4 2 It Has Not Been Taught Until It Has Been Learned
4 2 It Has Not Been Taught Until It Has Been Learned
4 2 It Has Not Been Taught Until It Has Been Learned
It has not been taught until it has been learned. So, the real question is how do we know when ALL
students in our class have learned the concept or skill?
We would like to think that we are all amazing teachers and our entire class understands what we are
teaching but I think that many teachers have a calendar they follow and try to reach each deadline
instead. There is a misconception that when we think the majority of the class understands the concept
that we can move forward. Some students are really self-sufficient and can grasp the concepts and can
self-teach themselves even further with little support. Where there are students who need a little more one
on one support. I am guilty of moving on when I have done different forms of assessment and the majority
of the class does understand the concept or learning goal. There are many reasons why we feel we cant
wait for all students: classroom sizes, time, students are educated based on age and not ability, having
open level classes with all types of learners, just to mention a few. We have to remember that we have a
class full of all different types of learners with different strengths and abilities. The best thing we can do is
to offer extra support for those students who don't understand. Isnt that what our lunch break is for
According to The Center for Educational Effectiveness there are numerous practices teachers can
incorporate into their unit and lesson planning which will allow ample opportunity for all students to be
active and successful in their learning. There are 6 main practices:
Practice 1
The teacher designs effective, standards-based instruction.
Practice 2
The teacher delivers high-quality, student-centered instruction.
Practice 3
The teacher promotes high levels of student engagement.
Practice 4
The teacher uses assessment for student learning.
Practice 5
The teacher uses a positive behaviour management strategy.
Practice 6
There is clear evidence that students are learning.
Obviously all-6 practices need to be in place for a strong framework for a lesson or unit and to reach high
students achievement however, I would like to focus on Practice 3. In this practice the teachers engages
students within creating an environment where they feel safe and promotes a high level of student
involvement in their learning. The following are attributes to achieving this practice.
1. Students demonstrate understanding the objectives of the lesson and the
goals of the unit of instruction
Good practice is to visually display the lesson learning goals for the class on the board (or any
place in the class)
Put the curriculum expectations in a language that students can understand
Ask the students how and when they can use the skill being learned
2. Students are engaged in rigorous and relevant learning,90-100%ofthe period
Using a 3-part lesson plan
Creating lessons with differentiated instruction
Students to be engaged at all levels
Reaching all learners
Working independently and with groups
3. Students demonstrate their learning through various modes of communication, e.g. speaking,
writing, producing
Differentiated instruction
Assessment formats and feedback
Reaching all learners
4. The lesson utilizes instructional materials and resources suitable to the goals and objectives of the
lesson, and engaging to the students
End the lesson with exit cards
Have students connect the hands-on/minds-on activity with the learning goal
The most important thing to do when creating a lesson/unit is to have the students engaged and
interested in the lesson. If they are engaged they will want to learn and have fun doing it.
The Center for Educational Effectiveness, Inc. 2007 www.effectiveness.org