Observation Report: TESOL Certificate Programs

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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report
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Name of Observer Fifi


Observation Environment


Extension Center
RM 132

(include URL if the class

was online)

Observation # 3


Focus on relevant areas from the What Can Be Observed handout. Notice how the
teacher handles these areas during the class.
Notes while observing:

Last Updated: 8/6/2015 19:07 a8/p8

Warm up:
1. T welcomes observer, and asks Ss"How are you today"
2. T reviews yesterday knowledge, and asks Ss some points yesterday they learned.
1. Continue yesterday. Gerunds and Infinitives.

(Stop to do & stop doing)

2. Handout is Gerunds and Infinitives.

3. T using daily life presents examples, writing on the board.
4. T guides Ss to speak answer.
5. "Remember" + infinitive. T teaches negative expressions. T finds verb in sentence,
and tells Ss which action happens first. T gives definition and example.
6. Group discussing. "what do you always remember to do?" group works by Ss to
produce T just taught.
7. "Remember" + gerund. T gives the presentation. T gives definition and example.
8. "what games do you remember?" group work by Ss to produce T just taught.
9. "forget" + infinitive. T gives the presentation. T gives definition and example.
10. "what do you forget to do?" group work by Ss to produce T just taught.
11. forget + gerund and negative expression present by T. T gives definition and
12. "what movie can you never forget seeing?" group work by Ss to produce T just
13. regret + infinitive. Find verb in sentence, which one goes first. T gives presentation.
T gives definition and example.
14. "what news would you regret to tell you family?" group work by Ss to produce T just
15. Regret + gerund. Find verb in sentence, which one goes first. T gives presentation. T
gives definition and example.
16. "what do you regret buying?" group work by Ss to produce T just taught.
17. try + infinitive. Find verb in sentence, which one goes first. T gives presentation. T
gives definition and example.

18. try + gerund. Find verb in sentence, which one goes first. T gives presentation. T
gives definition and example.
Wrap up:
1. Practice is given to Ss to be homework. (Meaningful-focus output do in Ss home.)

What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson? Discuss your
observation focus, and the theory you have studied in your TESOL classes. Consider
the three levels of teacher reflection (surface, pedagogical, critical). (100-200 words)
T compares 2 form and gives definition to Ss, asking Ss to make sentences for each form.
T uses mechanical practice and functional explanation for reinforce knowledge, which is
useful and effective. T guides Ss to speak their answer and controls class time very well.
Ss can practice more by themselves and produce in writing. However, in the class, I can't
identified the clear boundary for Presentation and Practice, because T seems mixed them
together. After each little presentation, T asks Ss to practice.

What activities/techniques from this class do you want to remember for your own
teaching practice? Discuss specific ways in which you could apply the techniques and
methods you saw. Discuss your future teaching environment and your students needs
and goals. (100-200 words)
Functional explanation is difficult to deliver to Ss, because it is easier to confuse Ss.
However, functional explanation have to put into grammar explanation. Ss will
distinguish each form in meaningful practice or communicative practice. Then Ss will
produce in writing. In my class, I will combine two part which is Presentation and
Practice together. This mixing approach seems better than T present whole class then Ss
practice by themselves. A little by little to produce to Ss is more effective to Ss, T can
check the comprehension of each point of knowledge. In the future, I hope I can help my

Ss to go through all grammar points and practice by producing a little passage of their
stories which can be their own life experience or imagination.

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