Nirvana Shatkam
Nirvana Shatkam
Nirvana Shatkam
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Manobuddhyahakra chittni nhana cha rotrajihve na cha ghranetrena
cha vyoma
bhmir na tejo na vyuchidnandarpa ivo'ham ivo'ham.
(I am not the mind, Intelligence, sense of 'I' (aham karta iti ahamkara),
anthakarna (Conditioned consciousness). I am not the sense organs (ears,
tongue, nose, eyes and skin). I am not the pancha bhutas (five elements viz., sky
or ether, earth, light or fire, the wind and the water). I am "Shiva"
(SatChitAnanda) beyond all these.)
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Na ca praasajo na vai pacavyu na v saptadhtur na v pacakoa na
vkpipda na copasthapyu
cidnandarpa ivo'ham ivo'ham.
(I am neither the vital energy nor pancha vayu (vital airs viz., prana, vyana,
apana, samana, udana) I am not the saptha dhatu (seven essential elements
viz., Rasa=lymph, Rakta=blood, Mamsa=Muscles, Medha=Fat, Asthi=bone,
Majja=Marrow, Shukra=Semen). I am not the Panchakosha (five sheaths
covering the true self Viz., Annamaya=Gross body, Pranamaya=Vital energy,
Manomaya=Mind sheath, Vijnanamaya=Intellect, Anandamaya=Bliss sheath).I
am not the Karmendriyas (Motor organs viz., speech, hands, legs, organs of
procreation and the elimination). I am Shiva" (SatChitAnanda) beyond all these.)
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Na me dveargau na me lobhamohau mado naiva me naiva mtsaryabhva na
dharmo na crtho na kmo na moka cidnandarpa ivo'ham ivo'ham.
(I have no hatred or dislike, neither greed nor liking, no delusion. I have no pride
or haughtiness, nor jealousy. I am beyond four purusharthas (human goals viz.,
Dharma=righteousness, Artha= Prosperity, Kama=Desire, Moksha=Liberation). I
am "Shiva" (SatChitAnanda) beyond all these).
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Na puya na ppa na saukhya na dukhya na mantro na trtha na ved
na yaja
aha bhojana naiva bhojya na bhokt cidnandarpa ivo'ham ivo'ham.
(I am beyond virtue, vice, pleasure, pain, mantras (sacred chants), pilgrimages,
scriptures (Vedas) and rituals or sacrifices (yajnas). I am neither the enjoyed nor
the enjoyer, nor enjoyment. I am "Shiva" (SatChitAnanda) beyond all these).
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