Ee 303 3
Ee 303 3
Ee 303 3
Thevenins Theorem: Thevenins theorem states that any two output
terminals of an active linear network containing independent sources can be
replaced by a simple voltage source of magnitude in series with a single
resistor .
The procedure for applying Thevenins theorem
To find a current IL through the load resistance RL using Thevenins
theorem, the following steps are followed:
Step-4: Look backward into the resulting circuit from the load terminals (
A&B ) , as
suggested by the eye in fig.L.8.2(c). Calculate the resistance that would
exist between the
load terminals ( or equivalently one can think as if a voltage source is
applied across the
load terminals and then trace the current distribution through the circuit
(fig.8.2 (c)) in
order to calculate the resistance across the load terminals.) The resistance R
Th is
described in the statement of Thevenins theorem. Once again, calculating
this resistance
may be a difficult task but one can try to use the standard circuit reduction