8th Grade Math Syllabus

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8th Grade Math Syllabus

Mrs. Kirschten
Baker Junior High
Welcome to the start of a new school year! This year, students will be studying
mathematics from the Big Ideas Math Program. The curriculum is standards based may be
accessed at www.bigideasmath.com . I am very excited about this new curriculum and its
potential for helping students build strong mathematical skills and knowledge. The
resources available to students are significant and can be especially helpful in the case of
an absence or even a student forgetting what to do. I am looking forward to a successful
year for all of our students.
Supplies Needed
Textbook: Students will be issued a textbook. The book should be covered and
kept covered throughout the year.
Composition Notebook: I purchased a supply of these at Walmart for .50 each.
Students can bring their own or purchase one from me.
Pencils: Students are expected to math work in pencil ONLY.
Correcting Pens: Red is suggested but colored pens will work.
Paper: A notebook which is used for math ONLY is recommended. Some students
prefer a notebook which has graph paper in it as they work well for math.
Calculator, ruler, compass and protractors will be used for part of the year.

Students will be given notice when these supplies are needed .

Absences and Makeup Work

In the case of an absence, students will be required to make up any work missed. When
students return to class, there is a file folder as they walk into the room and they will find
the previous days work in the folder for their class period. Students will be given one day
for every day absent in which to turn in his/her work. On the first day an assignment is
late, students will be given a grade deduction. As of the second day, the assignment will
be given a score of zero. If late assignments become a habit for any student, the student
will be required to spend time after school for homework assistance.

Classroom communication
I have created a website/blog which will serve as a communication tool for parents,
students and me. I am hoping to have all lesson plans posted here as well as other

school tidbits which I feel are important to share with parents and students. The
website address is: http://dkirschten.weebly.com .

Grading Summary
Math Interactive Notebooks (weekly 5 points)
Composition notebooks will be kept and used for notes, foldables and other
interactive activities which we will do in class. These Notebooks should be kept
daily and used for students to refer to for quizzes and tests. They may also be
used as a reference tool for examples to help complete daily work.
I will use a rubric to grade these notebooks. (Attached)
Homework (5 points possible for each homework assignment)
Homework assignments offer students opportunity to think about problems more in
depth and practice the problems we have discussed. Homework assignments are
very important and ensure the success of each student.
Rubric attached.
Quizzes (Points vary)
Quizzes will be given several times a week. The quizzes will be based on the
homework and assignment from the day/days previous.
At the end of each chapter a test will be given. This serves as an opportunity for
students to show what they have learned from the whol unit. Points will be
assigned based on the amount of work asked to solve each problem Not all
problems are awarded the same number of points.
Grades will be based on total points earned out of total points possible. We are
using a new grade program this year called Infinite Campus. Parents and
students will have access to their grades daily. I will update the gradebook each
Grading scale:
A: 90-100
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60

F: Below 60
Math Notebook Guidelines
Math Notebook: Students will be required to have a separate composition book
for math only. This is in addition to a notebook with paper to use for daily
assignments. NO pages may be torn from the composition book.
The math notebook will include the following parts:
1. Notes
2. Vocabulary
3. Foldables
4. Activities
5. Examples of daily work
Notebooks will be collected periodically at unannounced times. Students will be
given a grade for keeping their notebook up to date and organized. These
notebooks will be used and referred to at parent conferences.

Grading Rubrics
Journal Grading Sheet

Effectively communicates thoughts

Uses appropriate vocabulary
Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems
Journal is well organized and the entries are labeled and dated.

Effective in communicating your thoughts most of the time

Uses appropriate vocabulary some of the time
Uses some different strategies when solving problems
Journal is fairly well organized and entries are labeled and dated

Attempt to communicate thoughts but entries are unclear at times

Uses some appropriate vocabulary
More strategies are needed in solving problems
Journal needs to be organized with the entries labeled and dated

Please see me

Homework Grading Rubric


All problems completed correctly

All problems completed; most work done correctly
Most problems attempted, some given wrong answers or incomplete
Only half done, most work wrong or incomplete
Incomplete and incorrect
No work.

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