The Contemporary Condition of The Philippines

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The Contemporary condition of

the Philippines

Submitted to:

Mrs. Castro

Submitted by:

Nepomuceno, Amelia Leona M.

Bolong, Apoll Laiza L.

Evangelista, Keslynn U.

Lee, Christian Rafael C.

Stawicki, Rhia Mae Alexandra


February 23,2010

Moral Theology started and was made from the experience of

human beings. Through the current condition of the country where one lives, we
can see what a person is going through in his/her life.

Result of the PCP II Survey

 Last 1991, the second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II) stated
through the use of national survey, that the status of the Philippines is
obviously of extreme poverty and lack of peace and order. The people chose
from the 13 issues chosen by the PCP II which affected them the most, 7
issues appeared to be the major problems that affected them.

 Ranked based on the survey:

1st – Ecology 6th – Lack of Spirituality

2nd – Graft and Corruption 7th - Injustice

3rd – Poor Economy

4th – Crime

5th – Overpopulation


The increasing number of the poor in our country is considered to be

the worst situation in the lives of Filipinos. Philippines is branded to be “one
among the middle income countries with the most unequal distributions”
because of the number of the rich or the people in the upper class compared
to those in the lower class.

Also, according to the Second Plenary Council, the abnormal status of

the Economy of the Philippines is because of: oligarchy, improper economic
rules, increasing number of population, tax system, national debt and
destruction of the nature.
Consequences of poor economy

Because of the severe imbalance in our economy, youngsters are

forced to do “flesh trade”, babies are dying because of poverty, and families
living on provinces migrate to the city just to suffer.

There are some people who doesn’t have job because of less job opportunity,
there are kids on the street who are homeless, and others are working
overseas just to have job even though they are

Government Programs

Despite of our severe poverty, there are government programs that

help us for us not to lose hope in being successful. Programs such as
cooperatives, Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program [CARP], seminars
provided by the NGO’s and the Church sector.

Presently, these government programs are already diminishing. This serves

as a challenge to all of us on how are we going to maintain and continue these
wonderful programs for the benefit of the lives of every Filipinos.


Our government is governed by wealth and power. It operates for the

common good of the people.

Common good – it is a condition wherein the needs of the majority is


Teachings of the 2nd Plenary Council:

1. To aim for the common good

2. To preserve justice

3. Spirit of service

4. Love for the needy

5. Practice democratic rights

The following were advices of the PCP II to those who would like to enter the field
of politics.


The Filipino culture is considered as pluralist by the Second Plenary

Council .

 CULTURAL PLURALISM - term used when smaller groups within a

larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, and whose
values and practices are accepted by the wider culture.

Though considered pluralist, the Filipino culture still has its own culture as a
whole. A culture in which its values give a great importance on family life, on
power and on the respect of the elders.

But due to the presence of different cultural groups, the overall point of
view in life vanished since each group have their own perception on what they
need to do.

Most of the problems in our country are rooted on our culture which gives us
the wrong signs and encourages the wrong kinds of values.

Cultural Practices


 This attitude, loosely translated into English as 'fatalistic

passiveness', actually describes the Filipino way of life.

 It means evasion from responsibility and the totality of a decision and

choosing without considering the consequences.


 This gives a greater consideration on who are the people that a person
know than the skills that a person have.

 This attitude gives a greater importance on our personal interaction

without considering the just and formal rules of our values.


 Norm of reciprocity. Filipinos are expected by their neighbors to

return favors-—whether these were asked for or not—-when it is
needed or wanted.


 This is the source of the formation of political dynasties and


Positive cultural practices


People in the barangay help one another without expecting for

payment in return.

Faith in God

People celebrates the holy eucharist together with their family, take
the holy communion,etc.


The status of education in the Philippines is widely affected by different

aspects such as demography, ecology, politics, economy and culture. These aspects
are also affected by what education brings. Our education has its defects because
of the severe poverty, corruption and crimes. On the other hand, many Filipinos are
poor and victims of injustice because of being an uneducated.

 In our country there are two types of education, the formal and informal. In
informal education, the family has given more contribution to the life and
personality of the person. The act of giving respect to the elders and being
religious are the examples of values that we can get from our family. As a
person grows old, peers and media also influences him in his perceptions in
life. The church has also a big factor in the development of a person, it is
because Philippines is a catholic country.

 The formal education in our country has three stages: pre-school,

elementary, secondary and tertiary. In these different education levels,
catholic education has a big part.

Over 400 years, Catholic schools has a big role in implementing education
with quality. Most of our leaders were graduated from catholic schools. Some of
the known catholic schools in our country are the following: UST, Ateneo de
Manila, De La Salle University, San Beda, Letran and Centro Escolar University.


The church and its people

Even in the most drastic situations in life, Christian people still find their
time and space to pray. They always turn to God when they feel like there is no

The following are the contemporary truths of our Catholic Church:

Members of the Church

Dioceses and other church teritories: 76

Archbishop/Bishop: 122

Parochials: 2,192

Priests ( religious and diocesan): 5,600

Catholics held by each priest (normal): 14,716

Lack of church leaders specially priests


1. An increase to the population of other religious sects. (Born Again

Christians, Iglesia ni Kristo, Seventh Day Adventist, Methodists, etc.)

-they give effort in encouraging people to join their group

2. An increasing number of nominal Catholics

-nominal catholic means that a person who was baptized as Catholic only
bears the title but does not practice the traditions of the group

- the unequal ratio of priests and christian followers. If the normal ratio is
1:10, in this case it is only 1:8.

Faith in the Church

 the church takes part in forming close family ties.

 the church reveals to its people that there is hope even in the most drastic

Awareness of the Filipinos

Pastoral letters of the Bishop

– Informs the people about the current events that transpire in the
catholic church

– This proves that the people not only aim to be informed but to take
part in the church activities aswell.

Change in Ideology

Questions about faith and ideology was made known to people, for them to
accept the ideas in the present world.

Spiritualities with strong advocacies were successful in establishing their


e.g. couples for Christ, kids for Christ, youth for Christ, etc.
Division of Wealth Among People

90% - cannot provide their daily needs regularly

9% - the average ones that can provide their needs

1% - over consumers who still have the means for luxury

This result implies that there is unequal distribution of wealth in our country
and it shows that, as the rich people become richer, the poor ones become the
poorest of the poor.

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