Et 347 Instructional Game

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Name: Susan Goede

Developing an Instructional Game

50 points

Now that you have researched and evaluated instructional games and determined what criteria
are most important, you will use that knowledge to develop a game.
Review: What criteria do you feel are most important when developing an instructional game?
1. Educational
2. Help to reach IEP goals/objectives
3. Correlate with content standards
4. Engaging/fun
Process: You will approach the development of the game as an instructional designer. You must
think of your objectives, correlating standards, TPACK, and more.
TRY to think OUTSIDE the BOX!
Game ideas:
Richard Byrne
EdTech Dowloads

ClassTools Templates

PowerPoint Templates

Quizlet Mission MapQuest

Google for more or use something you know.
Respond to each prompt:
1. On what content area and topic will you focus?
I am focusing on 7th grade Social Studies with history, geography and economics.
2. On which standards will you focus?
Standard: 1. History
Extended Evidence Outcomes
Identify significant artifacts related to ancient civilizations of the Eastern Hemisphere
(e.g. chariot, toga, Parthenon, pyramids, etc.).
Standard: 2. Geography
Extended Evidence Outcomes
Determine what environmental resources influence settlement in different areas in one
region in the Eastern Hemisphere (i.e. water, food, shelter).
Standard: 3. Economics

Extended Evidence Outcomes

Identify goods or resources obtained from other countries.
3. Write an appropriate objective.
Students will identify specific features of Chinese Inventions, Greek Clothing, Sudan, and The
Silk Road by selecting 4 sub-topics, while doing a quiz game, until the game is completed.
4. Create an outline, story board, or summary of your game idea(s). What will you use to
create your game? What are the themes or concepts? What do you hope the final product
will look like?
I will use to develop a connect four game for 7 th grade social studies special
education students. The theme revolves around topics that were studied in social studies class
throughout the semester. The final product will look like a 4x4 chart with different concept
words. These words will be put together in a row to conclude what the theme of the row is. This
game could be used as an evaluation to see what the students learned within each lesson.
Make your outline here:

Basic elements:
A minimum of 10 questions
or prompts (or equivalent)


Objective(s) and goals


Now go and create your game! After creating the game, return to this document and use the
rubric below to complete a self-evaluation.

Rubric: We will utilize a slightly adjusted rubric from California State University, Sacramento to
self-evaluate and the instructor will utilize this rubric as a reference for evaluation and grading.
I did my self-evaluation and I came up with 48 points. I believe my game touched on all aspects, but I
was not sure about the interaction section. Students can play this game by themselves for an evaluation
for a teacher. Students can also play this game in pairs as a whole class project. It could be put up on
the smart board for an interactive game for the entire class. I believe I should have put a 5 in the
interactive section.

Copy paste your game link here:

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