Hutan Pantai
Hutan Pantai
Hutan Pantai
Hutan adalah bentuk kehidupan yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Kita dapat menemukan
hutan baik di daerah tropis maupun daerah beriklim dingin, di dataran rendah maupun
di pegunungan, di pulau kecil maupun di benua besar.
Hutan pantai adalah hutan yang tumbuh di muara sungai, daerah pasang surut atau tepi
laut. Tumbuhan pantai bersifat unik karena merupakan gabungan dari ciri-ciri tumbuhan yang
hidup di darat dan di laut. Umumnya mempunyai sistem perakaran yang menonjol yang disebut
akar nafas (pneumatofor). Sistem perakaran ini merupakan suatu cara adaptasi terhadap keadaan
tanah yang miskin oksigen atau bahkan anaerob.
Hutan pantai terdapat sepanjang pantai yang kering, berpasir, dan tidak landai, seperti di
pantai selatan Jawa. Spesies pohonnya seperti ketapang (Terminalia catappa), waru (Hibiscus
tiliaceus), cemara laut (Casuarina equisetifolia), dan pandan (Pandanus tectorius).
Baluran National Park has a typical monsoon climate with a long dry season. It is
of type F in the Schmidt and Ferguson system ofclimate classification. The
temperature varies between 27,2C and 30,9C, humidity averages 77%, wind
velocity averages 7 knots and the wind direction is influenced by a strong southeast wind. The rainy season lasts from November to April and the dry season
from April to October. The highest rainfall is in December and January, subject to
global conditions.[citation needed]
and geology
Most of the soils in the national park are volcanic, derived from
weathered basalt, volcanic ash, and intermediary volcanic rock. These soils are
rich in minerals but poor in organic material, and have high chemical but low
physical fertility. Most of these soils are very porous and do not retain water well.
Black soils, on which most of the savannas are found, are highly erodible and
very muddy in wet seasons, but form deep cracks (a few centimetres wide and
sometimes more than 80 cm deep) in dry seasons. Many stream beds only
contain water in the wet season, because much water seeps through the very
porous volcanic soils until it reaches the hardened underground lava streams.
[citation needed]
Marine soils are limited to some areas near the coast on the salt flats and in the
mangrove swamps.[citation needed]
Baluran National Park has a radial water system. The Kacip river flows from
the caldera to Labuhan Merak beach. The Klokoran and Bajulmati rivers form the
western and southern borders of the park. Many stream beds form in the short
wet season, but the water is absorbed in great quantity by the very porous
volcanic ash, and after it reaches the hardened underground lava it comes to the
surface in form of springs in coastal areas (Popongan, Kelor, Bama, Mesigit,
Bilik, Gatel, Semiang and Kepuh), in downhill areas (Talpat spring), in Air Tawar
Bay and on the Sedano peninsula. In wet seasons the black soils are least
permeable, and water then flows on the surface, forming many pools, particularly
in the southern area from Talpat to Bama. In the long dry periods, those pools are
often dry.[citation needed]
Coastal Baluran consists of black sand, small black coast stone, or rock bevel,
depending on the area. The coastal vegetation is formed of Barringtonia, which
grows between Pandean and Tanjung Candibang and in Labuhan
Merak, Pandanus tectorius in Tanjung Bendi, Pemphis acidula in Air
Karang, Acrophora, Porites lutea, Serioptophora histerix and Stylophoraspecies.
[citation needed]
Typical Coast Belt Forest (Al a), Transitional Coastal
Forest (Al c), Dune Forest (Al d), Alexandria Forest
(A2); Tongoland-Pondoland Undifferentiated Forest.
947 km; 43% transformed; 9.51 % conserved.
Locality & Physical Geography:
Confined to a narrow belt of the high dunes with Dune Forest, more often on the
leeward side. This type is best developed in the Alexandria region and locally in
protected areas, such as Kei Mouth and in the eastern Eastern Cape.
Coastal Forest develops where rainfall is usually greater than 700 mm per year, and is
more prevalent in summerrainfall regions. Temperatures are never extreme due to the
moderating maritime influence and species distributions may be limited in the south
by the colder climates. For example, Natal Wild Banana Strelitzia nicolai is a common
tree in the forest as far south as East London. Apart from rainfall and temperature,
important environmental parameters are wind and salt spray. The tall trees may be
severely "pruned" by high winds and salt damage and this restricts the distribution of
forest on exposed dunes, especially along the Eastern Cape coast.
Geology & Soil:
The vegetation develops on deep consolidated calcareous sands and there is generally
little soil development. An orthic A horizon generally overlies regic sand giving a
Fernwood soil form. Soils are generally alkaline and mediumto coarse-grained.
The flora has Tongoland-Pondoland and Afromontane affinities, although the former
are generally stronger. Common species include Coast Red Milkwood Mimusops
caffra, Natal Guarri Euclea natalensis,Cape Plane Ochna arborea, Apodytes
dimidiata, Cassine aethiopica, Sideroxylon inerme, Combretum kraussii, Tricalysia
lanceolata, Buxus macowanii, Millettia grandis, Heywoodia lucens, Protorhus
longifolia, Bequaertiodendron natalense, Drypetes spp. and Strychnos spp. Shrubs
and scramblers may be particularly important in Coastal Forest, common species
being: Cat-thorn Scutia myrtina, Wild Caperbush Capparis sepiaria var. citrifolia,
Numnum Carissa bispinosa, Grewia occidentalis, Cynanchum spp. and Dracaena
hookeriana. Plants of the forest floor include Durban Grass Dactyloctenium
australe, many Acanthaceae spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus albostriatus, and
Achyranthes aspera. In its best-developed form it has trees up to 30 m tall and distinct
strata of trees, shrubs and herbs.
Key Environmental Parameters:
The higher rainfall and more stable climate allow a richer forest than that of
Afromontane Forest. Dune Thicket is found in more exposed situations, and reaches
forest proportions only in sheltered areas, such as behind dunes. Dune Thicket differs
from Dune Forest in being much lower and having no distinct strata.
Economic Uses:
Trees are utilized mainly for firewood and structural timber. Many species are used for
Conservation Status:
Coastal Forest is well-conserved in some reserves in KwaZuiu-Natal and Eastern
Cape. The main threat is due to holiday resort expansion along parts of the coastline,
dune mining in some limited localities, and the use of firewood, building materials
and muti plants in rural regions.
Hutan Pantai
wilayah sekitar 25.000 ha dan terdiri dari lima zona, yaitu Zona Utama
seluas 12.000 ha, Zona Rimba seluas 5.537 ha (daratan 1.063 ha dan air
4.574 ha), Zona Pemanfaatan Intensif seluas 800 ha, Zona Pemanfaatan
Khusus seluas 5.780 ha dan Zona Rehabilitasi seluas 783 ha.
Taman ini didominasi oleh hutan dan vegetasi savana. Garis pantai terbentuk
oleh semenanjung karang terjal dan teluk. Di sekitar pantai adalah daerah
batu karang, gumuk pasir, dan lumpur. Semenanjung ini tertutup oleh hutan
mangrove, sedangkan bagian lain dari garis pantai tertutup oleh hutan rawa.
Gunung Baluran yang terletak di tengah taman nasional ini dikelilingi dengan
dataran rendah dan hutan monsoon dataran tinggi.
Sekitar tahun 1928, seorang pemburu Belanda bernama AH Loedeboer
memiliki area konsesi perkebunan di Labuhan Merak dan Gunung Mesigit.
Dia menyadari bahwa Baluran memiliki peranan yang penting bagi
konservasi satwa herbivora besar. Pada tahun 1930, K.W. Dammerman
selaku direktur Kebun Raya Bogor mengusulkan bahwa wilayah Baluran
sebaiknya dijadikan sebagai hutan lindung.
Mayoritas tanah di semua taman nasional sekitar gunung berapi berasal dari
cuaca basal, abu vulkanik, dan batuan vulkanik. Tanah di sini kaya akan
mineral tetapi miskin bahan organik, dan memiliki kimia yang tinggi tetapi
kesuburan fisik sangat rendah. Sebagian besar tanah berpori kasar dan tidak
bisa menyimpan air dengan baik. Sebagian besar wilayah sabana terdiri dari
tanah hitam sangat lengket dan berlumpur ketika musim hujan.
Kemudian pada saat musim kemarau akan membentuk retakan tanah yang
lebar sedalam beberapa sentimeter dan terkadang bisa lebih dari 80 cm
dalamnya. Banyak terdapat genangan air dangkal yang hanya bisa terisi air
ketika pada waktu musim hujan saja karena air meresap dengan cepat ke
dalam tanah vulkanik yang sangat berpori hingga menembus aliran lava
yang telah mengeras di bawah tanah.
Tanah laut hanya terdapat pada beberapa daerah dekat pantai di dataran
asin dan di rawa-rawa bakau saja.
Taman Nasional Baluran memiliki sistem air radial. Sungai Kacip mengalir
dari kaldera ke Labuhan Pantai Merak. Sungai Klokoran dan Bajulmati
membentuk perbatasan barat dan selatan taman nasional ini. Genangan air
yang dangkal banyak terbentuk disaat musim hujan, tapi air terserap ke
dalam tanah dalam jumlah besar oleh abu vulkanik yang sangat berpori
hingga mencapai lapisan lava yang mengeras di bawah tanah dan akan
menyembul lagi ke permukaan dalam bentuk sumber mata air tawar di
wilayah pesisir seperti Popongan, Kelor, Bama, Mesigit, Bilik, Gatel, Semiang
dan Kepuh dan di semenanjung Sedano.
Pada musim hujan, tanah hitam akan menjadi lumpur dan kemudian air
akan mengalir di permukaan membentuk kolam, khususnya di daerah
selatan mulai dari Talpat hingga ke Bama. Ketika musim kemarau yang
panjang tiba, kolam-kolam air ini akan mengalami kekeringan.