ingesting
an anti-microbial agent, such as garlic. We need to wait a while until the anti-
microbial has cleared the stomach and then we take a high-potency probiotic,
commonly a culture of acidophilus and bifido bacteria.
Now these good bacteria can easily occupy the vacated spaces at the intestinal
wall. However, if we do not follow up with probiotics, then the next time we
ingest any carbohydrates the fungus will quickly multiply and fill the empty
spaces again.
In this way we can quickly regenerate a healthy intestinal flora. However, it
takes much longer to eliminate the spores and fungal roots growing through the
intestinal wall. Therefore we need to be careful and continue avoiding or
minimizing drugs and chemicals, and use a suitable diet.
Individuals who are highly sensitive and with multiple allergies generally should
proceed very slowly, remain on a stable low-allergy diet, use anti-inflammatory
remedies, such as slippery elm powder before meals and ginger with meals, and
introduce probiotics, lactic acid fermented food and anti-microbials only very
Systemic Candida Therapy
Furthermore, in long-standing conditions the fungus and other microbes or
parasites will have invaded the bloodstream and lodged in other parts of the body.
For this we need to take stronger action. While continuing with high doses of raw
garlic may initially clear the blood, it is generally preferable to alternate
between different anti-microbial remedies. Commonly used for this purpose are
wormwood, olive leaf and pau d’arco. Other suitable methods are oxygen therapy,
electronic blood purifier or zapper, and magnetic pulser.
A combination of these methods should be used until most or all of the symptoms
of Candida or parasitic infection have abated. This may generally be from one to
two months. This concentrated anti-microbial therapy is likely to eliminate not
only fungi but also most harmful bacteria and viruses from the body, giving the
immune system a chance to get back into control. If Candida overgrowth is
suspected, any sexual partner should have at least a short Candida treatment at
the same time.
Some strong anti-microbials that destroy fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites
may also harm our beneficial intestinal lactobacteria. However, if we have
previously re-established a healthy intestinal flora with garlic and probiotics,
then the good bacteria will simply grow back after each dose of an anti-microbial
remedy. Garlic and olive leaf are said not to damage our beneficial intestinal
If we have not re-established beneficial bacteria, and Candida still prevails in
the intestinal tract, then Candida will simply re-grow after each dose, and it
will take much longer to control it. As Candida is naturally present in small
amounts, it is not necessary to eliminate all of it from the intestines. The key
point is that the dominant species will remain dominant unless we do something
that kills bacteria but leaves fungi unharmed.
Nevertheless, it is advisable to play it safe and use probiotics from time to time
during prolonged anti-microbial therapy, and especially immediately after
terminating this therapy. Therefore, once a day or several times a week you may
take a probiotic 30 to 60 minutes after the anti-microbial and before ingesting
any carbohydrate. Alternatively use frequently lactic acid fermented food. After
finishing the anti-microbial therapy continue to take probiotics for several weeks
before breakfast.
Even after successful therapy, Candida spores and dormant microbes may remain in
the body and re-emerge when we are chronically stressed. Therefore, repeat this
therapy whenever Candida or infection-related symptoms re-appear. In addition I
recommend that everyone, not only ex-Candida victims, repeat at least a short
anti-microbial program once a year. Most diseases, including autoimmune diseases,
heart disease and cancer, are associated with pathogenic microbes, and we can
prevent much disease by periodically eliminating these from our body.
Avoiding Moldy Foods
Dietary yeasts and molds as well as mushrooms greatly increase the difficulties of
susceptible individuals, frequently causing allergic reactions and flare-ups of
Candida and allergies. In addition, some molds may damage the liver, for instance
a mold that frequently grows on peanuts and is present in peanut butter.
Molds commonly grow on dried fruits and on poorly stored grains and nuts, also on
the outer leaves of cabbage and the skins of various fruits. Molds may be in food
at such low levels that we cannot taste or smell it. Cooking or processing does
not help as allergic reactions commonly are against the cell walls, regardless if
the fungi are dead or alive.
A study in the UK in 1977 found that molds and their poisonous myco-toxins (fungal
toxins) were in all 318 samples of flour tested. This mold contamination is due to
insufficient drying in the process of combine-harvesting grain. Wholemeal flour,
bran and wheat germ are even more affected by mold than is white flour. Rice is
also frequently contaminated.
Washing whole grains and nuts, susceptible fruits and vegetables before cooking or
eating helps to remove molds; drying in the sun destroys fungi and prevents their
development. Preferably remove environmental molds, for instance those on walls
and bathroom tiles.
Frequently antibiotics are routinely added to animal feed for meat production;
this applies especially to poultry and pigs. Antibiotic residues may impair the
intestinal flora of the consumer of such products and thereby encourage the spread
of Candida. In addition, the meat itself may be infested with Candida or other
fungi because of the prolonged use of antibiotics while, on the other hand,
resistant strains of harmful bacteria may be present. I do not recommend
habitually eating such meat. As a general rule I recommend to avoid meat from

Chapter 4

Intestinal sanitation or re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora is the first

step of a two-step Candida and anti-microbial therapy. The second step is systemic
Candida therapy, or better systemic anti-microbial therapy. Before starting with
this two-step program it is advisable to make some dietary changes and adopt the
following diet. If you have multiple allergies and are already on a low-allergy
diet then make any changes only very gradually.
The main consideration of this diet is the fact that Candida, as all yeasts, lives
mainly on simple carbohydrates, especially sugars from foods or formed during
digestion. These include sugar and sweetened food, fruit and fruit juices, soft
drinks, alcohol, flour products, cereal and grain products. Especially destructive
is gluten (from wheat, rye, oats and barley) as it tends to cause an inflammation
of the intestinal wall that aggravates the leaky gut syndrome caused by Candida.
All of these should be minimized or preferably avoided, especially in the initial
stages before the intestinal flora has been normalized. Initially only the herb
stevia is acceptable as a sweetener, after intestinal sanitation also Xylitol, but
do not use any synthetic sweeteners.
This means that you should base your initial diet on protein-fat foods, such as
meat, fish, egg, nuts and oily seeds, as well as legumes and vegetables.
Preferably use mainly green vegetables, such as those of the cabbage family,
rather than potatoes and other root vegetables. However, lactic acid fermented
grain products may be beneficial, see below under Sourdough Baking.
Ground linseed (made in a coffee grinder) and extra virgin olive oil are
especially good as they tend to protect the intestinal wall from invasion by the
rhizoid forms of Candida. Mix one tablespoon of one or both with most meals.
Furthermore, avoid all yeast containing or moldy foods: Yeast baked products,
fermented beverages such as beer, wine, brandy, and scotch, cider vinegar, salad
dressing, peanuts, commercial fruit juices, dried fruit, pickles, tomato sauce,
yeast powder, moldy cheeses, ice cream, processed and smoked meats, malt products,
barbecue sauce, olives, and mayonnaise. Also flour products are frequently
contaminated with molds.
After the intestinal sanitation with garlic and probiotics this strict diet may be
eased, especially in regard to root vegetables and fruits. Continue with a
restricted intake of simple carbohydrates and foods containing yeasts and molds
until after the systemic anti-microbial therapy. Ideally, you might remain
permanently on an improved diet.
The strict diet on its own can already lead to die-off of Candida in the gastro-
intestinal tract, and by adding probiotics can within weeks restore a normal
intestinal flora. However, it is more effective with added garlic; also diet on
its own is not normally sufficient to remove Candida from the blood and lymph
It is most important for sanitizing the intestinal tract to continue using a lot
of lactic acid fermented food. If you are very sensitive experiment with single
ingredients such as bee pollen or barley grass powder until you find a compatible
fermented food. Pollen has its own sugar so that you may not need to add honey or
molasses. Any fermented food may initially cause a die-back reaction and
discomfort. This may be lessened with flushing, possibly by taking psyllium hulls,
and if you take a very acidic ferment, such as kefir partially neutralize it as
described in Chapter 5.
Yogurt Recipe
You may make yogurt from raw, pasteurized or reconstituted goats’ milk powder.
Open one or several capsules of acidophilus-bifido culture and mix with the milk.
You may also add Grainfields liquid or a similar ferment as a starter. For
subsequent batches use some of your own saved ferment as starter.
If you do not have a yogurt maker, use a jar standing in warm or hot water. The
temperature inside the jar should be about 40°C. It usually takes only a few hours
to set or start frothing. In cold weather renew the hot water every hour or keep
the jar in a warm place (possibly inside a carton or box with a light-bulb).
Refrigerate the yogurt when it just starts setting or frothing, it does not set
as firmly as cows’ milk yogurt. Some of the whey may be used as starter for the
next lot. If it is too sour, use less of the whey as starter the next time, and
before eating or drinking it neutralize the acid with bicarbonate.
You may also make yogurt based on bee-pollen: add to half a liter of water or
almond milk about 10 teaspoons of pollen. Later, when you are comfortable making
your own yogurt, you may also add other ingredients such as a tsp of kelp powder
or colloidal minerals and possibly spirulina, chlorella, barley or wheat grass
powder. Add a starter and process like the goats’ yogurt. This does not set firmly
but is used when it starts frothing and tastes somewhat sour. Use half or one cup
of yogurt after taking anti-microbials and before a meal.
Sourdough Baking
Sourdough baking with lactic acid fermentation is much healthier than yeast
baking. It makes minerals and inositol available that otherwise remain unavailable
in conventional cereals. Furthermore, you can use part of the ferment unheated as
a live food and source of probiotics. Mix the following:
• 2 cups of brown rice flour
• 1 cup of buckwheat flour
• 1 cup of liquid sourdough starter
• 2/3 cup of warm water
• 1 or 2 tsp of honey or molasses
Normally you save a cup of the sourdough for the next batch. When doing this for
the first time then use instead half a cup of acidophilus yogurt or several
acidophilus-bifido capsules or any other suitable source of acidophilus (e.g.
Grainfields liquid). Honey or molasses are added as food for the bacteria to be
converted to lactic acid.
Buckwheat flour is recommended in all non-gluten baking to make the bread stick
together. You may replace part of the rice flour with another non-gluten flour, as
for instance coconut, lentil or pea flour, which you can make yourself by grinding
dried coconut or seeds in a coffee grinder and putting it through a sieve. Add
more water as required for mixing.
Keep the mixture warm for several hours or overnight, preferably in a yogurt
maker. When it has become somewhat frothy and risen by up to half in volume it is
ready to bake. If you want to add salt you can do it at this stage after taking
out and refrigerating a cupful for the next batch. If it is too acid for your
taste, mix some alkalizer into the dough.
Put the dough into a baking tin, keep it warm for an hour or more to let it rise
again, and then bake for 35 to 40 minutes at 180ºC. You may also explore spreading
some of the dough flat on a tray and let it dry in the sun for a few hours, or
otherwise just in a warm place. It may not get dry like a baked product but rather
moist and crumbly. Keep the dough firm for faster drying.
This is a live fermented food and tastes somewhat sour like yogurt. You may use it
with any good spreads and in addition to salads and other meals just like bread.
Start with small amounts. Caution: Do not leave sourdough in contact with blank
metal surfaces, e.g. grease a baking tin or use baking paper.

As a general supportive measure use a multivitamin tablet with additional
magnesium, selenium and zinc. With suspected viral infections temporarily take 200
to 400 mcg of selenium daily, in addition to plenty of antioxidants. Also use fish
oils in various forms for their anti-inflammatory properties. Digestive enzymes
with cooked foods help to minimize allergic reactions, and are especially
important with leaky gut syndrome. For inflammatory bowel disease also see Chapter
Many with Candidiasis have benefited from using inulin, a non-digestible
polysaccharide, which helps to feed the beneficial intestinal bacteria, especially
in the colon. It is present in Jerusalem artichokes, chicory roots and dandelion
roots, and may be sold as a white powder, see
http://members.shaw.ca/duncancrow/inulin_prebiotic_probiotic.html. Also some have
found un-denatured whey powder to be helpful in addition.
Iodine helps to protect the mucous membranes from invading fungi. Aim for 3 mg of
daily iodine. The listed values for iodine in kelp vary widely from about 240 mcg
or 0.24 mg to 1.5 mg/g. If you do not know how much iodine is in your kelp or
seaweed you may assume a value of 0.6 mg/g. Gradually increase to 5g or 1 teaspoon
in divided doses with meals or use tablets.
There are no known toxicities from natural or organic iodine as in kelp or
seaweed. However, large amounts of natural iodine can still cause over-activity of
the thyroid gland in susceptible individuals with rapid pulse, overheating,
fatigue and headaches. If you suspect a problem then just cut back on your iodine

Chapter 5


Fresh, raw garlic has powerful anti-microbial and especially fungicidal powers.
Even in a dilution of more than 1:1000 it kills bacteria and fungi. When garlic is
crushed its enzymes form allicin from the stable alliin. Allicin has an active
oxygen atom that kills microbes by oxidizing the cell walls. Lactobacilli also
tend to kill other microbes with oxygen (from hydrogen peroxide), and therefore
are less susceptible to garlic than Candida.
To minimize unpleasant reactions, such as headaches, nausea and other gastro-
intestinal discomfort it is preferable to take the garlic initially together with
a strong laxative. This is called a flush. An effective flush is with a tablespoon
of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in a large glass of water. Drink some more
water afterwards.
If you are constipated or overweight you may take 2 tablespoons when using it for
the first time to make sure that it quickly comes out at the other end. To make it
taste less bitter you may refrigerate the dissolved Epsom salts overnight. In the
morning you crush a large clove of garlic, mix and drink it with a small amount of
water, and follow this with the refrigerated drink and some more water.
During the following mornings you may use less Epsom salts or take a milder
laxative instead. Do this for a minimum of three days, and in advanced conditions
preferably for one to two weeks before starting with the systemic therapy. With
bowel problems it can be very helpful in addition to swallow a peeled clove of
garlic whole at bedtime with some liquid.
If you cannot take garlic, and also for children, you may put the crushed or
chopped garlic into gelatin capsules. If you seem to be allergic to garlic, then
use another anti-microbial, such as hydrogen peroxide, or start directly with
olive leaf, pau d’arco or wormwood. Similar if you can use garlic only during the
weekend because of work conditions.
Use Epsom salts or another laxative flush also with any of these other anti-
microbials, except if this interferes with other commitments. Before you eat or
drink anything, or 30 to 60 minutes after the anti-microbial flush, take a high-
potency probiotic, for details see below.
Milder than the Epsom salts flush is an isotonic flush. An isotonic flush consists
of nine grams or one heaped teaspoon of salt in one liter of water. It is suitable
for sensitive individuals and generally with low to normal blood pressure but may
not be strong enough if constipated or overweight.
A solution is isotonic if it contains a similar amount of salt as the blood. Do
not drink more water after the isotonic flush, as it would no longer be isotonic.
Drink the whole isotonic solution within about 10 minutes. To be on the safe side
use a strong Epsom salts flush on the first morning, and then you may continue
with an isotonic flush.
Other laxatives that may be used for a flush are sodium sulfate (Glauber Salz),
castor oil or Senna. You may need to experiment with your chosen laxative to find
the right amount to take with the garlic so that it is effective within a few
The best long-term solution is taking a heaped teaspoon of psyllium hulls,
preferably together with 2-3 teaspoons of ground linseed. Mix the powders into a
glass of water and drink immediately followed by another glass of water. As with
the isotonic flush, this is probably not strong enough for the first morning but
may be used on subsequent days.
Because Candida and other fungi are inhibited in an alkaline environment, you can
make the flush more effective by adding a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to the
psyllium hulls. You may also take the sodium bicarbonate with the Epsom salts or
on its own as long as you have intestinal discomfort and suspect fungal problems.
If garlic is not tolerated, try a teaspoonful of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with
the Epsom salts or isotonic flush. If that goes well, double the amount of
hydrogen peroxide the next day, and following that you may try three teaspoons.
If you develop unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, after taking the garlic, but
the flush is not sufficient to produce a strong bowel movement within two to three
hours, then take another dose of a strong laxative.
If at a later time you decide to take a course of antibiotics, chemotherapy or
cortisone-type drugs then also take a fungicide during this time (e.g. garlic or
pau d’arco) and use probiotics shortly after taking the drugs.
This leads us to the next step: replacing the decimated pathogenic microbes with
desirable lactobacilli. This must be done in a massive dose 30-60 minutes after
each flush; otherwise the unwanted microbes may grow back to full strength after
the next meal.
Acidophilus culture is used to repopulate the freed-up spaces at the walls of the
small intestines, while bifido bacteria are the protective inhabitants of the
colon or large intestines. There are also other lactobacteria naturally residing
in our intestinal tract.
There are several possibilities. These bacterial cultures are available from
health food shops as powders in brown glass bottles that should be refrigerated
before and after sale. You may buy a mixed culture and take two teaspoons in water
or vegetable juice or one teaspoon each of the separate cultures.
If you suspect cows' milk allergy, which is rather frequent in this condition,
then use milk-free cultures. Alternatively, you may take one or several high-
potency capsules. High-potency cultures should contain 10 Billion (or more) live
bacteria per gram or per capsule. Commonly capsules with 25 Billion live bacteria
are now being used.
In Australia you may also see www.grainfieldsaustralia.com for fermented
wholegrain liquid with specially bred active bacteria. In this case grains are
alright as they are completely pre-digested by the fermentation process.
Grainfields liquid and similar ferments, such as kefir, tend to be rather acid and
this can cause overacidity problems in sensitive individuals. You can avoid any
problems by partly neutralizing the acidity as with sodium bicarbonate, magnesium
carbonate or dolomite powder.
Instead of taking powdered or liquid cultures directly, you may use these as a
starter to make your own yogurt from goats’ milk. This does not set as solid as
cow’ milk because of the lower protein content, but that does not matter as the
beneficial bacteria are in the liquid whey. See below for different yogurt
Take a cupful of this yogurt after each flush, and use more before other meals.
Continue taking either the cultures or yogurt several times daily during the
intestinal cleanse. During the systemic cleanse you may use it once a day in the
morning after taking the anti-microbial. Continue for several weeks after you have
finished the systemic cleanse.
Women should also for a few days or weeks apply yogurt or acidophilus powder or a
high-potency capsule to the vagina, even if there are no symptoms of thrush. If
there is vaginal thrush, then initially douche with pau d’arco tea or diluted tea
tree oil or diluted hydrogen peroxide solution; use one teaspoon of 3% peroxide to
a glass of water, or more or less according to sensitivity.
Commercially available indigestible fiber, called FOS or fructosoligosaccharides,
helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. This is the fiber
in fruit without the sugar.
Zell-Oxygen, a Live Cell Oxygen Immunocomplex, is also beneficial in overcoming
Candida problems. Zell-Oxygen is a live aerobic yeast - Saccharomyces Cerevisaie -
that is antagonistic to Candida Albicans. Clinical studies have shown that Zell-
Oxygen causes a 50-100 times decrease in the Candida population, and with this
prevents its uncontrolled overgrowth. In addition, due to its aerobic nature,
Zell-Oxygen improves cellular respiration and immune functions.
You may start with 4 dessertspoons daily for several weeks, and then reduce to 2
dessertspoons daily after sufficient improvement. Continue with 1 or 2 spoonfuls
until you feel completely well. For supply sources see health food shops and the
Sodium Bicarbonate: Candida is inhibited in an alkaline environment. As long as
you have intestinal Candia problems you may take a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
in a glass of water first thing in the morning. It does not taste nice; therefore
wash it down immediately with something that has a more pleasant taste. In
addition you may also experiment with taking another teaspoonful about 3 hours
after lunch or dinner.
Summary of Intestinal Sanitation
For 3 to 14 days after rising take a crushed clove of garlic in some water and
immediately drink a glassful of Epsom salts or other laxative, follow with some
more water. Before eating or drinking anything else or 30 to 60 minutes later take
a high-potency probiotic. For several weeks or months afterwards take sodium
bicarbonate after rising. Psyllium hulls, taken as recommended, greatly reduce
toxins being absorbed into the blood. Sodium bicarbonate is recommended in

Chapter 6

Systemic Candida and anti-microbial therapy involves cleaning the bloodstream,

lymph fluid and internal organs of Candida and other pathogenic microbes. Because
of their wide range in eliminating not only fungi but also bacteria, viruses and
parasites I generally recommend using the herbal remedies olive leaf, pau d’arco
and wormwood.
Further supportive methods are internal solution of iodine, colloidal silver,
oxygen therapy, coconut oil or caprylic acid (Capricin), and an electronic blood
purifier. Some other good anti-microbial remedies are propolis, extracts of neem
leaves, and the oils of tea tree, neem tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, mustard,
oregano, shark liver, and thyme. You may try using 1 to 2 drops of essential oil
four times daily ingested or kept in the mouth.
I recommend alternating between wormwood and olive leaf extract in weekly
intervals, although longer cycles, such as fortnightly rotation should be fine as
well. With this rotation it is less likely that microbes will become treatment
resistant. Also, if a strain of microbes is resistant to one of the remedies it
may be eliminated with one of the others. In addition to the rotating herbs take
pau d’arco during the whole treatment period.
If you have difficulty obtaining one of these herbs then rotate between those that
you do have, or use just one of them for a month at a time, in addition to several
of the supportive remedies mentioned above such as garlic, colloidal silver and
coconut oil.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms you may continue this systemic therapy
for one to two months, or until you feel that your Candida or microbe-related
problems have disappeared. If symptoms come back after some time then just repeat
the systemic treatment.
During this time it is preferable to continue taking probiotics daily 30 to 60
minutes after one of the herbal remedies, best as lactic acid fermented foods.
Phase out anti-microbial therapy gradually. Continue taking probiotics for several
weeks after you finish this systemic therapy.
The recommended herbal dosages are for average body weight, overweight individuals
may take more and underweight individuals or children less. These remedies may not
be suitable in high doses during pregnancy, in this case consult a health
professional. For buying herbs in Australia see www.health-science-
Olive leaf
Olive leaf is used as tea, powder or extract to kill all kinds of microbes. The
active ingredient is oleuropein. Preferably use about 600 to 1000 mg of oleuropein
daily as part of the anti-microbial rotation program. Dried olive leaf has about
30 mg of oleuropein/g; therefore use 30g or 5 heaped teaspoons per day.
As the tea is bitter you may use part of it as powder stirred in juice. Simmer 30g
of dried leaves in 1 liter of water for 1 -2 hours, top up, strain and
refrigerate, and drink 3-5 cups daily.
It is now more common to use olive leaf extract. Preferably use extracts in powder
form and stir half a teaspoon in water or other non-protein liquid two or three
times daily and take before meals or away from proteins. The normal retail form is
as 500 mg capsules. In this case you may use 6 to 10 capsules daily.
Some liquid commercial extracts contain only 4 mg of oleuropein per ml and are not
suitable unless you drink 200 ml daily. In powder form olive leaf extract commonly
has 200 to 220 mg/g. Therefore use 3 to 5 g daily, dissolve in water and possibly
sweeten with glycerin.
In humans no toxicity for olive leaf extract or oleuropein has been reported. In
animal studies doses as high as 1 g/kg of body weight for seven days did not
produce any toxicity. Oleuropein is so safe the investigators failed to determine
the lethal dose (LD50) or the toxic dose. Tests showed that olive leaf extract
does not kill the healthy lactobacteria in our intestines.
Elenolic acid, one of the hydrolysis products of oleuropein, destroys or inhibits
the growth of many kinds of roundworm, hookworm, tapeworm and flatworm parasites,
in addition to bacteria, viruses and fungi. Olive leaf extract is also widely used
by HIV and AIDS patients.
Pau d’arco
Pau d’arco (also called taheebo or lapacho) is a strong fungicide from the inner
bark of a South American tree. It has the advantage of tasting reasonably
pleasant. It also works against various bacteria and viruses. Either use extract
or make tea: one tablespoon of bark or a heaped teaspoon of powder in a large cup
of water. Bring to boil and let simmer or steep for 5 to 15 minutes; drink 3 cups
a day.
Powdered pau d’arco in capsules or cold water does not work. However, you may use
pau d’arco extract in capsules. Use 3 capsules of extract 3 times daily. Pau
d’arco is not standardized, and the quality of the product can be rather variable.
See www.oralchelation.com/taheebo/TaheeboDosage.htm for using high-potency extract
of pau d’arco in serious conditions
Wormwood is effective against most microbes, including bacteria, viruses,
parasites, and especially fungi. Commonly used for Candida is Artemisia
absinthium, but also Artemisia annua or Sweet Annie can be used. Both herbs have
different active ingredients, and it may even be good to use a mixture of both.
They should not be used during pregnancy, and not taken in high doses for more
than one month at a time.
To avoid the bitter taste of A. absinthium stir a rounded teaspoon of powder in
some cold water or juice and drink immediately. Use a teaspoonful three times
daily. However, the bitter qualities of wormwood tea stimulate the digestive
system - stomach, pancreas, liver and gall bladder. It has been used as a folk
remedy to cure jaundice.
Therefore, in addition to taking it in cold water, frequently drink some as tea
during or after a meal. Make wormwood tea by adding 1 heaped teaspoon of the herb
(or 1 rounded teaspoon of the powder) to 1 cup of boiling water and allow to steep
for ten to fifteen minutes. You may sweeten the tea with xylitol or stevia, and
add some peppermint.
Generally, it is easiest to take by getting it down quickly and, before breathing
again, drinking something pleasant afterwards. For children and over-sensitive
taste buds you may also use wormwood powder in capsules (3 to 5 capsules 3 times
daily), or use only Sweet Annie.

Lugol's Solution
If you have reason to believe that other measures have not eliminated all Candida
in the blood or internal tissues, or instead of one of the systemic herbal
remedies, you may take a course of Lugol's solution. That is how Dr Truss
originally cured his patients.
Lugol's solution is an internal iodine solution designed to eliminate Candida and
possibly viruses and other microbes from the bloodstream. Obtain 100 ml of Lugol's
solution, also labeled Aqueous Iodine Oral Solution B.P., from a chemist.
Take a test drop in liquid other then just water to make it taste less strong. If
this does not cause an allergic reaction, continue to take 6 drops 4 times daily
in liquid or mixed with food, but not together with antioxidants at the same time.

Continue for 3 weeks, but interrupt if you develop a serious reaction. Do not take
the iodine for more than 3 weeks; if necessary repeat the course after several
months. However, you may cautiously continue with a few drops daily for a much
longer time, see Iodine: Bring Back the Universal Nutrient Medicine. Instead of
Lugol’s solution also a saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) appears to
be effective if taken in similar amounts

Chapter 7

While using the systemic therapy, you may use additional measures to strengthen
the overall effect. You may, for instance, continue to use raw garlic and coconut
oil. Instead of one of the systemic remedies, or better in addition to it, you may
use colloidal silver, oxygen therapy, caprylic acid, and use an electronic blood
purifier or zapper. Some other antifungal remedies are propolis, extracts of neem
leaves, and the oils of tea tree, neem tree, cinnamon, eucalyptus, mustard,
oregano, shark liver, and thyme.
Coconut Oil
The medium-chain saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are potent antimicrobial
agents, effective against fungi, viruses and many bacteria. The most effective
fatty acids are caprylic acid (with 8 carbon atoms), capric acid (10 carbon atoms)
and lauric acid (12 carbon). They appear to work by causing microbial cell walls
to disintegrate.
Coconut oil is often effective within days. With Candida take initially 4
tablespoons of coconut oil spread out during the day, and after improvement you
may reduce this to 2 tablespoons for several more weeks. Always mix coconut oil
with food and chew well to emulsify. This seems to be effective against systemic
as well as localized infestations, including those of the genitals. However, it is
advisable to apply coconut oil topically as well.
The best commercial product is cold-pressed or virgin coconut oil. However, this
has been stabilized to destroy or remove lipase. Therefore, my preference for
those who have this option is self-made raw coconut cream or milk: press coconut
pieces through a low-speed juicer, or alternatively blend with water, strain and
For topical applications and for those with fat malabsorption the lipase-rich
fresh coconut milk can be expected to be much more effective than commercial
coconut oil with only a very low concentration of free fatty acids. Alternatively,
you may mix a lipase supplement with coconut oil if you have malabsorption or to
increase its effect with external applications.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver has a long history in medicine as a natural antibiotic. It is
effective in killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and the cancer microbe.
Colloidal silver is commercially available. Commonly the strength of the solution
is five ppm, or up to 50 ppm in very concentrated remedies; the smaller the
colloid particles the better. Colloidal silver works best if applied directly to
the site of infection. Use it to gargle, as vaginal douche, as a colonic, or for
skin infections. Most of it actually is ionic silver which forms ineffective
silver chloride in the stomach when swallowed. Store colloidal silver in a brown
glass bottle and in a dark and cool place as light will precipitate the silver and
make it ineffective. For more information see Colloidal Silver.
Oxygen Therapy
Professional ozone therapy is very effective to clean the blood from microbial
infestation, and has been used in cancer and AIDS therapy. Usually 200 ml of blood
is withdrawn, and after ozonizing re-infused into the patient. This method is
widely used in Germany and Mexican cancer clinics but illegal in most other
western countries. The same applies to hydrogen peroxide infusions.
In self-help therapy hydrogen peroxide or so-called stabilized oxygen tend to be
used. The latter is an unstable oxygenated chlorine compound that easily gives off
oxygen. The usual amount is 10 drops in juice several times daily, but start with
much less and increase gradually. I prefer periodically taking hydrogen peroxide
on an empty stomach before meals and at bedtime.
Another possibility is an ozone generator. Ozone supposedly has the advantage of
releasing active oxygen without requiring enzymes in biological systems, although
I am not sure that this really is an advantage.
Both, ozone and hydrogen peroxide have unstable single oxygen that oxidizes or
peroxidizes any suitable molecule. The beneficial effect appears to be mainly the
peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, which then may destroy microbes and
malignant cells. A healthy immune system routinely produces hydrogen peroxide to
kill microbes.
You may dilute 35% hydrogen peroxide, or 3% (10 Volume) or 6% (20 Volume) peroxide
from a supermarket or chemist. Stabilizers present in some of these products are
usually harmless. Best dilute peroxide for daily use to about 3% by adding 1 part
of 35% peroxide to 10 parts of water.
Start taking just a few drops in a glass of water. Gradually increase to 1
teaspoon or more four times daily before meals and at bedtime. If you develop an
aversion against it, just decrease again to a more comfortable level. Swallow
quickly instead of slowly sipping. To disguise the strong aftertaste, add aloe
vera gel and fruit flavors, or herb tea, or water flavored with cinnamon.
You may continue this for a month or two and then reduce the intake to only once
before breakfast. In addition, use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth, and
gargle morning and evening. It helps with thrush and to prevent colds and other
infections, and also tooth decay, and is better than toothpaste.
One teaspoon of 3% peroxide is equivalent to about 12 drops of 35% peroxide. Be
careful handling 35% hydrogen peroxide, flush any accidental spills on clothes or
skin immediately with water or immerse in water. With vaginal thrush douche twice
daily with suitably diluted hydrogen peroxide, keep it inside for some time, and
follow up by applying some probiotic.
Healthy body cells as well as acidophilus bacteria are not normally harmed by
oxygen therapy. In fact acidophilus bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide to destroy
Candida and other fungi. You may see www.oxygenhealth.com for more information on
oxygen therapies.

Electronic Zapper and Magnetic Pulser

There are two basic types of electronic zappers commercially available, the Hulda
Clark zapper and the Robert Beck zapper or blood purifier, in addition to newer
developments. They help eliminating parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses from
the blood and lymph system with low-voltage pulsed electric currents.
The Clark zapper operates with 9 V positive offset current at a high pulse
frequency of about 30,000 Hz. The normal treatment schedule is seven minutes three
times daily with the second zapping 20 minutes after the first one and the third
one after a similar interval.
The Beck zapper or blood purifier uses 27 to 36 V and a low frequency of about 4
Hz. The blood purifier appears to be preferable to clean the blood with the small
electrodes fastened directly over the arteries where you feel a pulse on one
forearm or near the ankle of a foot. Use it for several months for 2 hours daily.
In addition, I also recommend using the electrodes on both sides of a tumor, or on
an area of infection or inflammation.
Furthermore, there are now strong magnetic pulsers available (Beck-type) that may
help to sanitize pockets of Candida infestations inside the mouth, vagina or
underneath affected skin areas.
For sources to buy a zapper and pulser see the Internet. Commonly, the Beck zapper
is bi-functional and may also be used as a colloidal silver maker. For more
information see Electronic Zapper & Magnetic Pulser.

Urine Therapy
Many individuals have found urine therapy effective against Candida, parasites,
intestinal inflammations and Leaky Gut Syndrome. In its simplest form you may mix
a drop or two of your urine with a spoonful of water and keep this in the mouth
for several minutes to improve immune functions and reduce allergic reactions. In
difficult conditions this may be repeated every two hours. Also you may drink a
cup or glassful of fresh morning urine to improve bowel functions and reduce
Candida activity. For details see Chapter 6 of Towards Radiant Health or

Emotional Freedom Technique

The Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT works by tapping on some acupuncture points
while repeating suitable affirmations. It is very effective with emotionally-based
health problems, As unlikely as it may sound, it has also been successfully used
to eliminate persistent vaginal itching, burning and discharge due to Candida
within a few days. For details see Chapter 10 of TOWARDS RADIANT HEALTH or Mind

Chapter 8

Fungus infestations of the skin, nails, mouth and sexual organs are usually
indicative of systemic fungus infections. In addition to the intestinal and
systemic treatment described above also use local therapy.
Suitable remedies for external problems are garlic, tea tree oil, neem oil, 3%
hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate, tincture of propolis as well as strong teas
or extracts of neem, olive leaf, pau d’arco and wormwood.
As the fungus largely lives in the skin or under the nails, it is not sufficient
just to rub these remedies on; instead they need to soak into the skin or under
the nails. For skin problems use a pack of some cloth soaked in the selected
remedy, cover with plastic and hold in place with tape, renew once or twice daily
or whenever it feels dry. Generally watery extracts are good for rinsing and
washing the area while oils, especially tea tree oil may be better and longer-
lasting as packs. In addition it is good to frequently use coconut oil on the
Nails may be soaked by putting sodium bicarbonate, tea tree oil, olive leaf
liquid, colloidal silver, diluted Lugol’s solution, hydrogen peroxide or urine
into a cut-off finger of a rubber or plastic glove, and sealing the open end with
tape. Another possibility is to use DMSO, a commercial solvent, to carry a
fungicide through or around the nail to the fungus infestation.
With oral thrush frequently rinse and gargle with sodium bicarbonate, colloidal
silver, diluted hydrogen peroxide or tincture of propolis, garlic, tea tree or
neem oil or a strong anti-microbial tea. You may dilute tea tree or neem oil with
olive oil. For several weeks you may also use several drops of Lugol’s solution in
a tablespoon of water. Do this especially at bedtime and keep in the mouth for as
long as possible. At other times keep some acidophilus in the mouth.
With vaginal thrush frequently douche with the above, and also insert a tampon or
sponge soaked in these. Afterwards insert some acidophilus culture. Keep the
outside dry, the same for fungus problems of the penis. You may sprinkle
acidophilus powder on weeping areas.
Strong itching on any part of the body may be relieved by exposure to blue light,
for instance by covering the affected part with blue cellophane and exposing it to
daylight or electric light.
Asthma and other breathing problems get worse when exposed to molds in the air.
Often the filling of the pillow is moldy and contributes to breathing problems
during the night. If you live in a sunny climate you may frequently expose the
pillow to sunlight, alternatively use an allergy-proof pillow-case.
Breathing difficulties may also be due to fungi growing on the surface of the
lungs. Try spraying a solution of vitamin C (3 to 10%), colloidal silver or 3%
hydrogen peroxide into the mouth, while at the same time taking a deep breath. Use
one for several days and then another; see what works best for you.
Another possibility is to frequently sniff up the fumes from an open bottle of tea
tree oil or eucalyptus oil, close one nostril and then the other. This may also
help with sinus problems. Chronic sinus problems are commonly due to molds. In
addition sniff up colloidal silver or diluted hydrogen peroxide through each
nostril and then spit it out. For other methods to clean the sinuses and overcome
mucus problems see TOWARDS RADIANT HEALTH.

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is due to the deterioration of the intestinal wall caused
by burrowing or rhizoid fungal forms as well as by chronic inflammation due to
other microbes and parasites. This lets only partly digested proteins pass into
the bloodstream and causes severe immune reactions with multiple allergies and
chronic diseases. LGS is made worse by ingesting gluten as this tends to cause an
inflammation of the intestinal wall and increases the leakiness even further.
In many cases it may be sufficient to adopt a High Quality Diet as outlined in
Chapter 9 of TOWARDS RADIANT HEALTH, while in others it is advisable to do some
food allergy testing with an elimination diet. For several days you adopt a very
restricted diet, for instance by just using a small range of cooked and raw
vegetables. Then you start adding individual test foods or small groups of food
items, while at the same time checking your pulse rate and observing your body and
mind for any undesirable symptoms.
Check your pulse for a full minute before meals and 30, 60 and 90 minutes
afterwards. An allergy response commonly increase the pulse rate after the meal by
more than 10%, distressing symptoms may arise at the same time. Keep a detailed
record of your tests. For more detailed information on Allergy Testing see Chapter

Alkalizing the Body

When our body becomes more acid then it also becomes more sensitive - emotionally
as well as physically. The skin and the mucous membranes become very sensitive to
irritants, and any allergic reactions are greatly intensified. With Candida and
especially with leaky gut syndrome the body generally is too acid, and it is
beneficial to alkalize it.
The strongest alkalizing foods are fresh green vegetable juices and vegetable
broth, e.g. the broth of boiled potato peelings. Those who are over-acid become
even more so with cider vinegar, kefir and other fruit acids.
However, dissolving dolomite, magnesium oxide or eggshell powder in vinegar or
lemon juice until nearly neutral produces a highly alkalizing remedy. For quick
neutralization also sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate may be used to
neutralize acid fruit juices or alkalize the body directly. On the other hand for
those with raised blood pressure and insensitive skin, acid fruits and their
juices are excellent.
During acute allergic reactions it is advisable to alkalize the body quickly.
Repeatedly take a teaspoonful of baking soda with plenty of water, best before
breakfast or during the reaction.
However, oxides, carbonates and bicarbonates if taken directly neutralize our
stomach acid. For frequent use it is preferable to use neutralized fruit acids.
The strongest of these is potassium citrate, followed by magnesium and calcium
citrate. If available from a health shop, you may just use half a teaspoon of one
or several of these in a drink before or between meals.
Alternatively, add a teaspoon of dolomite, magnesium oxide or eggshell powder to
any acid fruit juice (e.g. lemon, orange) and let it react for up to an hour
before decanting and drinking. In this way sensitive individuals can enjoy citrus
fruit and other acid fruits and their juices, which otherwise would cause over-
acidity problems. For more detailed information on neutralizing the body, see

Cachexia is an unintended progressive weight-loss with weakness and muscle-wasting
that is common in the final stages of cancer and AIDS. The patient who inspired Dr
Truss to discover the antibiotic syndrome had cachexia due to Candida overgrowth.
The main cause of cachexia is clearly microbial overgrowth, and in particular
overgrowth with Candida and other fungi and mycoplasmas. These devastate the
immune system and are now polluting the whole body. This can only be reversed with
a concentrated program of anti-microbial therapy, such as alternating very high
doses of wormwood, olive leaf and pau d’arco, in addition to other remedies such
as raw garlic, Lugol’s solution, colloidal silver, oxygen therapy, electronic
blood purifier and magnetic pulser.
Nutritional Support
In addition to re-establishing a healthy intestinal flora, there are several
useful nutrients to improve cachexia, inflammatory bowel disease and the leaky gut
Taking the amino acid L-glutamine before meals helps to protect the cells of the
intestinal lining from damage. Glutamine provides energy and is also converted
into N-acetyl glucosamine, which is required for regenerating the intestinal wall.
The cells of the intestinal mucosa generally have a high rate of turnover, but
patients with inflammatory bowel disease have a turnover rate at least 3 times
higher than healthy individuals. N-acetyl glucosamine is also required for all
other cells in the body, it is a main component of cartilage, it holds individual
cells together, strengthens the immune system, and has anti-viral, anti-arthritic
and anti-cancer properties.
Those with inflammatory bowel disease cannot make sufficient N-acetyl glucosamine.
This deficiency leads to further intestinal damage including increased
permeability and leaky gut syndrome. Supplementing N-acetylglucosamine in addition
to glutamine can help heal the intestinal mucosa by supporting glycoprotein
synthesis. Try 1 to 3g of L-glutamine and N-acetylglucosamine before each meal.
Alkalizing minerals reduce the common overacidity and severity of allergic
reactions; magnesium, zinc, biotin, and multivitamins minimize existing deficiency
symptoms, selenium is essential for the immune system, and a teaspoon of slippery
elm powder in warm water before meals eases discomfort due to gastro-intestinal
inflammations. The amino acid L-carnitine helps to improve energy by channeling
fatty acids into cells.
Further nutritional support is provided by digestive enzymes with meals, high-
quality proteins (spirulina, chlorella, bee-pollen, barley or wheat grass juice or
powder), and plenty of fish oils mixed with lecithin. Because of possible fat
malabsorption fish oils, including halibut liver oil and other fat-soluble
nutrients such as Coenzyme Q10 may also be rubbed into sensitive areas of the
skin, for this you may use odorless fish oils. In addition retention enemas or
implants with wheat or barley grass juice or extracts of protein powders may be
used in advanced conditions.
Dr Orion Truss and other researchers found that much of the harm done by Candida
results from its metabolic waste product acetaldehyde. This is a common by-product
of sugar and alcoholic fermentation. It cannot easily be removed and therefore
accumulates in the brain, spinal cord, joints, muscles and tissues to affect the
metabolic, neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. It may, for instance,
interfere with the acetylcholine receptors in the brain and so cause mental and
neurological problems.
Acetaldehyde accumulating in tissue is thought to be responsible for muscle
weakness, irritation, and pain. Aldehydes are commonly used as fragrances in
perfumes. These are no made from flowers but from toxic chemicals and strongly
affect individuals with Candida. .
Molybdenum is a mineral that is needed to break down acetaldehyde into acetic
acid, which can then be used by the body to produce energy. Molybdenum also is
required for the sulfur metabolism. Individuals deficient in molybdenum tend to be
sensitive to sulfites as used to preserve wine and dried fruit. Additional
vitamins required to detoxify acetaldehyde are niacinamide and vitamin B2
(riboflavin), amounts in a B-complex tablet should be sufficient.
A common supplemental amount of molybdenum is 500 micrograms per day for at least
4 months or until symptoms have disappeared. A good diet should average about 100
mcg of molybdenum, the best food sources are legumes, green vegetables and liver.
Molybdenum in supplement form is somewhat difficult to obtain, and you may need to
search on the Internet.


The most common cause of autoimmune diseases and multiple allergies is an
overgrowth of the intestinal tract with pathogenic microbes, leading to a damaged
intestinal wall as in Leaky Gut Syndrome, allowing invasion of the bloodstream
with these microbes or their breakdown products. In addition other herds of
chronic infection, commonly in the jawbone from root canal fillings or remaining
after surgery, can also lead to autoimmune diseases.
Therefore the basic treatment for these conditions is the same as for Candida and
dysbiosis in general. However, the body frequently is extremely sensitive in these
conditions, and it is best to proceed slowly with any change of an established
stable diet and with increasing the amount of anti-microbial remedies.
Furthermore, it is most helpful to keep the intestinal tract low in microbes by
once or twice daily using psyllium (best with garlic or another anti-microbial) as
described in Chapter 5. The more microbes are in the tract, the more breakdown
products are absorbed, and the more pronounced will be pain, weakness and immune
reactions. Frequently cleaning out the intestinal tract with psyllium or a similar
fiber keeps problems to a minimum.
Another often recommended additive is Bentonite, powdered absorbent clay. This
helps to remove plaque or old coating from colon walls and also absorbs toxins.
One teaspoon of powdered or a tablespoon of liquid Bentonite may be added to the
psyllium, although I believe that it is more effective to drink a small glass of
water with Bentonite a few minutes before the psyllium.
In autoimmune diseases specific organs will be attacked according to the nature of
the invading microbes. Often these are mycoplasmas, mycobacteria or fungi not
showing up in conventional medical tests. Much of the damage to specific organs or
tissues comes from the attack by ‘abnormal’ T cells of the immune system. It has
now been shown that these can be disabled and the attack minimized with N-
acetylglucosamine, which is also commonly used for treatment of arthritis. Try one
teaspoon daily either with breakfast or divided with several meals.
In addition it will be helpful to treat attacked organs, joints or glands
directly, as with a magnetic pulser, rubbing anti-microbial agents into the skin
over the infected site, and pressing the related foot reflex. See your natural
therapist for additional methods.
While this anti-microbial program should be successful within about 2 months to
eliminate most problems due to Candia and other microbial and parasitic
infestations, this is not a permanent victory. From time to time we may again
experience a re-infestation due to external influences, especially when our
defenses are down.
In addition, Candida and many viruses leave spores and other dormant forms behind,
which may again become active and start to multiply when the conditions are right.
This may happen due to persistent overacidity, vitamin or mineral deficiencies,
emotional stress, accumulation of toxins as from drugs, pesticides or other
chemicals, chronic inflammation, dead teeth, a viral or bacterial infection or a
weakened immune system.
Therefore, to keep your Candida spores and any viruses dormant for good, you need
to adopt a permanently healthy lifestyle, for suggestions see TOWARDS RADIANT
HEALTH. Also frequently use lactic acid fermented foods, and repeat a shorter and
simplified version of this program once a year, and whenever you notice any re-
emergence of your original problems.

You do not need to be too concerned with diagnostic methods to establish whether
or not you have Candida. I recommend for anyone to have an anti-microbial cure
about once a year to keep the body free of Candida and other pathogenic microbes
and parasites.
When doing this for the first time or when you do have obvious Candida
overgrowth, then use the full sequence with Anti-Candida Diet, Intestinal
Sanitation and one to two months of Systemic Candida Therapy. If there is no
infection-related health problem then in subsequent years you may just use three
to four weeks of systemic anti-microbials in combination with probiotics.
The anti-Candida diet is low in simple carbohydrates and foods that tend to cause
allergies or food sensitivities. It also avoids foods that may contain molds or
Intestinal Sanitation consists of taking crushed garlic together with an Epsom
salts flush or with psyllium and sodium bicarbonate, followed 30 minutes later by
a large dose of probiotics.
During Systemic Candida Therapy you take a strong anti-microbial, such as olive
leaf or wormwood. Alternate these for 1 to 2 months in weekly rotations.
Preferably take pau d’arco, garlic, and other supportive anti-microbials in
Don't let the antibiotic syndrome creep up on you. Always try natural
alternatives in preference to antibiotics, but when they seem to be necessary,
supplement your treatment with natural fungicides and probiotics.


OVERCOMING CANDIDA is part of the Heal Yourself Series of self-help books. It is
intended to be used together with the first book in this series, TOWARDS RADIANT
HEALTH. This is a simple guide for the ten basic healing steps that form the
foundation for any successful attempt to overcome a specific disease and attain
lasting health. Other books in this series are OVERCOMING ARTHRITIS, OVERCOMING
Disclaimer: The aim of this book is to provide information on using natural
healing methods to improve health and overcome illness. The author or publisher
cannot accept any legal responsibility for any problem arising from experimenting
with these methods. For any serious disease, or if you are unsure about a
particular course of action, seek the help of a competent health professional.

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