Podcast Script
Podcast Script
Podcast Script
Aria Bailey
Bellarmine University
For this assignment, I created a lesson for a specific student-centered use of a podcast. This
assignment builds on my previous wiki lesson and teaches students how to make use of podcasts
in editing and presenting their work.
Standards addressed
Grade level
3-5 40 minute class periods, depending on students' need for teacher support.
Paper and pencil (for those students who prefer to edit this way)
Word processing software (for those students who prefer to edit on the computer)
- Ask students to read a teacher created informational passage on their wiki above their
reading level. (2-5 min)
- In pairs students talk about what things make it difficult for them to understand the passage
(e.g., the words are too hard to sound out.) and have students brainstorm how to make the
material accessible. (2 min)
- With guidance toward the idea of podcasting, create a brainstorming map using bubbl.us. (5
- After brainstorming, play podcast created by their teacher. The podcast will be based on a
passage the teacher has included on their wiki. (3 min)
- Students discuss with each other things they liked about listening to the podcast. With
guidance and support from instructor, students will make a list of things they heard in the reading
that helped them understand what was being read (e.g., intonation, fluency, pauses at
punctuation). (5 min)
- Through repeated readings, students gain fluency with materials they have written for their
wiki. (10 to 30 minutes over 1 to 3 days depending on student needs)
Introduce Audacity
- Demonstrate the use of Audacity to students for the purpose of creating their own podcast (10
- Give students time to play with the technology before recording their pieces. (5-10 min)
- Students record a podcast of themselves reading the material they created for the class wiki,
continuing to edit written material and the podcast itself as needed based on their own and their
partner's review of the podcast. (10 to 30 minutes over 1 to 3 days depending on student needs)
- Students upload their recordings to the appropriate places on their wiki (i.e., the podcast will
be linked to the text it covers). (1-10 min)
Students will be peer assessed on prosody and podcast quality using a student-friendly checklist.
They will also be teacher assessed using a more complex rubric that includes more detailed
elements of fluency and language mechanics.
An example of task completion is presented to the students at the beginning of the lesson.
Students will have access to a scribe and reader as necessary and according to their PSPs.